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ModSecurity: Open Source Web Application Firewall

ModSecurity: Open Source Web Application Firewall Web Application Security Statistics Download pdf version Download Security Statistics 2007 The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) is pleased to announce the WASC Web Application Security Statistics Project 2008. This initiative is a collaborative industry wide effort to pool together sanitized website vulnerability data and to gain a better understanding about the web application vulnerability landscape. We ascertain which classes of attacks are the most prevalent regardless of the methodology used to identify them. Industry statistics such as those compiled by Mitre CVE project provide valuable insight into the types of vulnerabilities discovered in open source and commercial applications, this project tries to be the equivalent for custom web applications. Goals Identify the prevalence and probability of different vulnerability classes.Compare testing methodologies against what types of vulnerabilities they are likely to identify. As a result, we now have 4 data sets: General analysis T. 3 Vulnerabilities by impact

CryptAGE, tout sur la cryptographie Apache Tika - Apache Tika Herramientas inseguridad, monitorización y auditoria de redes in Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria Get WAFEC 1.0 WAFEC 1.0 is available in several formats: PDF version, HTML Version and Text Version Please note that WAFEC, like all other WASC projects, is distributed under the creative common license. Please respect this license. Particularly note that the license requires that if you use the information you attribute it to WASC and WAFEC. WAFEC Response Matrix 1.0 Download WAFEC response matrix The WAFEC response matrix translates WAFEC into an easy to use standardized tool. Usage guidelines: The WAFEC team is working on the next version of WAFEC. for more details refer to the WAFEC 2.0 page.

Ping Tutorial: 15 Effective Ping Command Examples As you already know, ping command is used to find out whether the peer host/gateway is reachable. If you are thinking ping is such a simple command and why do I need 15 examples, you should read the rest of the article. Ping command provides lot more options than what you might already know. Ping Example 1. By default ping waits for 1 second before sending the next packet. Increase Ping Time Interval Example: Wait for 5 seconds before sending the next packet. $ ping -i 5 IP Decrease Ping Time Interval Example: Wait 0.1 seconds before sending the next packet. # ping -i 0.1 IP Note: Only super user can specify interval less than 0.2 seconds. $ ping -i 0.1 PING 0 ( 56(84) bytes of data. ping: cannot flood; minimal interval, allowed for user, is 200ms Ping Example 2. Before checking whether the peer machine is reachable, first check whether the local network network is up and running using any one of the following 3 methods. Ping localhost using zero (0) Ping localhost using name

Apache Harmony - Open Source Java Platform Foros CanalGame - [MANUAL] SuperCard (CF y SD) ACTUALIZADO A 13 de Junio de 2007NOTA: Este manual es el que anteriormente era conocido como Scene de Nintendo DS.NOTA IMPORTANTE: Este manual NO SIRVE para jugar a roms comerciales BAJO NINGUN CONCEPTO. Solo sirve para cargar ROMS FREEWARE como pueden ser demos y software casero, y en todo caso BACKUPS de vuestros ORIGINALES. No me hago responsable de los posibles daños que se pueden causar en las consolas por usar material ilegal o cualquier otro modo que no sea el que está explicado en este manual. Avisados estais.Nota: No contesto dudas por privado ni por mensajeria instantánea. Preguntad en este hilo y asi entre todos podremos ayudarnos.En este manual vamos a saber cómo sacarle partido a nuestra Nintendo DS con una de las flashcarts más famosas: la SuperCard. Desde que apareció el modelo CF que requería passme, esta tarjeta ha evolucionado bastante y podemos encontrar modelos muy avanzados y mejorados.

Web Application Firewalls: How to Evaluate, Purchase and Implement A Web application firewall (WAF) is designed to protect Web applications against common attacks such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection. Whereas network firewalls defend the perimeter of the network, WAFs sit between the Web client and Web server, analyzing application-layer traffic for violations in the programmed security policy, says Michael Cobb, founder of Cobweb Applications, a security consultancy. While some traditional firewalls provide a degree of application awareness, it's not with the granularity and specificity that WAFs provide, says Diana Kelley, founder of consultancy Security Curve. For instance, the WAF can detect whether an application is not behaving the way it was designed to, and it enables you to write specific rules to prevent that kind of attack from reoccurring. WAFs also differ from intrusion prevention systems. Main WAF Attributes The web application firewall market is still undefined, with many dissimilar products falling under the WAF umbrella.

Certified Information Security Consultant (CISC) 6 Months, Training, Course, Certification - Institute of Information Security, Mumbai(India) CISC is 6 months training in information security for amateurs and professionals to make you an expert in the field of Information Security. The course is ideal for those wanting to differentiate themselves from candidates with an undergraduate degree only, as well as those already in industry wishing to advance their skills in this constantly evolving area. Many companies are actively recruiting security specialists and this course will prepare graduates for senior technical and management positions in many industry sectors. CISC training The CISC training is designed to make you an expert in the domain of information security. Benefits of CISC The CISC is the only completely hands-on, real-world oriented security certification. Schedule Course is of 4 hrs from Monday to Friday Course Contents Testimonials Faculties are good & very helpful. Ashish NageshkarStudent The teaching way and knowledge of Mahesh is really excellent, the extra things he shares keeps us competitive. Suleiman Farouk

Hacking Ético, aprende hackeando iStockphoto/ThinkStock A raíz de un artículo que leí de cómo usar Firefox como herramienta para hacking ético me he decidido a hablar un poco de qué es el hacking ético y algunos trucos y herramientas para empezar a adentrarnos en el tema. Como Internet está ahora en casi todos los ordenadores del mundo voy a centrarme principalmente en ataques realizados por este medio. Introducción al Hacking Antes de hablar de Hacking hay que definir bien éste concepto. Un Hacker es el neologismo que hace referencia a un experto en alguna disciplina relacionada con la informática o las telecomunicaciones. A diferencia de los Crackers, los Hackers no quieren robar, destruir o eliminar información. Hacking es también otro neologismo que indica la acción de un Hacker. Un hacker no va ligado a lo ilegal, de hecho puede trabajar para una empresa testeando las vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones o para la policía trabajando como Analista forense digital. Aprender Hacking Los comienzos siempre son complicados.

SMSI et ISO 27001 On réduit souvent la problématique de la documentation d'un SMSI a besoin de construire un systèmes documentaire sur 4 niveaux : Mais les besoins de construire la documentation d'un SMSI vont bien au delà du seul besoin de documenter les processus liés à la sécurité. La rédaction des procédures doit permettre une meilleure compréhension du processus. Le fait d’écrire facilite un raisonnement rationnel scientifique. Il faut s'inspirer des études et recherches sur les enjeux, bénéfices de la documentation de la qualité dans une organisation ISO 9000. Un référentiel qualité ISO 9000 constitue un outil de management des connaissances qui conduit à une explicitation et une diffusion des savoirs dans l'entreprise. un processus de partage d'expériences développant de fait des aptitudes techniquesla transformation de concepts en connaissances explicitesun moyen d'assimilation de ces connaissances explicites en savoirs faire opérationnels Néanmois certains freins sont plus spécifiques aux SMSI :

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