Scholarly communications shouldn’t just be open, but non-profit too Much of the rhetoric around the future of scholarly communication hinges on the “open” label. In light of Elsevier’s recent acquisition of bepress and the announcement that, owing to high fees, an established mathematics journal’s editorial team will split from its publisher to start an open access alternative, Jefferson Pooley argues that the scholarly communication ecosystem should aim not only to be open but non-profit too. The profit motive is fundamentally misaligned with core values of academic life, potentially corroding ideals like unfettered inquiry, knowledge-sharing, and cooperative progress. Two big stories swept through scholarly publishing last week. The second story cut the other way. So bepress went big-league commercial, even as the math editors opted out of the for-profit system. So the new Algebraic Combinatorics journal will be open access, and won’t be charging usurious author processing charges. Scholarly communication is up for grabs. About the author
PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative Re-Designing the Classroom Innovative Schools 2017 Welcome to The Educator’s third annual Innovative Schools report. In each of our first two years, we received a plethora of submissions from schools in all corners of the country, bringing to our attention some truly inspiring work being undertaken to equip students with the tools that will help them to face a world vastly different from the one we currently know. Once again this year, the volume and quality of entries received made selecting the list of schools to profile an arduous task and spoke to the depth of innovative work currently being undertaken in Australian schools. But we have gone through the difficult assessment process and chosen 40 schools we have determined are worthy of special recognition. It must be emphasised, however, that the outstanding work detailed on the pages that follow offers only a snapshot of the pioneering work in our schools that merits commendation. We hope you enjoy learning about some of these proponents of educational change.
Documenta Core Breakfasts - Claire Amos 1) Collaborative Activity - Online Jigsaw Reading Activity Looking at the Research about Teaching as Inquiry In this activity you will be reading and attempting to summarise some key pieces of research about Teaching as Inquiry. Each group will be given a piece of research to focus on. You may like to divide the reading up between you, or choose to all read then discuss. When you are ready to write up your key points or summary notes, use the Google Form link below for your piece of research. When writing your notes, consider the following the questions: What are the key messages in this reading? Google Doc from Christchurch session for Jigsaw Activity Morning Tea 2) Differentiated Activity - Planning an Inquiry The second half of the workshop will give you time to develop an inquiry planner or inquiry project for yourself or your staff. You can either work alone or in groups depending on what your needs are. Step One: Background Reading NZC Online - Teaching as Inquiry Overview i.e.
Copyright for Educators Jessica Smith Introduction In today's digital environment, teachers and students are connected by an ever-increasing number of devices to a world of online content. This article provides some smart copying tips to help teachers to actively manage copyright costs while complying with their copyright obligation. It also tackles the tricky issues of YouTube and iTunes. Although copyright can be complex, remembering the five Ls can help you to manage the risks and costs associated with using other people's content: Look for Open Education Resources and use these as much as possible.Link instead of copying whenever this is an option.Limit the amount you copy to what you actually need for educational purposes.Label the content with the details of its author, owner, source, and the basis on which you are copying it.Later delete or archive the content once you no longer require it for educational purposes. Creative Commons Smart Copying Tips Linking Linking is not a copyright activity. Embedding
Aulas pensadas para el futuro Según los expertos, la educación contempla impotente la velocidad de los cambios sociales, que se traducen rápido a las nuevas generaciones de escolares; o el impacto de las tecnologías digitales, cada vez más presentes en la realidad de los más jóvenes. «Parece que el mundo cambia, los niños ya no son como los que iban al colegio hace una década; pero el sistema educativo sigue siendo prácticamente el mismo que hace 30 años», lamenta Melchor Gómez, delegado del Rector y director de Docencia en Red e Innovación Docente de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, y director esta semana en la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) del curso 'Flipped Classroom' (la clase al revés). El concepto tiene miga. «Buscamos dar la vuelta a la metodología tradicional de trabajo en el aula», concreta Antonio Monje, director del Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas No Propietarios y codirector también del monográfico. Las inteligencias múltiples «No somos unos locos»
Does Digital Scholarship Have a Future? The articles and books that scholars produce today bear little mark of the digital age in which they are created. Thus the foundation of academic life—the scholarship on which everything else is built—remains surprisingly unaltered. Edward L. Twenty years into the transformation initiated by the World Wide Web, we have grown accustomed to a head-spinning pace of technological and social change. Even the academy, traditionally skeptical of externally generated change, has become blasé about web-induced transformation. Yet the foundation of academic life—the scholarship on which everything else is built—remains surprisingly unaltered. Not many scholars worry about this situation. For those of us who have watched the story of academic digital innovation unfold, this is a bit puzzling and disappointing. The concept of digital scholarship has emerged to describe this activity. To understand this situation, we need to step back for a moment to take a broader view of the scholarly enterprise.
La LOMCE en un sencillo esquema La nueva Ley Orgánica para la “mejora de la calidad educativa” más conocida como LOMCE se empieza a implantar durante los próximos cuatro cursos salvo que haya cambio de gobierno. En este artículo, dejando a un lado el análisis de la ley ya que hay muchos y buenos en la red, quiero aclarar algunos aspectos que generan dudas, tanto en el profesorado como en las familias. Calendario de implantación Enseñanzas e itinerarios de la LOMCE Os dejo dos excelentes esquemas que muestran a la perfección los itinerarios a seguir dentro del nuevo Sistema Educativo. En el primer esquema tenéis un resumen muy general Sistema Educativo. Los aspectos más destacables son: Se producen evaluaciones orientativas en 3º y 6º de primaria.La evaluación final de 4º de la ESO podrá hacerse en las modalidades de Enseñanzas Académicas o Aplicadas. Para complementar la información, os recomiendo leer los CUADERNOS DE LEGISLACIÓN EDUCATIVA del Gobierno de Cantabria: Comparte este artículo:!
Centre for Digital Scholarship - Library - The University of Queensland, Australia 2016 Fryer Fellow Dr Roger Osborne has done innovative work in the digital humanities. He has been associated with AustLit for many years and continues to contribute to the database as a researcher and compiler. The first of five components of his open-ended Joseph Furphy Digital Archive was published on AustLit in 2015. As part of his 2016 Fryer Fellowship he will explore the short story market in Australia and the long-running Australia Journal during the editorship of Ronald Campbell from 1926 to 1955, using the collections of the Fryer Library. His project will also explore the potential for digitisation of the materials in Campbell’s material archive in order to develop a digital archive that better introduces researchers, teachers and students to the career of an editor who played a significant role in Australian print culture. One of the proposed outcomes of his work will be an online peer-reviewed exhibition.