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Timemap - Javascript library to help use a SIMILE timeline with online maps including Google, OpenLayers, and Bing.

Timemap - Javascript library to help use a SIMILE timeline with online maps including Google, OpenLayers, and Bing.
Timemap.js is a Javascript library to help use online maps, including Google, OpenLayers, and Bing, with a SIMILE timeline. The library allows you to load one or more datasets in JSON, KML, or GeoRSS onto both a map and a timeline simultaneously. By default, only items in the visible range of the timeline are displayed on the map. Version 2.0.1 Now Up! Version 2.0.1 is primarily a maintenance release, fixing a number of small bugs and cleaning up a few things that weren't quite right in v.2.0. Upgrading to v.2.x: Timemap.js v.2.x includes several important changes from 1.x: it removes the dependency on Google Maps v2, and adds dependencies on jQuery and the Mapstraction library to allow support for multiple map providers, including Google v3, OpenLayers, and Bing Maps. Simple Three-Item Dataset (using inline JSON data and Google Maps v3) Post-Election Violence in Kenya (using KML data)

Polymaps Vidmap - Geotagging for Videos Crossfilter Fast Multidimensional Filtering for Coordinated Views Crossfilter is a JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser. Crossfilter supports extremely fast (<30ms) interaction with coordinated views, even with datasets containing a million or more records; we built it to power analytics for Square Register, allowing merchants to slice and dice their payment history fluidly. Since most interactions only involve a single dimension, and then only small adjustments are made to the filter values, incremental filtering and reducing is significantly faster than starting from scratch. Crossfilter uses sorted indexes (and a few bit-twiddling hacks) to make this possible, dramatically increasing the perfor­mance of live histograms and top-K lists. Example: Airline on-time performance The coordinated visualizations below (built with D3) show nearly a quarter-million flights from early 2001: part of the ASA Data Expo dataset. February 28, 2001 236 mi. +139 min. 304 mi. 569 mi.

JS Charts - Free JavaScript charts Planetary.js: Awesome interactive globes for the web This code shows the example from the homepage, which rotates, shows randomly positioned, colored, and sized pings on the globe, and supports mouse-based dragging and zooming. It also shows the creation and use of a plugin, which powers the automatic rotation and exposes a public API. We're using a specially-made TopoJSON file that includes lake data so that we can draw lakes on the globe with a custom plugin, which you can find at the bottom of the JavaScript. The demo also shows how you can keep your globe from looking pixelated on high density displays by changing the canvas' width and height but keeping its displayed width and height the same via CSS styling.

arbor.js Create a map | BatchGeo
