11 Great Search Engines for Social Science Researchers July 30, 2014 In today's post I am sharing with you some interesting search engines ideal for folks in engaged in social science research.Researchers working in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and related subjects will find great results using these search engines. Behavioral Brain Science Archive: Check out this searchable archive to find extensive psychology and brain science articles. In this research network, you can find a wide variety of social science research from a number of specialized networks including cognitive science, leadership, management, and social insurance. Find a journal with Psycline’s journal and article locator, a tool that offers access to more than 2,000 psychology and social science journals online. Search the languages of the world with Ethnologue, offering an encyclopedic reference of all the world’s known living languages. Use this site from the University of Amsterdam to browse sociological subjects including activism, culture, peace, and racism.
Rückblick auf die Mobilfunkmesse: Neuheiten des Mobile World Congress 2012 - Bilder - Mobile World Congress 2012 - FOCUS Online Mobile LG Der südkoreanische Elektronikkonzern LG präsentiert auf dem MWC eine neue Designlinie. Noch in diesem jahr will LG drei L-Style-Smartphones präsentieren: Das Optimus L3 mit einem 3,2-Zoll-Display kommt im März. Zwei weitere Geräte mit Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich folgen noch in der ersten Jahreshälfte: das Optimus L5 und das Optimus L7. ZTE Schlankes Design: Das ZTE Era kommt in einem 7,8 Millimeter dicken Gehäuse. ZTE Das ZTE PF112 läuft ebenfalls mit Android 4.0 und ist mit einem 4,5-Zoll-Touchscreen ausgestattet, der 1280x720 Pixel-Auflösung und 16 Mio. ZTE Mit dem Orbit bringt ZTE im zweiten Quartal 2012 ein weiteres Windows Phone auf den Markt. Sony Das Xperia P und Xperia U kommen laut Sony ganz nach dem HD-Flaggschiff Xperia S. Huawei In Huaweis MediaPad 10 FHD steckt ein 1.5-Gigahertz-Quad-Core-Prozessor. Huawei Das angeblich schnellste Smartphone der Welt kommt von Huawei: Das Ascend D hat einen Quad-1,5-Gigahertz-Prozessor und einen 32-Bit-Grafikprozessor.
Icerocket blog search 146 Reasons Why Sugar Ruins Your Health By Nancy Appleton PhD Excerpted from Suicide by Sugar 146 Reasons Why Sugar Destroys Your Health (Detailed scientific references are available at the end of this article.) 1. Sugar can suppress the immune system. 2. 11. 1. Social Searcher Julian Assange's WikiLeaks: Ten Days That Changed The World - The Huffington Post As Julian Assange continues his fight against extradition to Sweden, a collaborator tells for the first time the story of the group that gathered a year ago to prepare the biggest leak in the history of journalism. By Natalia Viana Thirteen months ago, Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks were still relatively unknown. They had never made the headlines in Brazil, where I live, and even less in the Amazon, where I was doing freelance reporting at the time. Secret US documents were the last thing on my mind when I was first contacted on November 14, 2010. "Hello Natalia, I'm with a very influential organization, and I wanted to offer you a job," said a female voice who claimed to have worked with me some years ago. It sounded like something straight out of a James Bond movie, but I was hooked. As I arrived at the airport in London, I tried my best to sound blasé, since I had no reasonable explanation for being there: "I'm only on vacation, I'm going shopping," I told the immigration officer.
Clipul Video Search US-Geheimdienstler auf Späheinsatz in Deutschland Zeitungen Zum Kurzlink Mehr als 200 US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter sind in Deutschland als Diplomaten akkreditiert und spähen deutsche Bürger aus, schreibt die Zeitung „Nesawissimaja Gaseta“ am Dienstag. Darüber hinaus sind Hunderte Mitarbeiter privater Sicherheitsfirmen für die National Security Agency (NSA) tätig. Auffallend ist, dass die Kooperation zwischen den USA und Deutschland bei der Ausspähung viel enger ist als vermutet. Wie aus den Unterlagen Snowdens hervorgeht, betrieben BND und NSA in Bad Aibling zwei gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppen zur technischen Aufklärung und Auswertung abgefangener Signale, berichtet der SPIEGEL. Darüber hinaus kamen auch Einzelheiten über den Standort Griesheim bei Darmstadt ans Licht. Es ist schon ein Jahr her, als die NSA-Affäre inklusive der Überwachung des Handys von Angela Merkel an die Öffentlichkeit kam.
izik | take search for a joy ride Photographs of the Islamic Tuareg tribe where women embrace sexual freedoms The Tuareg have maintained their way of life for centuries, crossing from one side of the world's largest desertYet beneath the traditional way of life lies a progressive society where women's rights have been embracedFamilies trace their line through the women and not the men, with women owning the tents and animals Pre-nups and divorce are everyday - with parents throwing their recently separated daughters 'divorce parties'But the rise of extremist Islam in the region could put all this under threat as a more conservative lifestyle prevails By Flora Drury For Mailonline Published: 06:55 GMT, 24 June 2015 | Updated: 15:49 GMT, 25 June 2015 For centuries the nomadic Tuareg tribe have crossed the Sahara desert, sometimes being led by the blind who used their heightened sense of smell and taste to pick a safe path across the ever-shifting sands. But behind the ancient way of life is a culture so progressive it would even make some people in liberal western cultures blush.
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