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Jag jobbar när tusan jag själv vill! - Sara Bruun

Jag jobbar när tusan jag själv vill! - Sara Bruun
Jullov. Så skönt med ledighet och lata dagar. Eller? För min egen del så innebär ledighet ofta att jag har tid att tänka klart mina tankar. Mitt huvud är fullt av olika ideér och tankar kring projekt jag vill göra med eleverna. Under terminerna är det dock svårt att hinna tänka klart dessa tankar. Känner de som kritiserar detta sig som sämre lärare? Själv tycker jag att det är upp till var och en. Om du vill jobba på lovet och lära dig ett verktyg som underlättar din vardag ska du fortsätta läsa nu. I mina tidigare inlägg har jag skrivit om feedback på olika sätt: Vikten av effektiv feedback – sluta sätt ut betyg och Adventstips- så här slipper du rätta. Ett verktyg till som hjälper dig med detta är Zaption. Här hittar du en instruktionsfilm om hur man gör: Klicka på länkarna nedan för att själv prova hur det fungerar: English verbs Personändelser, är och har på tyska God Jul och Gott Nytt år önskar Sara Bruun Related:  kajsi82

Synonyms for Speech & Discussion Meaning of Synonyms This collection of synonyms and antonyms also explains the meaning of synonyms to learn how to use them in in spoken words or writing. The meaning of synonyms is highly important in writing essays, papers, abstracts, etc. The selection of the words is centered mainly around words for communication, language and speech. When moving the cursor over the marked words, a tooltip with the meaning of the synonym is displayed. Communication: Synonyms for words related to speech Synonyms for idea Download Download all the synonyms with meanings of this category related to the terms of Speech and Discussion as a PDF file (300KB) and also for the terms of Speech and Talk as a PDF file (300KB).

Cecilias Webbrum | svenska och engelska åk 6-9 Who was William Shakespeare? William Shakespeare is known across the world as the writer of plays such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet, and as one of the most famous British people ever. Sometimes known simply as ‘the Bard’, he lived over four hundred years ago – not bad for the son of a man who made a living from making gloves. Part of the fascination is that despite being so well-known we don’t actually have much information about him; even his name is spelt differently each time it appears, ranging from ‘Shak-peare’ to ‘Shaksper’. Over the years people have argued long and hard about whether he wrote the plays, although these days he’s generally accepted as the author of about thirty-eight plays, some of which were written in partnership with others. He also wrote lots of famous poetry. Baptised on 26th April, 1564, his actual birthday isn’t known but conveniently England’s national day, St George’s Day, is the 23rd of April so over the years this is when his birth has been celebrated.

Adventstips: Så här slipper du rätta! - Sara Bruun I dessa stressiga tider är det skönt att ha hittat ett sätt som optimerar min och elevernas tid. Mitt mål denna termin var att lära mig hur jag skulle kunna jobba smartare och samtidigt kunna ge mina elever individuell och snabb feedback. Jag har valt att arbeta med Google formulär och tillägget Flubaroo. Vi jobbar mycket så här i mitt klassrum. Jag kan också innan lektionen få en snabb överblick över vilka som gjort uppgiften och vad jag behöver undervisa mer om. Här nedan har jag gjort en instruktionsfilm om hur det går till. Om du själv vill prova att göra samma quiz som jag visar i filmen kan du prova det här: Sara Bruuns Klassrum Har du fyllt i din mailadress korrekt så får du ett mail från Flubaroo Grader inom några minuter. Tänk dock på att eleverna måste svara som du gjort i “facit” för att det ska fungera. Jobbar du med yngre barn? Då kanske du inte vill att det ska gå iväg ett automatiskt mail, då de inte har egna adresser. Lycka till! Sara

Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a poet and a playwright and is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in central England, in 1564 and he died in 1616. His surviving work consists of 38 plays, 154 sonnets and some other poems. He is best known for his plays, which have been translated into every major language and are performed more than those of any other playwright in the world. When William Shakespeare was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Shakespeare’s work is still very popular today. Here is a selection of Shakespeare’s plays. The Merchant of Venice This play is about the idea that people usually get what they deserve in the end, good or bad. Hamlet This play is about revenge and also about how difficult it is to take action sometimes, even when it is important. As You Like It This play is a comedy about romantic love. Henry V Which play would you like to see?

23 Useful Websites for Teaching and Learning English September 6, 2014 Below are some valuable resources for ELL and ESL teachers. With these resources, you can find great ways to communicate more effectively, explore lessons, and be a great ELL teacher. Check out this lexicon that offers images demonstrating the true meaning of the word, making it easier for English language learners to understand. On this website, you’ll find quizzes, word games, puzzles, and a random sentence generator to help students better grasp English as a second language. is a really fun site for ELL learners, with reference tools like a dictionary and vocabulary, supplemented with quizzes, games, and a community forum. On this site, you’ll find free English videos for both students and teachers. Okanagan College’s resource offers 13 different unit lessons for learning and teaching English pronunciation. In this website from the BBC, students can find help with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, with plenty of references to current events.

How can film help you teach or learn English? | British Council What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award tells us why film is such a good resource and recommends some useful websites, in one of our top five articles of all time, illustrated by artist Jamie Johnson. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second-language acquisition. Films and TV shows are an integral part of students’ lives so it makes perfect sense to bring them into the language classroom. Film provides authentic and varied language Another benefit of using film is that it provides a source of authentic and varied language. Film gives a visual context Variety and flexibility Lesson plans Allat C Lessonstream Viral ELT Film English Film guides ESL Notes Film Club Go Animate

List of 40 FREE Educational Websites According to webometrics, there are more than 17 000 universities, but getting a degree in many of them is quite costly. Many students around the world(and their families) get into big debt or have to work over sixty hours a week in order to afford an education. Two thirds of the US college seniors who graduated in 2011 had student loan debt, with an average of over 27 000 USD per person. "With mass education, it turned out that most people could be taught to read and write. Isaac Asimov died in 1992, but if he could see the opportunities that the Internet is giving us in XXI century he would probably grin from ear to ear. Enough with the words, here is a BADASS list of over 40 educational websites: ALISON - over 60 million lessons and records 1.2 million unique visitors per monthCOURSERA - Educational website that works with universities to get their courses on the Internet, free for you to use. Related: Source:i Heart Intelligence

Information - Bedömningsportalen Som stöd för bedömning i ämnet engelska finns dels ett diagnosmaterial, dels ett material som ger stöd vid bedömningen av de delar av kunskapskraven som tar upp förmågan att söka, välja, värdera och kritiskt granska information från internet och andra medier. Diagnosmaterial i engelska 7-9 Som stöd för bedömning i engelska finns ett nationellt diagnosmaterial som ska kunna användas av lärare under grundskolans årskurser 7–9. Läs mer om hur du får tillgång till skyddat material i bedömningsportalen Kärnan i materialet utgörs av olika uppgifter som har fokus på färdigheterna lyssna och läsa och förstå, tala, samtala samt skriva. Bedömningsstödet används med fördel tillsammans med Europeisk språkportfolio för elever 12–16 år. Digital läsning i engelska Digital läsning i engelska är ett bedömningsstöd som kan fungera som ett pedagogiskt stöd och ett komplement till de nationella proven i engelska. Du hittar materialet under fliken Övrigt bedömningsstöd.

SaraBruun If It Were My Home Sara Bruuns klassrum Shakespeare - Hamlet | LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his father’s brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his father’s death, and angry that she has married Claudius. Soon, a ghost is seen walking on the castle walls. The ghost looks like Hamlet’s father, the dead king. Hamlet can’t believe that his mother would marry the man who murdered her husband. A group of travelling actors arrives in town. Hamlet’s plan works. This of course means that Hamlet has killed the father of his girlfriend Ophelia. At the end of the play, all of the royal household of Denmark are dead.

Vocabulary Exercises Teaching Matters has compiled a list of 20 vocabulary exercises to practise or rehearse new words without bilingual translations. The aim is to provide the teacher with a variation of vocabulary practices and to reduce the use of translations in class. complies with the research that promotes learning new vocabulary in context and through various activities, diminishing the use of the students’ first language.
