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How to Meditate

How to Meditate

Why Self-Compassion Trumps Self-Esteem In this incredibly competitive society of ours, how many of us truly feel good about ourselves? I remember once, as a freshman in college, after spending hours getting ready for a big party, I complained to my boyfriend that my hair, makeup, and outfit were woefully inadequate. He tried to reassure me by saying, “Don’t worry, you look fine.” Juan Estey “Fine? The desire to feel special is understandable. Not very well. How can we grow if we can’t acknowledge our own weaknesses? Continually feeding our need for positive self-evaluation is a bit like stuffing ourselves with candy. The result is often devastating. And of course, the goalposts for what counts as “good enough” seem always to remain out of reach. Another way So what’s the answer? When I first came across the idea of “self-compassion,” it changed my life almost immediately. I remember talking to my new fiancé, Rupert, who joined me for the weekly Buddhist group meetings, and shaking my head in amazement. An island of calm

Women’s Body Image Woes It’s documented that a portion of the population suffers from low self-esteem and body image issues. Some of those individuals may be willing to make significant sacrifices to obtain the “ideal body,” suggests The Succeed Foundation Body Image Survey, which included 320 women from 20 British universities. The women ranged in age from 18 to 65, with an average age of 24.5 years. The data revealed that 30% of respondents would trade at least 1 year of life to achieve ideal body weight and shape. More than 10% of them would be willing to deduct nearly $8,300 from their annual salary. The dissatisfaction may not be a surprise, considering that nearly 50% of the respondents admitted to having been bullied or ridiculed about their appearance and 93% recalled having negative thoughts about their appearance during the week prior to the survey. Do you find yourself experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction when looking in the mirror? Focus on Inches and Circumference.

Two New Principles of Applied Improvisation - The Applied Improvisation Network Is it possible that there are some principles of applied improvisation that we have overlooked? Have we cast these current model in stone and is there space to play with improvisation itself? Read on... Over the last twenty years, I've been involved in improvisation in a range of different fields. The Upstairs Theatre's play-in-a-day concept looked at how we can quickly flow from conception to live public performance. My work in the field of applied improvisation led to the creation of many new improvisation activities. Also working with Conscious Business UK and the Open Space community has allowed me to explore notions of presence and emergence. It's been through working in both the fields of theatre and organisational facilitation that I've come to identify some potential new principles of applied improvisation. The first, which I've shared elsewhere is the principle of improvisation as resonance. Often there is an alternation between self-originated action, and other-inspired action.

Surviving Whole Foods | Kelly MacLean Whole Foods is like Vegas. You go there to feel good but you leave broke, disoriented, and with the newfound knowledge that you have a vaginal disease. Unlike Vegas, Whole Foods’ clientele are all about mindfulness and compassion... until they get to the parking lot. As the great, sliding glass doors part I am immediately smacked in the face by a wall of cool, moist air that smells of strawberries and orchids. The first thing I see is the great wall of kombucha — 42 different kinds of rotten tea. Next I see the gluten-free section filled with crackers and bread made from various wheat-substitutes such as cardboard and sawdust. Next I approach the beauty aisle. I grab a handful of peanut butter pretzels on my way out of this stupid aisle. Next I come to the vitamin aisle which is a danger zone for any broke hypochondriac. I move on to the next aisle and ask the nearest Whole Foods clerk for help. I pass the table where the guy invites me to join a group cleanse he’s leading.
