bigthink There are only two events in the universe that defy the laws of physics: black holes and the big bang, and while scientists try to explain them, crucial evidence may be eaten up in the meantime. Christophe Galfard's book is "The Universe in Your Hand A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond" ( Read more at Follow Big Think here:YouTube: Transcript - The interesting thing about trying to unravel the laws of nature is that yes, we have found some laws. For a long time gravity has told us that nothing can escape the gravitational grip of a black hole. And everything we had known about black holes until the mid-1970s was only related to gravity.
Legends profile: John Stockton Some play a position exquisitely, just as it was designed. That would be John Stockton at point guard. A fast, gritty, durable player who saw the floor as well as anyone who ever played the game, he left the NBA after 19 seasons with the Utah Jazz, holding a mass of assists records, including the career mark (15,806). As Stockton giveth, he taketh away: He led the league in steals twice and, with a career total of 3,265, he retired as the NBA's all-time leader. "There absolutely, positively, will never ever be another John Stockton -- ever," said Karl Malone, Stockton's teammate for 18 seasons. The Jazz never missed the playoffs during Stockton's career and they reached the Western Conference finals five times in a seven-year span. Utah went to consecutive NBA Finals, losing to the Chicago Bulls in six games in 1997 and 1998. "A lot of this is about the journey," he said. Stockton did it all without fanfare. "I haven't changed a thing. Stockton's apprenticeship was over -- almost.
Quilling - Turning Paper Strips into Intricate Artworks Quilling has been around for hundreds of years, but it’s still as impressive and popular now as it was during the Renaissance. The art of quilling first became popular during the Renaissance, when nuns and monks would use it to roll gold-gilded paper and decorate religious objects, as an alternative to the expensive gold filigree. Later, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it became a favorite pass-time of English ladies who created wonderful decorations for their furniture and candles, through quilling. Basically, the quilling process consists of cutting strips of paper, and rolling them with a special tool. Because it requires so few supplies, quilling is available to anyone with enough patience to give it a try, and with a little bit of practice you’ll be creating some pretty amazing paper artworks, just like iron-maiden-art, whose works I think show the beauty of quilling. Reddit Stumble
Combien gagnent les 10 plus grandes vedettes amateurs avec Youtube? - bestbuzz sur Web 20/08/2010 à 21h39 - mis à jour le 23/08/2010 à 17h35 | vues | réactions S'il est habituel de parler des méga stars professionnelles utilisant Youtube comme Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber et bien d'autres, il est plus rare de s'intéresser aux stars indépendantes du web. Et en particulier, il devient particulièrement intéressant de savoir ce qu'elles peuvent gagner financièrement en une année. Natalie Tran Vous serez ainsi peut être étonnés d'apprendre que les 10 stars "amateurs" de Youtube les mieux payées du monde ont touché au moins 100 000 dollars entre juillet 2009 et juillet 2010, selon un classement établi par Pour gagner de l'argent, ces personnes aux talents multiples utilisent principalement le programme de Youtube appelé YouTube's partner que j'avais déjà présenté il y a plusieurs mois de cela. A titre d'exemple, l'Australienne Natalie Tran et ses 139 millions de vues aurait touché 101 000 dollars. Voici le classement TubeMogul pour l'année écoulée : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
TotalHalibut - Watch the BBC report and judge for yourself whether or not they did a good job. This video is an attempt to explain to those who don't understand videogame streaming better than BBC Newsnights feature on the subject, which drew hostility from a great deal of people due to its condescending and misleading approach. Footage used under Fair Use doctrine for educational purposes. Footage credits are as follows. Riot Games - League of Legends LCSESL - Intel Extreme MastersCloud9.SingSing - DOTA 2 streamThe Creatures - Speedrunners charity streamValve - The International DOTA2 tournamentTrump - Hearthstone stream footageNerdcubed - Watchdogs Stream highlightsXSimpleBlaze - Minecraft Medieval Tower tutorialDay9TV - Amnesia playthroughDyrus - The Worst of - Hideo Kojima interviewPolaris - Co-optional podcast highlights Show less
Будущее Охтинского мыса Предложения к проекту историко-ландшафтного парка и археологического музея на Охтинском мысу На Охтинском мысу обнаружен целый «слоеный пирог» из памятников разных эпох: • Стоянки людей эпохи неолита – раннего метала (II –I тыс. до н.э.); • Рвы новгородской крепости; • Крепость Ландскрона (1300–1301 гг.); • Крепость Ниеншанц двух периодов (1611–1703 гг.); • Могильник XVI–XVII вв.Эти памятники позволяют наглядно представить историю Петербурга «до Петербурга», увидеть, как велась борьба за эти земли, как строили, торговали, воевали наши предки и их северные соседи. Это своего рода машина времени, которая позволяет век за веком проследить историю петербургской земли. Дерево-земляные крепости и их руины сохраняются во многих городах. Крепость Буртанге в Голландии – один из примеров такого рода. Далеко не во всех средневековых крепостях устроены музеи. Музеи под открытым небом, ландшафтные парки – средоточие культурной жизни города или района. Скачать брошюру (PDF, 1 Мб) Е.
Studio Photography guide and tips from - Pale Moon Why go into the studio? Studio photography is easy because you can get exactly what you want. Studio photography is hard because you can get exactly what you want. Soft light, hard light, hair light, background. Everything is under your control. Rent or buy? Most big cities have good rental studios that come complete with lights, backgrounds, and often assistants. Ceiling or floor? Decide whether you want your studio to be floor-based or ceiling-based. In a ceiling-based studio, you mount background rollers on the ceiling and a rail system that allow flexible positioning of lights anywhere within a rectangular area. The coolest part of any rail system is the pantograph light support. The Lights Decide what format camera you'll be using. To learn about hot lights, read one of the many good books written for cinematographers on the subject. Sunlight If you have any windows in your studio, you might be able to use the sunlight coming in. Hot Lights heat. Warm Lights Cold Lights Light Control
Very Bad Blagues by Palmashow Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Après la folle histoire du Palmashow et les parodies des émissions de télévision, la troupe du Palmashow se met en scène dans des situations des plus classiques aux plus inattendues, enchaînant mauvaises blagues, maladresses et absurdités. Retrouvez gratuitement l'intégralité de vos programmes en replay sur
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