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The Periodic Table . Intro

The Periodic Table . Intro
Related:  Kemi

50 Awesome Chemistry Videos For The Busy Science Teacher Though we don’t often recognize it, chemistry defines nearly every element of our everyday lives. From the reactions that fuel the sun to the biology of our bodies to the technology in our gadgets, chemistry is at the heart of everything we do and is the central science that unites biology, physics, geology, astronomy, medicine, and countless other fields. Yet chemistry doesn’t always get the credit and recognition it deserves for playing such an awesome role in, well, everything. If you’ve been slighting chemistry, there’s no better time to give the field the credit it deserves than National Chemistry Week. Founded in 1987, the week-long event has helped bring awareness to the role chemistry plays both in our lives today and in our future. Amazing Reactions and Experiments From incredible explosions to chameleon-like color changes, these experiments and demonstrations showcase some of the coolest reactions in chemistry. Lectures Courses Fun Miscellaneous

Periodic Table of the Elements by WebElements Stellarium Origin of the Periodic Table I know what the periodic table looks like, but where did it come from? Whose idea was it to arrange the elements this way? He set them out in order of atomic weight, and then grouped them into rows and columns based on their chemical and physical properties. 1869...that's way before the Schrödinger model, or even the Rutherford model. That's right. Based on the gaps in his table, Mendeleev even succeeded in predicting the existence and properties of several new elements. That's pretty impressive. His basic rule was this: the elements in any column, or group, of the table are similar to their column-mates. Click here if you'd like to read more about Mendeleev's methods and the chemistry of his time.

Home Common Compound Library A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties. Companion Notes Hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry. Construction Kits Flash-based kits for building chemical formulas, names, equations, and problem solutions. Articles Featured articles, books, and tutorials. Toolbox Interactive graphing, popup tables, and calculators. Tutorials Index of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics. Var ifrån kommer näringsämnena i maten? - kemi årskurs 1-3 - undervisningsstöd Elever som är intresserade av var ämnena i maten kommer ifrån kan till exempel vilja arbeta med följande frågor. Vilka livsmedel kommer från växter och vilka kommer från djur? Vilka näringskedjor äter vi ifrån? Diskutera Matcirkelns delar. Vilka delar är djur och vilka är växter? För att diskutera näringskedjor och näringsvävar kan Concept cartoons i Skolverkets bedömningsportal användas till exempel bilderna 2.3 ”Växter och djur” och 2.6 ”Min katt” från avsnittet Levande ting och deras omgivning. Sortera Vilka växtdelar äter vi? Har du tänkt på vad du äter? Undersök Plantera ”harpluttar" Vad har haren ätit? Blixtpatrullens äventyr (Håll Sverige rent) Så olika frön Följ en växts livscykel. Odla frukter och grönsaker (Bi-lagan nr 2-2012) (198 kB) Göra smör från grädde För att många elever ska kunna göra smör samtidigt kan man hälla lite grädde i små burkar med lock som eleverna skakar tills det blir hårt.

Elements 4D by DAQRI Canoë - Techno-Sciences - Des vêtements intelligents pour détecter les maladies Des chercheurs Américains et en Chinois viennent de faire de sérieux progrès vers la production relativement simple et peu coûteuse de «tissus intelligents», des textiles électroniques capables de détecter les maladies, surveiller le rythme cardiaque ainsi que d'autres signes vitaux. Les résultats de cette recherche digne d’un roman de science-fiction publié dans le magazine scientifique ACS' Nano Letters de décembre. Dans cette étonnante étude, Nicholas A. Kotov de l’Université du Michigan et Chuanlai Xu de l’Université Jiangnan, soulignent que les textiles électroniques, ou «e-textiles», sont déjà une réalité. Les fibres mises au point par les chercheurs sont en coton enduit d'électrolytes et de nanotubes de carbone (CNT). Dans les tests de laboratoire, les chercheurs ont montré que la nouvelle fibre intelligente peut allumer une simple diode électroluminescente lorsqu'elle est connectée à une batterie.

What is a mole? | The Chemistry Journey | The Virtual School Aktueller notiser | Kemilärarnas Resurscentrum KRC K12 Periodic Table of the Elements What is the full chemical name for titin Titin, also known as connectin, (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466) is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Titin connects the Z line to the M line in the sarcomere. The protein limits the range of motion of the sarcomere in tension, thus contributing to the passive stiffness of muscle. Variations in the sequence of titin between different types of muscle (e.g. cardiac or skeletal) has been correlated with differences in the mechanical properties of the muscles.[1] Titin is the largest known protein, consisting of 26,926 amino acids. As the largest known protein, titin has the longest full chemical name. Titin (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466) is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues.
