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Perception - StumbleUpon

Perception - StumbleUpon
. . . Something To Think About. . . Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. 4 minutes later: The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk. 6 minutes: A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again. 10 minutes: A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. 45 minutes: The musician played continuously. 1 hour: He finished playing and silence took over. No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. This is a true story. The questions raised: *In a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? *Do we stop to appreciate it? *Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context? One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: How many other things are we missing? Related:  .caisson.caisson

Hang on, my love, and grow big and strong It took nine months for Iggy Pop to reply to then-21-year-old Laurence's fan letter, but really the timing couldn't have been more perfect as on the morning his thoughtful note did arrive at her home in Paris, Laurence's family were being evicted by bailiffs. Laurence recalls that moment back in 1995: "By the time I finished I was in tears. Not only had Iggy Pop received the letter I had sent him nine months before, and I could have missed his if he'd sent it a day later, but he had read the whole 'fucking' 20 pages, including the bit about my Adidas dress (a semi-innocent allusion on my part), and all the rest, my description of being the child of an acrimonious divorce with the string of social workers, lawyers, greedy estate agents and bailiffs at the door, the fear, the anger, the frustration, the love." Iggy's empathetic, handwritten response addressed Laurence's problems with both grace and eloquence, and really can't be praised enough. Transcript follows. Transcript

Prendre le blasphème au sérieux L’histoire bégaie, et nous avec. Il y a tout juste deux ans, Terry Jones, « pasteur » auto-proclamé (en Amérique, c’est presque un pléonasme) semait une vaste pagaille en annonçant son intention de brûler des corans. Cette année, la débilité choisie pour fêter le 11 septembre fut un « film », lui aussi auto-proclamé (on n’en connaît que des extraits, nul ne sait si le film a jamais été monté). Le scénario, cependant, ne serait pas complet sans un bon effet de miroir. C’est, à chaque fois, un 11-septembre en partie double. Je crois avoir compris, à cette occasion, ce qu’on appelle le story telling : il faut que les événements soient présentés d’une façon qui les rendent intelligibles, et si possibles spectaculaires et angoissants. Au final, le scénario a l’avantage insigne de ne bouleverser aucune idée reçue. Il y aurait une manière assez simple de rendre compte de cette apparente schizophrénie. La distinction, pourtant, n’est pas simple à tenir. Like this: J'aime chargement…

The price for ridding society of bad is always high In June of 1945, this striking letter arrived at the home of 3-year-old Dennis Helms in Washington, written on a sheet of Adolf Hitler's letterhead. It had been penned by his father, Lt. Richard Helms, an intelligence operative with the OSS who, following Germany's surrender the month before, had managed to acquire some of the recently-deceased Nazi leader's stationery from the Reich Chancellery. He then wrote to his son. Richard Helms later became Director of the CIA. Transcript follows. Transcript OBERSALZBERG, DEN V-E dayADOLF HITLERDear Dennis, The man who might have written on this card once controlled Europe — three short years ago when you were born.

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Online papers on consciousness Search tips There are three kinds of search you can perform: All fields This mode searches for entries containing all the entered words in their title, author, date, comment field, or in any of many other fields showing on OPC pages. Surname This mode searches for entries containing the text string you entered in their author field. Advanced This mode differs from the all fields mode in two respects. Note that short and / or common words are ignored by the search engine.

A molecular link between the active com - PubMed Mobile FUCK YEAH MOLESKINES Female portrait in markers and ink. For more sketches and illustrations visit my blog belowTumblr Coloured pencil on walercolour moleskine Air Jordan 3 Cement “True Blue” for more: End of holidays in the countryside. … but everything is running so fast !! —> A mandala I drew in an old moleskine, about three years ago. The light was here, the inspiration too… my classes on monday/wednesday are 6 hours apart, so sometimes i take the metro to the mall and draw at cafes. click here for more of my sketchbook work! Only when I started running, my ghosts caught up with me. Sketchbook cover work in progress… DegradedSpectacle (art blog) Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution Written partly in response to Social Darwinism and in particular to Thomas H. Huxley's Nineteenth Century essay, "The Struggle for Existence", Kropotkin's book drew on his experiences in scientific expeditions in Siberia to illustrate the phenomenon of cooperation. After examining the evidence of cooperation in nonhuman animals, in pre-feudal societies and medieval cities, and in modern times, he concluded that cooperation and mutual aid are the most important factors in the evolution of species and the ability to survive. Discussion[edit] Daniel P. Kropotkin pointed out the distinction between the direct struggle among individuals for limited resources (generally called competition) and the more metaphorical struggle between organisms and the environment (tending to be cooperative). Editions[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Chronicle: Mouth, gut bacteria found in arteries Ian Hewson The same types of bacteria found in arterial plaque, which causes atherosclerosis, are also found in the mouth and gut. The same types of bacteria found in arterial plaque, which causes atherosclerosis, are also found in the mouth and gut, according to the first general survey of all bacteria found in plaques from the mouth, gut and blood. The study, conducted by researchers from Cornell and University of Gothenburg, Sweden and published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, may one day offer new ways to detect heart disease and could lead to drugs that target these bacteria to reduce arterial plaque and atherosclerosis. In atherosclerosis, a fatty material called plaque collects along the walls of arteries, where it thickens, hardens (forming calcium deposits) and may eventually block the arteries. The findings show that such bacteria as Veillonella and Streptococcus were the most abundant microbiota found in plaque.

Limbic System: The Center of Emotions This structure has ample connections with the other prosencephalic areas and the mesencephalus. Lesions of the hypothalamic nuclei interfere with several vegetative functions and some of the so-called motivated behaviors, like thermal regulation, sexuality, combativeness, hunger and thirst. The hypothalamus is also believed to play a role in emotion. Humans display the largest web of connections between the prefrontal area and the traditional limbic structures. Paul MacLean uses to say that "it is very difficult to imagine a lonelier and more emotionally empty being than a crocodile". 1 - The intense and long-lasting care and nursing of females towards their offsprings. 2 - A playful mood. Ablation of important parts of the limbic system of any animal causes it to loose, totally, both motherly affection and ludic interest. And the evolution of mammals bring us to mankind. Therefore, the words affect, emotion and feeling are used interchangeably and imprecisely, almost like synonyms.

Projects - White The city of Kiruna, in the north of Sweden (founded 1900, population approx 18,200), is about to undergo one of the biggest urban transformations of our time. The entire city will be moved approximately two miles east. This is a huge challenge, provoking anxiety and anticipation among the citizens of Kiruna. The city of Kiruna has to move. In February 2013 White arkitekter working with Ghilardi + Hellsten Arkitekter won an international competition for a 20-year masterplan of Kiruna’s phased relocation by 2033. LKAB and the Municipality of Kiruna recently announced the first phase of that masterplan, with LKAB pledging an investment of €415.5 million for the development of the new town centre. Moving the cityWhite’s vision for the transformation of Kiruna will take place in phases. An unparalleled opportunity The relocation presents an unparalleled opportunity for Kiruna to transform itself into a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable city.

What Happens When I Die? There is no way to understand death if you don't know what life is. What happens between the moment you take your first breath and the moment you draw your very last? Who is it that is looking out through your eyes? Is it not the same quality of awareness that existed right before you read these words? Is that quality of awareness not the same quality that existed yesterday and the day before? And that awareness, the pure state of awareness was there before you could form words or even knew your name. The essential self is not contained within the boundaries of worldly identification, although it plays in those fields. The essential self is not limited in perception by the five senses, although it enjoys experiencing them. The self that is eternal is not limited by space and time, although it uses space and time to creatively express its essence. The Realized Self came from nowhere and is going nowhere, but may choose different manifestations perhaps throughout the birth-life continuum.
