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Related:  Internet of things

MKR1000 OSH: Schematics The MKR1000 is open-source hardware! You can build your own board using the following files: Pinout Download the pinout in PNG format RasWIK - Raspberry Pi Wireless Inventors Kit Product description The Wireless Inventors Kit for the Raspberry Pi (RasWIK) is an exciting and affordable addition to the Raspberry Pi. RasWIK demonstrates that with our leading edge technology anyone (and we mean anyone) can build wireless sensors and actuators , you do not need huge experience, a degree or even any tools. We show you even how to connect the devices you build to “the Internet of Things” (IoT) service providers such as Xively. Getting started is just 5 simple steps:

ARTIK GET A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON loT. Rethink how you get to market with the Samsung ARTIKTM loT ecosystem. Samsung ARTIK is the end-to-end, integrated loT platform that transforms the process of developing, launching, and managing loT products. With a flexible, open ecosystem, from silicon totools to cloud, plus an extensive array oftechnology partners, you can shorten yourdevelopment cycle to a degree you never thoughtpossible. Dr. Monk's DIY Electronics Blog: Raspberry Pi and Arduino Note. There is now a followup to this post here. The Raspberry Pi is creating quite a storm of interest. I have just got mine and one of the first things that I wanted to try was to get it talking to an Arduino over USB using Python. .. and you know what? It proved to be a lot easier than I expected.

The Ultimate IoT Challenge Using ARTIK Cloud Full rules Eligibility criteria: Contestants must (a) be at least 16 years of age, (b) be a resident of a country other than Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria, (c) not be involved in the execution or administration of the Contest, and (d) not be an employee (or the immediate family member or a household member of an employee) of, or Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. (“Samsung”) or a Samsung affiliate. Contestants are referred to as “you,” and Hackster, Samsung, and Samsung’s affiliates are collectively referred to herein as “we” or “us.” To be eligible for judging, an entry must meet all of the following content and technical requirements:

Tour - Handbook Tools for Rapid Prototyping with Microcontrollers Microcontrollers are getting cheaper, more powerful and more flexible, but there remains a barrier to a host of new applications; someone has to build the first prototypes. Without the right tools, implementation details can quickly get in the way of productive prototyping and experimentation. A very cheap ESP8266 WiFi smart car controlled by phone based on NodeMCU DoitCar is designed and developed by Shenzhen Doctors of Intelligence & Technology (SZDOIT), which is the most cost-effective. It is widely applied in many fields, sucha as the electronic lover, college students, Internet of Things (IoT), mobile data collection, etc. DoitCar has a great temptation for the smart car solution.

Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS: Getting started Updated December 17th. In this tutorial (#1) we will: Install ROS, the AR.Drone driver and AR.Drone keyboard controllerFly the AR.Drone using the provided keyboard controller In tutorials 2-5, we will: Modify the keyboard controller to work with a joystick or control pad, giving much finer control (link)Look more closely at the data sent back from the drone and play with the onboard tag detection (link)Write a controller for the drone to enable tag followingWrite a controller for the drone which allows us to control drone velocity, rather than body angle Updates:

ESP8266: Weather Station V2 Code published This is a total make over of the earlier weather station. Instead of building my code on the NodeMCU lua firmware I decided to switch to the Arduino IDE based development setup. The reason for this was the constant problems with heap memory running out and other instabilities. Embedded Web Server for FreeRTOS using uIP TCP/IP stack on the Philips LPC2124 ARM7 From FreeRTOS V4.0.3, this demo requires CrossWorks V1.6 or higher. This demo application uses the FreeRTOS GCC ARM7 port along with the Rowley Associates CrossWorks integrated development tools to create a multitasking embedded web server example. The example executes 12 of the standard demo application tasks, the idle task, and a task containing Adam Dunkels uIP (µIP) embedded TCP/IP stack and sample small web server. FreeRTOS has made some modifications to the uIP stack since this demo was created. See the Embedded Ethernet Examples List page for more information. The demo is preconfigured to execute on the LPC-E2124 embedded Ethernet development board (instructions are provided should you wish to use an alternative development board), for which the uIP TCP/IP stack port and embedded Ethernet device drivers were provided by Paul Curtis of Rowley Associates.

WeatherBug: ESP8266 WeatherStation with IFTTT and HomeKit support I assume you're familiar with Daniel Eichhorn's ESP8266 Weather Station. I modified it to do a little more. Hardware changes POSIX Threads Thread Basics: Thread operations include thread creation, termination, synchronization (joins,blocking), scheduling, data management and process interaction. A thread does not maintain a list of created threads, nor does it know the thread that created it. All threads within a process share the same address space. Threads in the same process share: Process instructions Most data open files (descriptors) signals and signal handlers current working directory User and group id Each thread has a unique: Thread ID set of registers, stack pointer stack for local variables, return addresses signal mask priority Return value: errno pthread functions return "0" if OK. Thread Creation and Termination:
