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Ancient Greek goddess of wisdom Athena[b] or Athene,[c] often given the epithet Pallas,[d] is an ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, handicraft, and warfare[1] who was later syncretized with the Roman goddess Minerva. Athena was regarded as the patron and protectress of various cities across Greece, particularly the city of Athens, from which she most likely received her name. The Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens is dedicated to her. Her major symbols include owls, olive trees, snakes, and the Gorgoneion. In art, she is generally depicted wearing a helmet and holding a spear. From her origin as an Aegean palace goddess, Athena was closely associated with the city. Etymology The Acropolis at Athens (1846) by Leo von Klenze. That is a graver matter, and there, my friend, the modern interpreters of Homer may, I think, assist in explaining the view of the ancients. Origins Cult and patronages Panhellenic and Athenian cult Regional cults Epithets and attributes Mythology Birth Genealogy

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Homer, The Iliad, Scroll 13 Scroll 13 Now when Zeus had thus brought Hektor and the Trojans to the ships, he left them to their never-ending toil [ponos], and turned his keen eyes away, looking elsewhere towards the horse-breeders of Thrace, the Mysians, fighters at close quarters, the noble Hippemolgoi, who live on milk, and the Abians, the most just [dikaioi] of humankind. He no longer turned so much as a glance towards Troy, for he did not think that any of the immortals would go and help either Trojans or Danaans.

Calydon Greek city in ancient Aetolia The Laphrion sanctuary plateau of Calydon with Varasova mountain on the background. Calydon or Kalydon (; Ancient Greek: Καλυδών) was a Greek city in ancient Aetolia, situated on the west bank of the river Evenus, 7.5 Roman miles (approx. 11 km) from the sea.[1] Its name is most famous today for the Calydonian Boar that had to be overcome by heroes of the Olympian age. Mythology[edit]

Homer, The Iliad, Scroll 14 Scroll 14 Nestor was sitting over his wine, but the cry of battle did not escape him, and he said to the son of Asklepios, "What, noble Machaon, is the meaning of all this? The shouts of men fighting by our ships grow stronger and stronger; stay here, therefore, and sit over your wine, while fair Hekamede heats you a bath and washes the clotted blood from off you. I will go at once to the look-out station and see what it is all about."

Aetolia Region of Ancient Greece Aetolia (Greek: Αἰτωλία, romanized: Aἰtōlía) is a mountainous region of Greece on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, forming the eastern part of the modern regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania. Geography[edit] The Achelous River separates Aetolia from Acarnania to the west; on the north it had boundaries with Epirus and Thessaly; on the east with the Ozolian Locrians; and on the south the entrance to the Corinthian Gulf defined the limits of Aetolia. Seduction Seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person, to engage in a relationship, to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; to corrupt, to persuade or induce into engaging in sexual behaviour. Strategies of seduction include conversation and sexual scripts,[1] paralingual features,[2] non-verbal communication,[3][4] and short-term behavioural strategies.[5] The word seduction stems from Latin and means literally "leading astray."[6] As a result, the term may have a positive or negative connotation. Famous seducers from history or legend include Lilith, Giacomo Casanova, and the fictional character Don Juan. The emergence of the Internet and technology has supported the availability and the existence of a seduction community, which is based on discourse about seduction.

Laocoön Trojan priest in Greek and Roman mythology Laocoön (;[1][2][Note 1] Ancient Greek: Λαοκόων, IPA: [laokóɔːn]), the son of Acoetes, is a figure in Greek and Roman mythology and the Epic Cycle.[3] He was a Trojan priest who was attacked, with his two sons, by giant serpents sent by the gods. The story of Laocoön has been the subject of numerous artists, both in ancient and in more contemporary times. Death[edit] Poseidon Ancient Greek god of the sea, earthquakes and horses Poseidon was protector of seafarers, and of many Hellenic cities and colonies. Homer and Hesiod suggest that Poseidon became lord of the sea following the defeat of his father Cronus, when the world was divided by lot among his three sons; Zeus was given the sky, Hades the underworld, and Poseidon the sea, with the Earth and Mount Olympus belonging to all three.[2][5]In Homer's Iliad, Poseidon supports the Greeks against the Trojans during the Trojan War and in the Odyssey, during the sea-voyage from Troy back home to Ithaca, the Greek hero Odysseus provokes Poseidon's fury by blinding his son, the Cyclops Polyphemus, resulting in Poseidon punishing him with storms, the complete loss of his ship and companions, and a ten-year delay.

Oeneus Oeneus was a king of the area of Calydon in Greek mythology, son of King Porthaon and Queen Euryte. He married Althaea, with whom he had a number of children, including Deianeira, Meleager, Toxeus, Clymenus, Periphas, Gorge, Eurymede, Perimede and Melanippe. When Artemis sent a huge boar, called the Calydonian Boar, in his lands to ravage them because he had forgotten to honour the goddess, Oeneus asked his son Meleager to gather a party of heroes to kill the creature. The party consisted of Meleager, Atalanta, and Meleager's uncles; Atalanta played a major role in successfully hunting down and killing the boar. When the time came to give the boar's skin as a prize, Meleager gave it to Atalanta, despite the protests of his uncles who believed it should be theirs by right of birth.

Homer, The Iliad, Scroll 15 Scroll 15 But when their flight had taken them past the trench and the set stakes, and many had fallen by the hands of the Danaans, the Trojans made a halt on reaching their chariots, routed and pale with fear. Zeus now woke on the crests of Ida, where he was lying with golden-throned Hera by his side, and starting to his feet he saw the Trojans and Achaeans, the one thrown into confusion, and the others driving them pell-mell before them with King Poseidon in their midst. He saw Hektor lying on the ground with his comrades gathered round him, gasping for breath, wandering in mind and vomiting blood, for it was not the feeblest of the Achaeans who struck him. The sire of gods and men had pity on him, and looked fiercely on Hera.

Oeneus This article uses HTML markup. Please help by changing HTML markup to Wiki markup where appropriate. For help finding or replacing the problematic tags, see instructions. (February 2019) Ancient Greek mythical king Family Homer, The Iliad, Scroll 16 Scroll 16 Thus did they fight about the ship of Protesilaos. Then Patroklos drew near to Achilles with tears welling from his eyes, as from some spring whose crystal stream falls over the ledges of a high precipice. Meleager Ancient Greek mythical character In Greek mythology, Meleager (,[1] Greek: Μελέαγρος, translit. Meléagros) was a hero venerated in his temenos at Calydon in Aetolia. He was already famed as the host of the Calydonian boar hunt in the epic tradition that was reworked by Homer.[2] Meleager is also mentioned as one of the Argonauts.

Myrmidons Ovid's myth of the repopulation of Aegina[edit] Hera, queen of the gods, sent a plague to kill all the human inhabitants of Aegina because the island was named for one of the lovers of Zeus. King Aeacus, a son of Zeus and the intended target of Hera along with his mother, prayed to his father for a means to repopulate the island.

Thestius Family[edit] Mythology[edit] Thestius was allied with Tyndareus and Icarius against Hippocoon.[17] According to Strabo, when Tyndareus and his brother Icarius, after being banished by Hippocoön from their homeland, went to Thestius, the king of the Pleuronii. The king helped the two brothers to acquire possession of much of the country on the far side of the Acheloüs on condition that they should receive a share of it. Tyndareus, however, went back home, having married Leda, the daughter of Thestius, whereas Icarius stayed on, keeping a portion of Acarnania, and by Polycaste, the daughter of Lygaeus, begot both Penelope and her brothers.[2]
