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"Som Berlin på DDR-tiden" - but I have a dream... - Sara Bruun

"Som Berlin på DDR-tiden" - but I have a dream... - Sara Bruun
Den tredje måndagen i januari är en nationell helgdag i USA. Då hedrar man minnet av Martin Luther King Jr och lyfter fram vad han stod för, nämligen alla människors lika värde oavsett bakgrund. I år är Martin Luther King – dagen den 18 janauri. Med tanke på vad som pågår i Sverige just nu och i Skåne i synnerhet önskar jag att vi också stannar upp och tänker till. Förtydligande (5/1): Jag menar självklart inte att ATT det är samma sak i Hyllie och Kastrup som i Berlin på DDR-tiden. Jag hittade en uppgift på som knyter an till Martin Luther King Jr . Jag tror att uppgiften ovan skulle kunna bli en bra inledning till ett större arbete om människors lika värde med de äldre eleverna. Här kan ni se Rasmus tal. Eleverna fick feedback på sina tal och i stort sett alla ville sedan göra om talen. När vi var klara med talen gick vi vidare till att lära oss om Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks har också sin dag när man stannar upp och tänker till kring mänskliga rättigheter. Sara Bruun Related:  SpeakingEngelska 2Engelska

5 of My Favorite English Games for ESL Students I saved the best for last. My students requested this game more often than any other game we ever played. It's based on the old drinking game "Ring of Fire," modified for the classroom. Materials needed:A standard deck of playing cards, a whiteboard, 20-30 small slips of blank paper, and a bowl. The setup:Almost none! Place the bowl in the center of a table and spread the cards out, face down, in a circle around the bowl. The activity:Before you start the game, hand every student two small slips of paper. The students will take turns pulling a card. Here are the actions I assign to cards and the penalties involved: K: Ask anyone. Q: Ask a girl. J: Ask a boy. 10: Ask your teacher! 9: Bunny ears! 8: Words. 7: Pick again. 6: Touch your nose! 5: Answer one question. 4: Ask the person on your left. 3: Ask the person on your right. 2: Answer two questions. A: Free card. Note: This is just an example of a setup I use for intermediate university level classes.

Think, pair, share - ett lektionsförslag att sno rakt av ! - Sara Bruun Think, pair, share är en metod som jag ofta använder mig av. På svenska kallar vi den EPA- Elev, Par, Alla. Jag tycker att det är en väldigt bra metod för att få eleverna att prata och våga diskutera. Lotta Karlsson, Fröken Flipp, beskriver i sin blogg hur hon använder EPA i sin SO-undervisning: Mitt flippade klassrum. Metoden fungerar i alla ämnen så fort eleverna kan skriva! Här kommer ett lektionsförslag för engelskundervisningen år 6-9. How to make a difference The story below is written by Loren Eisley: One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. What does this story mean? 1. Now use the Canva app and create your own poster. / Sara Canva är gratis och fungerar på alla enheter.

Speech - I have a dream... SpeechI will now present the whole theme that we are going to work with during the next few weeks. Don't worry - I will give you instructions while we are working as well.You work together in your groups with: 1. The magic of three Watch the film about the Magic of three: 2. How to write a speech Now watch the film I have made for you. The key words to remember are: A FOREST, TONE, BODY LANGUAGE 3. If you need the text you find it here.Number 4 is what I will take a closer look at. •I have a dream that one day this nation will... •I have a dream that one day... •I have a dream that... •I have a dream today. •This is my hope and faith. will be able to... •This will be the day when... 5. 6. You can choose if you want to present your speech in front of the whole class or if you want a friend to film your speech and show it instead. It is ok to use the iPad or your smartphone with iMovie if you want to spice up your speech! Good Luck!

Body Image: Four-Year-Olds 'Feeling Pressure' Children as young as four are refusing to eat certain food for fear of getting fat, a survey of teachers has found. Pressure to live up to unrealistic body images leaves many youngsters with anxiety issues, low self-esteem and eating disorders, according to the poll by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL). An early years teacher in England told researches: "I work with four to five-year-olds and some say things like 'I can't eat cheese, it will make me fat'." A teacher at one primary school said: "I am very worried to hear little girls as young as 10 talking about being skinny and dieting." The survey, which questioned almost 700 primary and secondary teachers in February and March, also indicated that boys are under almost as much pressure as girls to have the "perfect" body. It found 84% believe that there is pressure on girls to have or maintain a certain body image, with two thirds (66%) saying boys are facing the same issue. Some young girls are using sunbeds or spray tans

Travel and Sightseeing: Directions Through Town (1) Whether you are on a sightseeing trip through Europe or backpacking in Australia, finding your way around the city while on vacation can be difficult unless you know what to say. Understanding directions is a big part of this. Look at the expressions below and be sure to understand the meaning of the places on the map before you begin the listening activity: Listen by pressing the "Play Audio" button. Then, choose TRUE or FALSE for each sentence, which may be missing one or more words. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] Listen to the sentences again as you read the Quiz Script. Draw a neighborhood map of the area where you live (or a place you know well like a school or your work). Now, write your opinions on a similar topic at Randall's ESL Blog HERE. Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Teachers Pay Teachers Explore the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with these resources thoughtfully created by TpT Teacher-Authors. Through informational essays, close reading activities, craft projects — and a whole lot more— you’ll help create an environment for insightful questions and meaningful discussion. by Presto Plans Grades 6-12 by The Daring English Teacher Grades 6-10 by History with Mr E – A Social Studies Professional Grades 5-8 by Puzzles to Print Grades 4-7 by Fifth in the Middle Grades 4-7 by HappyEdugator Grades 4-7 by Nyla’s Crafty TeachingGrades 3-6 by Create-Abilities Grades 2-6 by Promoting Success Grades 2-5 by Art with Jenny K Grades 1-8 by Susan Jones Grades K-3 by Puppet Korner N More Grades PreK-5 by Simply Kinder Grades PreK-1 “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Street directions in English vocabulary exercise Introduction: Anybody who has travelled to another country or city has got lost. Sometimes maps don't help, so you have to ask somebody for directions. If you're in a country where they don't speak your language, this can be difficult. At other times, you will have to give directions to people visiting your country. In this online exercise, we will look at the essential vocabulary used to both ask for and to give directions in English. Exercise: Receiving directions A visitor to the city of York in the North of England asks a person in the street for directions to the Silk Cottage restaurant. Using both the directions and the map, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases in bold are. Visitor:'Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Silk Cottage restaurant please?' York Resident:'Eh, the Silk Cottage restaurant. You'll then come to a bridge, go over the bridge. Quiz: Street directions in English vocabulary When the answer is correct, two icons will appear next to the question.

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials Facelift – has gone through a total facelift. For the last week, we have been working to make more accessible, user-friendly, modern and faster for our visitors’ convenience. Themes have got a more prominent position, as you can access them on a separate Themes Page as well as under each level’s menu item. The number of language level categories has been diminished from five to four, after a vote on Facebook. The former Lower Intermediate Level materials have been transferred either to Beginner 1-3, to Elementary 4-5 or to both. Other categories remain the same.

Giving directions A Go straight on. Then take the first left on to Green Street. Walk past the library and it’s the building next to the library on the left. B Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights. C Go straight on. D Go straight on. A Go straight on. B Go straight on. C Go straight on. D Go straight on. IDEA International Dialects of English Archive | free dialect and accent recordings for the performing arts Pernilla's English Classroom
