Cygwin Web Hosting Services: All-inclusive website hosting package, Free blog and CMS, Free domain, top customer care. SiteGround - the best Web Space Hosting Provider Installation du mod evasive sur apache 2.2 pour contrer des attaques DOS | Majorxtrem's Blogs mai 17 Cette après midi après plusieurs test de charge du serveur Web, je me suis rendu compte que c’était un jeu d’enfant de faire planter à la fois le apache mais aussi la machine. Comment me direz-vous, tous simplement en flood le serveur de centaine de thread, la charge CPU monte la ram aussi, vient ensuite le tour de la swap et puis c’est la fin, le serveur ne répond plus à rien sauf au ping. Après quelque recherche j’ai installé le mod_evasive qui permet de détecter les floods et les tentatives de déni de service. apt-get install libapache2-mod-evasive On édite le fichier de configuration d’apache2 et on ajoute les lignes suivante : vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Les valeurs données dans cette exemple sont à adapter selon votre serveur. Explications : DOSHashTableSize Size of the hash table. DOSSystemCommand "/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s %s -j DROP" Cette commande permet de bloquer une adresse IP à l’aide d’IPTable. On crée le dossier /var/log/mod_evasive/ et on lui donne les bon droits .
Facebook is watching you Des études mentionnées dans The Guardian Weekly en mars 2009 suggèrent qu’un quart des habitants du Royaume-Uni souffrent d’une forme de paranoïa. L’accroissement de la maladie aurait quelque chose à voir avec les effets conjugués de l’urbanisation, de la mondialisation, des migrations, des médias et de la disparité des richesses. La logique voudrait par conséquent que la proportion de ceux qui parmi nous souffrent de paranoïa augmente à mesure que nous nous dirigeons vers une forme complexe de surveillance, rendue possible par l’utilisation généralisée des « réseaux sociaux » comme Facebook. Et, ainsi que nos propres recherches en Suède et d’autres études le montrent, nous sommes nombreux à prendre part à ce nouveau genre de contrôle sur une base volontaire, souvent sans être conscients de son ampleur. Prenons l’exemple d’Adam’s Block, un site qui diffusait de la vidéo en direct du carrefour des rues Ellis et Taylor à San Francisco, dans un but de simple divertissement.
Setup Unmanaged VPS 4 Linux Noobs! - vpsBible iScanner - Remove website malwares, web pages viruses and malicious codes How To Block Facebook's Face Recognition And Tighten Other Privacy Settings Facebook seems to be forever pushing the boundaries of what "online privacy" means. Today we see the latest iteration of this--Face Recognition. By adjusting its interface, Facebook has now enabled "tag suggestions" to many more of its users around the world, which means your friends will get an alert if someone uploads a photo that Facebook thinks contains your image. Face Recognition Under the "Account" drop-down menu at the top-right of Facebook's title bar, click "Privacy settings." Easy, wasn't it? While you're there on the privacy page, check a few other things too: Things you share Check this list, which starts with "Posts by me" and ends with "Places you check in to" and verify that the status is "Friends only," which is as tight as you can set these (although you can customize the settings to prevent particular friends from accessing each of the shred items on a granular level). Things others share Contact information This may be one that you'd most like to protect. Block lists
Django with Mysql and Apache on EC2 — The Usware Blog - Django Web Development By : Shabda Raaj What is EC2 Unless you have been living on Mars these last few years, you are sure to have heard of EC2. Amazon's cloud offering, it offers infinite scalability. Using EC2, you can bring up any number of machines online at minutes notice, and after you are done with them, bring them down. How does EC2 work? A EC2 machine is nothing but a bare machine. The prerequisites You need to have an AWS account with EC2 enabled. Give ElasticFox your EC2 credentials. I started the AMI with AMI id ami-f27c999b. After you start your ami, right click in ElasticFox on your instance and get its Public DNS. My public dns was, my private key is stored in a file called id-django. shabda@shabda-laptop:~$ ssh -i id-django Fine, we are in our brand new EC2 server now! Ok, so we created a new user and gave the new user shabda sudo rights. Ok we are logged in as shabda.
RawCap sniffer for Windows released ! ~ THN : The Hacker News RawCap sniffer for Windows released We are today proude to announce the release of RawCap, which is a free raw sockets sniffer for Windows. Here are some highlights of why RawCap is a great tool to have in your toolset:Can sniff any interface that has got an IP address, including (localhost/loopback)RawCap.exe is just 17 kBNo external libraries or DLL's neededNo installation required, just download RawCap.exe and sniffCan sniff most interface types, including WiFi and PPP interfacesMinimal memory and CPU loadReliable and simple to useUsage RawCap takes two arguments; the first argument is the IP address or interface number to sniff from, the second is the path/file to write the captured packets to. C:\Tools>RawCap.exe dumpfile.pcap You can also start RawCap without any arguments, which will leave you with an interactive dialog where you can select NIC and filename: RawCap Downloaded
Philip Roche » Simple Django install on Amazon EC2 I set up an amazon ec2 instance this weekend and as I knew I’d bedoing it again I noted the steps performed. Hopefully they’ll be of use to someone. Firstly you need to set up an EC2 account. I’d also recommend downloading () which makes it easier to manages instances, volumes andelastic IPs. The following guide is what I did to set up an Ubuntu 9.10 instance with EBS volume attached and a basic django install running. References to are to my elastic IP address that I set up using Elasticfox so it will be different for you. Seting up Ubuntu 9.10 django install on EC2
Annotated.js For large, complex Javascript applications or libraries, Annotated.js provides a language extension for expressing the structure & validity of your code. By annotating your regular Javascript code, the Annotated.js runtime provides additional language features like declarative namespaces, class and module macros, and runtime type testing. Runs directly in the browser, even in external sources - what you see in the IDE is what you get in your browser's debug session. Annotated.js is legal javascript and runs natively in the browser without eval, code rewriting or server-side compilation - it's also fully compatible with popular minifiers, parallel or AJAX-y script loaders, code optimiziers, etc. Usage Install Though feature complete, Annotated.js has not yet reached a stable release, so you will need to check out the source from github: Download Annotated.js annotated(function() { // Your Annotated Javascript code goes here ... Modules & Classes That's it! Mixins // You can alias mixins, too!
Persistent Django on Amazon EC2 and EBS – The easy way : Thomas Brox Røst Now that Amazon’s Elastic Block Store (EBS) is publicly available, running a complete Django installation on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is easier than ever. Why EBS? EBS provides persistent storage, which means that the Django database is kept safe even after the Django EC2 instances terminate. This tutorial will take you through all the necessary steps for setting up Django with a persistent PostgreSQL database on AWS. I am deliberately keeping things simple—to get a deeper understanding of the hows and whys of AWS you should take a look at James Gardner’s excellent article as well as the official documentation. The command line tools can be a bit intimidating so I will also show you how Elasticfox can be a fully satisfactory alternative. Summary We are going to register with AWS, get acquainted with Elasticfox, start up an EC2 instance, install Django and PostgreSQL on the instance, and finally mount an EBS drive and move our database to it. Step 1: Set up an AWS account 04. _| ( / 32-bit 11.
Zuckers! Facebook Has Secretly Been Giving User Info to Cops - Technology We've told you before that Facebook treats its users like products. That companies now exist to search for your Facebook account and tell your bosses your secrets. That people are quitting Facebook en masse. Now, there's yet another reason you might want to make the switch to Google+: Facebook has gotten into the habit of allowing police to scour users' profiles without their consent. According to a new report from Reuters and Westlaw, federal judges have granted at least 24 search warrants since 2008 allowing law enforcement officials to snoop around people's Facebook accounts. Some of the warrants sought things as innocuous as status updates, but others gave access to friend requests, photos, event calendars and personal messages. Neither Facebook nor law enforcement is obligated to tell people when their accounts have been legally compromised. Even one case like this would be appalling, but records show dozens, and things are getting worse as more people join Facebook.