LSL Wiki : LSL101 The Complete Newbie's Guide to Scripting in Second Life Table of Contents Foreword: Using This WikiHello, Avatar! Appendices Do's and Don't's of ScriptingCommon ErrorsSolutions To Challenges Welcome to the LSL wiki! LSL is a (mostly) clear and straightforward language. If you have no coding experience, don't worry! Homepage | Tutorial | CrashCourse | Glossary s 3D Tools and LSL Script Repository Image UUID: 40474b70-5a33-5102-6872-14a926fc53f7 Due to sp4mz0rs, I am forced to cut of any possible form of communication on this website. So the script submit form is gone and it is also not possible to post comments or questions any more. I can be contacted in-world if you really need to. I’ve always been wondering about the ideal system requirements for running a sim on a server and I may have found a somewhat clear answer at the OSGrid forum. ( ) It is an article from 2008, but most likely still suitable today. Richard Senior said: The bottleneck on any server used for OpenSim is almost always the avalibility of RAM.
Getting started with LSL Getting started in LSL scripting in Second Life LSL stands for "Linden Scripting Language" and is used to script the objects you will encounter and make in Second Life. This tutorial is intended for those who have never programmed before, Second Life or elsewhere. You will begin by running the standard "Hello, Avatar!" What is LSL? LSL is the Linden Scripting Language. NOTE: LSL is interpreted and executed on the Second Life servers (sims), not the client (Viewer). One thing that makes LSL unique is its emphasis on "States" and "event". An event can be thought of as a "Trigger". default{ touch_start(integer num_detected) { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!") Scripts can make an object move, listen, talk, operate as a vehicle or weapon, change color, size or shape. The most basic object in Second Life is the "Prim" or primitive, the basic building block of all objects you can build in Second Life. Running Your First Script You must be on land which allows building. Congratulations! Development Cycle
Virtual Worlds, Avatars, free 3D chat, online meetings - Second Life Official Site Como Ganhar e Orientar-se no Second Life – Guia Para Dummies Ganhar os primeiros Linden Dollars, achar os shop free e outras pequenas sugestões para principiantes Sou Zac Bonne e dei uma volta pelo Second Life por conta de Ikaro. Como turista rapidamente senti a primeira necessidade, como todos os outros: como ganhar alguns Lined Dollars? Onde encontrar roupas, objetos e acessórios gratuitamente? Onde posso aprender as dinâmicas de base? Aqui estou eu em frente ao Templo de Ishtar, um dos meus lugares preferidos: Babylon, Babylonia (53, 191, 21) Onde fazer dinheiro no Second Life Provavelmente é o primeiro problema para os novatos, e foi também para mim. DançandoFicando sentadoTomando sol Engraçado, não? E através de muitas outras maneiras, aparentemente banais. Money Island (57, 63, 24) Uma ilha inteira para ganhar dançando, ficando sentado (cerca de L$5 a cada 10 minutos) ou fazendo pesquisa com as pessoas na rua (mais remunerado, mas pedem seus dados pessoais). Carduccis Mansion (58, 37, 102) Aqui parecem um pouco mais pão-duros.
linden+scripting+language+guide-gian lee LSL Tutorial Beginner Tutorials Getting Ready to Learn LSL: Before learning LSL, it is helpful to learn the basics of Second Life. Here are some pointers to getting started. Getting Started with LSL: Tutorial for absolute beginners. Basic SL inventory and navigation required. Hello Avatar: A place to try next after Getting Started in LSL. A Basic LSL Tutorial: A tutorial for people who are new to LSL scripting, with basic tasks and LSL scripting terms explained in quick short answers. LSL 101: The Wikibook: A collaborative project to create a "complete" narrative guide to LSL scripting, starting with no assumptions of previous programming experience, and going to ... who knows where? Chatbot: A short tutorial list of concise LSL statements that make a default wood box translucent and bouncy and then kick and spin it along, also a script to run such commands for you. Building a dialog menu step by step: A tutorial for beginning scripters on implementing a simple menu dialog system. In-World Tutorials
The Content Creator’s Supplementary Guide to Business in SL | Mistletoe Ethaniel's Blog Quick note: this article was written in 2009 and is long overdue for an update. That in mind, however, I think a lot of the principles are still sound, and I hope you think so too. Enjoy. –ME Consider how many businesses there are in Second Life. I am in no way an authority on this subject, but I do have some experience, having opened more than one business in my Second Life. Well. First and foremost: Have a good product. Graph by Prad Prathivi, made on GraphJam. The graph may have been intended as a parody, but it’s still not that far off from the truth. Really think about what’s already out there, and what niches need to be filled. Permissions! This article gives a great explanation as to why to set permissions on clothing as mod/copy/no transfer. It also talks about a good practice for naming your products. People need to be able to find your product again when they look in their inventory later. Put your business name on EVERYTHING you make. Packing it up The text must be readable.
SL Index | Second Life Indexed Script Libraries - The Schommunity Wiki From The Schommunity Wiki As we get more involved with Second Life it's becoming clear that we need to find and share useful scripts. This page is a list of scripting resources we've found, and scripts we're working on (some complete, and some still in production). We've put up several of the scripts that we have developed - you are welcome to use them in your projects as you will but please give us credit and include in the comments a link to the schome project: Scripts on the Schome Wiki Working Please put your name next to the script so if somebody has a problem they know who the local expert is. UtilitiesSit script - Mars Sensor script - DanSchome help script - DanObject teleport device - Mark found on the webPendulum Script - for timing things ... AvatarPerson Cannon - Olly Under development/ need help with... Hawiian Shirt help button - Olly Cannon ball Cannon--Olly Script for a coded door, but I can't get it to work :S. External Scripting Resources
Second life Airmenship | Demystifying Aviation for Pixel Pilots TD Templates | Clothing Templates For SL This guide is a quick introduction providing an overview of the basics when starting to make clothes and starting your fashion store in Second Life. Avatar UV Template The avatar UV template is one of the most essential tools for clothes creators that you’ll be using all the time. Here are links to two versions of the Avatar UV Map: Chip Midnight Avatar UV Templates Robin Sojourner Avatar UV Templates Clothing Templates A quick way to start learning the different elements that construct an outfit is to use a clothing template. Templates also make a good starting point for designers to begin building confidence by modifying them with their own creative touches before making an outfit completely from scratch. Which Graphics Program to choose? Depending on your level of expertise you will need a graphics program to make and modify your creations. GIMP – This is a free program available for download. You can download GIMP for free here Using a “Fake Bake” - Create a new canvas with the size 512×512.