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EWE - Easy World Of English // HOME

EWE - Easy World Of English // HOME
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Gender Studies | 25 Teenagers Recommend Readings for Women’s History Month In honor of Women’s History Month, we asked our spring Student Council — 25 teenagers from all over the United States, as well as from China, South Korea, England and Canada — to search the Times and find the most interesting pieces they could on the broad topic of gender. Using both Times search and Times Machine, they unearthed everything from a 1911 report on the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and a 1972 Times review of “Free to Be … You and Me” to current articles, videos and essays on Hillary Clinton, campus rape debates, gender pronouns, abortion, Title IX, parenting, and the struggles of the transgender community. As your students skim the selections below, they might choose the two or three articles that interest them most, then answer some of these questions: What do these pieces have in common? What patterns do you notice?What do they say about the lives and roles of women and girls? Margaret Atkinson-Barnes, Sag Harbor, N.Y., on “Ana’s Story: Transgender in Cuba” (2014) Video

Absolute Beginners: Unit 13 By Frances Marnie Unit 13 of this series covers the topic of home. Students learn language including: Active: revision (family, his, her, their); present continuous; time; home (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, bed, shower, kettle, sofa, watch, drink); stressed syllables. Printable resources include comprehensive step-by-step teacher’s notes, a student worksheet, pairwork activity sheets and flashcards. Related Resources Absolute Beginners: Unit 13: Lesson planUnit 13 of this series covers the topic of home. Adapting games – Drawful This is an adaptation of a fun and inventive game that was released just last year. While the original game is played on a computer, this adaptation for the classroom is played on paper. This is a perfect game for revising chunks of language. In this example my class are revising phrasal verbs. For the game you need a set of sentences (or phrases) that include the language you’re revising (guidance on how to choose your sentences will follow at the end). one of the sentences containing the target language.a sheet of paper ¼ the size of a sheet of A4.four small slips of paper (big enough to write a single sentence).a paperclip. Ask the students to write their sentence on one of the small slips of paper. Ask the students to attach their sentence to the back of the drawing (ensure your instructions are clear and demonstrate to make sure everyone follows). When students have finished their sentences they attach them to the back and pass the picture to the left. Like this: Like Loading...

NiCe Learning-aktiviteter och lekar för barn, ungdom, skola-läromedel och fritidslekar NiCe Learnings lekar och aktiviteter för skola och fritid, med kommunikation och interaktion i fokus. NiCe Förlags varumärke NiCe Learning passar både som fritidslekar och som lekar i skolan. Aktiviteterna kan användas i skolan, på barnkalas eller andra fester för barn och ungdomar. Många av Nice Learnings gruppaktiviteter och lekar kan användas i undervisning av moderna språk men också för svenskundervisning, dramaövningar och estetiska ämnen eller som ett kompletterande inslag som bryter mot den traditionella undervisningen i vilket ämne som helst där barn och ungdomar samlas inför lek och lärande.NiCe Learnings lekar och aktiviteter med kommunikation och interaktion i fokus ger deltagarna möjlighet, att på ett annorlunda och lekfullt sätt utveckla sin förmåga att läsa och förstå en text, kommunicera genom improvisation och i samspel med andra och därigenom få en tilltro till sin förmåga att på ett naturligt sätt använda språket med hjälp av uttryck och kroppspråk.

Engelska spel Det engelska språket omger oss alltmer i vardagen. Spela dessa engelskaspel så att du kan, vågar och vill använda engelska i olika situationer. Här har vi samlat alla spel inom ämnet Engelska. Food Årskurs 1 0 av 3 nivåer klara Para ihop olika matord på engelska med rätt bild i detta spel. Am / is / are 0 av 2 nivåer klara • Verbet är - am/are/is Träna verbet "är" som på engelska heter antingen am, is, eller are. Wild animals Ett spel där eleven får lära sig vilda djur på engelska. Engelska glassmaker • Glassorter• Frukter• Sötsaker Glassmaker på engelska. Glosor från Minecraft 0 av 5 nivåer klara • Stavning• Engelska• Glosor• Minecraft Stava rätt på glosor från MInecraft. Oregelbundna verb • Verb• Oregelbundna Träna tio oregelbundna verb i de tre formerna. Practise Colours • Igenkänning• Engelska• Färger Öva färger med hjälp av bilder. Engelska julord 0 av 16 nivåer klara • Engelsk jul• Engelsk nyår• Stavning julord Träna på engelska ord relaterat till julen. 0 av 20 nivåer klara Djur - animals Träna A och An

Lesson 29: A Long Time Ago Summary Anna and Marsha have a lot of work to do. An advertisement makes them remember their childhood dreams. Speaking In this video, learn to say the new words for this lesson. Pronunciation Use this video to learn about the noises English speakers make to show they are listening. Conversation Anna: Hello! Marsha: Hi, Anna! Anna: Thanks. Marsha: Um-hum, it is. Anna: I am tired. Marsha: Hmm, that’s too bad. Anna: How are you these days? Marsha: I'm really busy too, Anna. Anna: Marsha, look! Marsha: That’s an advertisement for Ford’s Theatre. Anna: They have shows where Abraham Lincoln died? Marsha: Yeah, it’s a working theater and a museum. Anna: I love Lincoln. Marsha: Um-hum. Anna: When I was a little girl … When I was a little girl … I was not like other children. Marsha: Um-hum, I can believe that. Anna's voice: I was tall, serious child. Anna: In fact, I wanted to be … don’t laugh … President of the United States. Marsha: (laughs) Anna: Stop! Marsha: I’m sorry. Anna: What? Anna: Really? Writing

GT - inget att vifta bort - Mia Smith Många lärare viftar bort digitala verktyg som automatöversättningsverktyg och digitala ordböcker, kanske av okunskap, kanske av rädsla. Men eleverna använder Google Translate oavsett vad vi säger, och att använda verktygen på rätt sätt är en språklig strategi på samma som som att använda en ordbok eller omformulera sina tankar med andra ord. Men hur fungerar det egentligen? Vad ska man tänka på för att inte falla i de fällor som faktiskt finns? Vill du lära dig mer om hur Google Translate fungerar? Nej, det här är inget reklaminlägg. Har du elever som är nyfikna på hur vi går vidare?

ESL - Real English Videos & Lessons. Completely Free! Real English is a Registered Trademark of The Marzio School. 2 Kinds of People Native English-speaking teachers: always the right choice? There are perceptions that native speakers of English make better English language teachers. Marek Kiczkowiak Opens in a new tab or window., winner of the British Council’s Teaching English blog award, argues that those perceptions need to change. Have you looked for an English teaching job recently? Up to 70 per cent of all jobs advertised on – the biggest job search engine for English teachers – are for NESTs (yes, I have counted). If you start questioning these practices, you are likely to hear one or all of the following excuses: 1. While it is beyond the scope of this short article to fully debunk all the above, I would like to briefly outline here why these arguments are flawed. 1: The first argument gets repeated like a mantra and has become so deeply ingrained that few attempt to question its validity. 2: On the second point, I believe it's a myth Opens in a new tab or window. that only NESTs can provide a good language model.
