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Wall Art

Wall Art
Drawings by Yosuke Goda. Here’s a video of another one:

Never Be My Friend When I'm bored, I browse through my friends' Facebook images, choose my favorites, and draw them. Sometimes I take... liberties. Let's just call it artistic license. R.I.P. when I drew you looking like a corpse. I occasionally wonder why I still have friends at all. Gianluigi Rivasi Drawings by Gianluigi Rivasi. Italy. Realism Faces Sublime pieces by Sandra Suy.

Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva Drawings by Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva. Rotterdam. 50 anime wallpapers Anime is a type highly stylized animation originally from Japan, where it’s characteristic style was developed during the 1960s and onwards. Today, anime is not only popular in Japan and Asia, but throughout the world as well, and is considered an art form on par with Western style animation. We’ve got 50 beautiful anime wallpapers for you, all in widescreen HD resolution. Source: Tony Orrico Mesmerizing performance drawings by artist and dancer Tony Orrico. He is a human spirograph, performing works for up to 4 hours continuously! Watch the videos below! Coran &Kizer& Stone There are so many artists in the world that do such great work, we want to try and give exposure to as many of them as we can so we've starting a Featured Artist column that will focus on one artist, and a collection of their work. This week we featured two pieces of Geek Art from Deviant Art user Kizer180 also known as Coran "Kizer" Stone, and . These are just a couple of pieces from the artist awesome collection of work. I love this guys stuff, and I dig his style. I'm sure you will as well. I just wanted to share some more of my favorite pieces of his work with you, and get it all out there. I'm an artist that's been naturally extracting for some time now. Check out the artwork below and tell us what you think!

Jellyvampire :: This was my entry to a contest held by Yuumei, at! I hope you like it c: My deviantart: My blog: Will you vote for me in this design contest? My entry is the girl with white hair and butterflies: 64 kommentarer MudasDreadnought skrev: Utrolig kul! Grimmy666 skrev: Jeg bare digget denne! Rigmor skrev: Ida Ida <3 Catya skrev: Denne var VELDIG bra, en av de beste og den er kreativ til tusen :) Bra jobbet. Emil skrev: Hissig. Biseps skrev: Fin stemmning, bra stil og alt det der. Gambit skrev: Begynte å lure hvorfor scrollemarkørtingen plutselig ble mikroskopisk tynn. Bogskinke skrev: Det beste med denne er de sære søte kattestripene du hadde før den. Ida nr.1 skrev: Enig i at den siste setningen er litt cheesy. WaterWill skrev: Nemlig; 17 år og allerede godt på vei en kunstner. VivalaOpium skrev: Dette er det beste som noensinne er lagt ut her på siden, minst. InKraBid skrev: Den.

Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures. Juan Francisco Casas e Ballpoint Artworks - Design Atento Juan Francisco Casas é um artista espanhol de 33 anos que consegue a proeza de fazer impressionantes desenhos realísticos usando apenas a boa e velha caneta Bic azul. O processo é assim: de uma foto digital, Juan amplia a imagem obtida e a transforma em enormes painéis desenhados a mão. E não tem nada de Photoshop. O trabalho desse artista é bem conhecido na Europa e leva o nome de Ballpoint Artworks. Saiba mais no site do designer | Busque também no Google
