Advice on Academic Writing
The advice files listed here by category answer the kinds of questions that University of Toronto students ask about their written assignments. Most were created by writing instructors here—people who are familiar with U of T expectations. But you will also find links to good advice from other institutions under Further Resources. Teachers from across the Web are welcome to create links to any of the Advice pages and to copy our printer-friendly PDF Advice files. If you use our material, however, please follow the guidelines laid out in our Fair-Use Policy.
Related: Literature - Essay
• Academic resources
How to Write an Essay (with Sample Essays)
Steps Part 1 Writing Your Essay <img alt="Image titled Write an Essay Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Research the topic. This step is especially important if your paper is a research paper. Go online, head to the library, search an academic database, or read newspapers.
The Harvard Classics
The Harvard Classics, originally known as Dr. Eliot's Five Foot Shelf, is a 51-volume anthology of classic works from world literature, compiled and edited by Harvard University president Charles W. Eliot and first published in 1909.
Welcome to the English for Uni Website!
Welcome to the English for Uni website! This free website is for teachers and learners of English as an additional language, from intermediate levels upwards (i.e. approximately IELTS 6 and above). The site aims to make difficult grammar and academic writing concepts easier to understand. Please use this site as often as you like. You can also download all the explanations and exercises in pdf format.
What is bass music?
Most musicians hate being defined by labels and genres, but let's face it: without them, discovering new music that we actually like would be a long and very slow process. God knows how many tracks are released each week, but imagine having to wade through every one of them trying to find something that suits your tastes, without these helpful (if often overly simplistic) categorisations to narrow things down. The main problem seems to be that all those labels, genres and categories have an innate imprecision - a sort of aesthetic flexibility that allows them to be shrunk, stretched and twisted to fit each listener's personal taste.
Writing essays (Leicester University)
For a printer-friendly PDF version of this guide, click here This Study Guide addresses the topic of essay writing. The essay is used as a form of assessment in many academic disciplines, and is used in both coursework and exams. It is the most common focus for study consultations among students using Learning Development.
Academic writing - Learning & Teaching - Students
Academic writing is the basis of assessment at university. Its structure and referencing systems are built around the idea of universities holding the knowledge of the world and adding to this knowledge. The following links offer access to various resources to assist you in completing your assignments with proper referencing and structure of writing. IMPORTANT: There are different styles of referencing, and different versions of both Harvard Referencing and APA. You must check with your Unit of Study Coordinator regarding the referencing style and version that is required.
Note from the Editor: Music for Dance, Music and Movement
My colleague, Norwegian-born graphic designer Anette K. Hansen interpreted dance visually with these drawn patterns. “Dance music” is a term that has lately become maligned all over again. And the press is often fond of deriding the music of machines, as if drum machines and computers are sentient alien technology that climbed out of the smoldering remains of a wrecked UFO rather than the handiwork of someone’s imagination.
Writing essays (Royal Literary Fund)
Welcome to Writing Essays, the RLF’s online guide to everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about writing undergraduate essays. The guide is a toolbox of essay writing skills and resources that you can choose from to suit your particular needs. It combines descriptive and practical elements. That is, it tells you what things mean and what they are; and it uses examples to show you how they work.