ARCHITEXTUR Longévité animale et végétale Le châtaignier de l'Etna, dans Louis FIGUIER, Histoire des plantes, 1874. Âge attribué : 3600 ans !Escargot : 10aEsturgeon : 100aEtourneau : 20aFaucon : 15aFlamant rose : 40aFou : 20aFourmi : 15aFuret : 13aGeai : 15aGibbon : 23aGirafe : 28agorille : 50aGrue : 50aHerisson : 8aHéron cendré : 35aHibou gd duc : 50aHibou pt duc : 25aHippocampe : 4aHippopotame : 45aHirondelle cheminée : 24aHomard : 50a-->140aHomme : 123aHyène : 25aIf : 2800 aIule : 7aKangourou : 13aLama : 20aLamantin : 8aLangouste : 7alapin : 10a Lezard des murailles : 10aLichen : 1000 aLievre : 10aLion : 40aLoup : 16aLoutre : 15aLucane cerf-volant : 5aLynx : 10aMacaque : 30aMarmotte : 18aMartin-pêcheur : 21aMartinet : 29aMéduse Aurelia aurita : 1aMerle : 20aMesange : 15aMile-pattes : 5aMoineau domestique : 19aMouche male : 17jMouche femelle : 29jMouette : 30a Vieux arbres de France À votre réflexion : La question est souvent posée : l'âge des animaux n'a pas de rapport avec leur taille. Bibliographie
Improving farmers' income and futures across India. At DuPont, we believe that the answers to the greatest challenges facing humanity can be found through inclusive innovation. By working together, with more people in more places than ever before, we can find new and better ways to solve global challenges and provide for the food, energy, and protection needs of the world’s growing population. Here at DuPont, that’s how we work best — alongside others, applying a vast range of scientific expertise and knowledge to some of the world’s most complex problems. Ensuring that enough healthy, nutritious food is available for people everywhere is one of the most critical challenges facing humanity. While the demand for energy grows, the supply of fossil fuels will not. A growing global population places increased pressure on people and the environment.
Light brix, un concept de mur intéractif Hehe nous propose donc des blocs de lumière qui peuvent être interactif avec les habitats du lieu ou de la maison. En fonction de vos envies vous pouvez décider d’illuminer tel ou tel bloc de lumière simplement en le touchant. L’intérêt donc de de transformer votre mur en oeuvre éphémère et originale. Une video est disponible sur le site de hehe. ‘Meat Map’ shows global impact of meat we eat | Friends of the Earth Europe The average German consumes over 1,000 animals in their lifetime at a rate of 60kg of meat every year, according to figures released today by Friends of the Earth Germany/BUND. The ‘Fleischatlas 2013’, a detailed ‘meat map’ report on the trends and consequences of European meat consumption, shows the average German consumes 4 cows, 4 sheep, 12 geese, 37 ducks, 46 pigs, 46 turkeys and 945 chickens in their lifetime. This consumption is over twice the meat-intake per person in developing and emerging economies, and over six times as much as in the world’s poorest countries. The report produced with the Heinrich Boell Foundation and Le Monde Diplomatique, reveals that German farms produce around 17% more meat than is actually consumed, and that almost two-thirds of German agricultural land is used to produce feed for livestock. Even though a lot of animal feed is grown domestically, Europe is also shown to be the world’s second-largest importer of soy beans, after China.
The Venus Project 3form matériaux 8 Must-See TED Talks About Sustainable Food Photo: is a "clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other." TED (an acronym for “Technology, Entertainment and Design”) started off as an annual conference held in Long Beach, California, but has now expanded to have regional conferences all over the world and in 2007, they launched a website that now contains “over 500″ TEDtalks from leading thinkers on a wide range of topics. Their mission? We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. I love watching TED talks (maybe a little too much) and thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite talks about food. If there are others that you love, please leave a comment and share a link. Carolyn Steel: How Food Shapes Our Cities From Every day, in a city the size of London, 30 million meals are served. Ann Cooper Talks School Lunches
GROW! A Film About the Next Generation of Young Farmers in Georgia As the average age of farmers in the U.S. continues to raise, young farmers are beginning to sprout up across the nation. The recent documentary GROW!, directed by Christine Anthony and Owen Masterson, showcases the resurgence of young organic farmers in the state of Georgia. GROW! While we might be tempted to write their farming endeavors off as young, idealistic attempts at a simple life that simply no longer exists, what we get is a picture of hardworking, passionate and, yes, idealistic 20 and 30-somethings who feel called to a “real” job with tangible results. Far from the back-to-the-land movement of the 60s and 70s where, as Anthony and Masterson suggested, individuals were mainly concerned with dropping out of society and being self-sufficient, the young farmers of today are “fully engaged and participating in all aspects of society.” “After the excesses of the 80′s and 90′s there is a sea change of values. To schedule a local screening of GROW!
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, for a world without hunger