Pyramid Texts Online - English Translation The following is the complete text from the Pyramid of Unas, based on translations by Faulkner, Piankoff and Speleer. Use the links above to jump straight to the section of text you would like to read. At each section there is the opportunity to link to the corresponding section of the tomb. South Wall (west to east) Utterance 213 134: O Unas, you have not gone dead, you have gone alive to sit on the throne of Osiris. 135: Your arm is that of Atum, your shoulders are those of Atum, your belly is that of Atum, your back is that of Atum, your bottom is that of Atum, your two legs are those of Atum, your face is that of Anubis. Utterance 214 136: O Unas, beware of the Lake! 137: Go after your sun! 138: when you go up, is predestined by Geb to be a despised one of his city, he shall flee and falter. 139: The (glorified) humanity bewail you after the Imperishable Stars have carried you. Utterance 215 140: O Unas! 141: There is no god, who has become a star, without a companion." Utterance 216 Top
Pages d'histoire antique de Fabrice Mrugala (Antiquité) 039;s Links: 15000++ Links to Esoteric Subjects on the Web: General Reference and Learning: from Qabala/Kabbalah Links: [Qabala and Carlo Suares (Carlo Suarès)] Psyche's Links: Spiritual Links (Maaseh Bereshit) {*style:<b> Reference: General </b>*} Online Free Multi-language Translation Service Systran Online Translator Multilingual E-Translation Portal Altavista: Babel Fish Translation Free Translation Online translator powered by WorldLingo Google Language Tools Nice Translator - The fast, easy to use online translator TTS Interactive Demo: text to speech: Interactive Multi-Lingual Demo The Wayback Machine Earth today Data Analysis WebUse: Scientific Research on the Internet Research Gate For Scientists. You and Your Research HighWire Press: Stanford: largest repository of free, full-text, peer-reviewed content Google Scholar | Using Google Scholar Dag Hammarskjöld Library | UNBISnet: ResourceShelf Intute - the best Web resources for education and research 24 Hour Museum - official guide to UK museums, galleries, exhibitions and heritage Archivalia Project Wombat: the Difficult Reference Question Mailing List Stumpers-L - Wikipedia Stack Overflow Great Reference Sites Other than Wikipedia |
The Egyptian Coffin Texts 1: Texts of Spells 1-75 | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Download Terms of Use The Coffin Texts form the missing link between the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead. These texts are an expression of the Egyptian desire for immortality and the deep influence of the mortuary religion of the pharaohs. This volume presents careful copies and comparison of all available duplicate texts of Spells 1-75. Oriental Institute Publications, Volume 34 Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935 Pp. xix + 405 Out of Print ¤ Portail des civilisations anciennes SubSite - Start ANCIENT EGYPT : The Pyramid Texts in the tomb of Pharaoh Wenis, Unis or Unas 2. The rise of henotheism. "Men hide, the gods fly away." King Unas (Utt.302 - antechamber, North Wall) At the start of Dynastic times (ca. 3000 BCE), the religious beliefs of the Egyptians were contextual, local & relative to social class. From the IIIth Dynasty (ca. 2670 BCE), initiating the Old Kingdom (ca. 2670 - 2205 BCE), the royal ritual issued a new emphasis on the single, Solar creator-god Re, replacing the traditional balance between Horus and Seth. The architectural wonders of Pharaohs Djoser (ca. 2654 - 2635 BCE), Snofru (ca. 2600 - 2571 BCE) and Khufu (ca. 2571 - 2548 BCE) evidence this new royal theology, focusing on the divine king while in power (cf. as Osiris & Horus in the Sed-festival) and as Son of Re in the afterlife. The pyramid is a stairway to heaven, a rising as given by , 041, the double stairway, a determinative indicating "ascent" and "high place" (cf. the Step Pyramid of Djoser). Because of this emphasis on Re, a constellational henotheism ensued. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Maquette de Rome Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: Orgonomy & Wilhelm Reich Coffin Texts Middle Kingdom sarcophagus with the Coffin Texts painted on its panels As the modern name of this collection of some 1,185 spells implies, they were mostly inscribed on Middle Kingdom coffins. They were also sometimes written on tomb walls, stelae, canopic chests, papyri and mummy masks. Due to the limited writing surfaces of some of these objects, the spells were often abbreviated, giving rise to long and short versions, some of which were later copied in the Book of the Dead.[2] Content[edit] In contrast to the Pyramid Texts which focus on the celestial realm, the coffin texts emphasize the subterranean elements of the afterlife ruled by the deity Osiris, in a place called the Duat. Examples[edit] Coffin text 1130 is a speech by the sun god Ra, who says: Hail in peace! I made the four winds, that every man might breathe in his time.. I made the great inundation, that the humble might benefit by it like the great... I made every man like his fellow; and I did not command that they do wrong.
Les visages retrouvés de la terreur soviétique Recensé : Tomasz Kizny & Dominique Roynette (dir.), La Grande Terreur en URSS, 1937-1938, Editions Noir sur Blanc, Lausanne, 2013, 412 p., 40€. La Grande Terreur désigne la vague de massacres programmés qui a caractérisé les années 1937 et 1938 en URSS. Basé sur l’enquête iconographique et photographique du polonais Tomasz Kizny, ce livre revient sur ce qui, jusqu’à 1991, n’était connu que comme « les grandes purges » (visant essentiellement les bolcheviques critiques à l’égard de Staline) tant le secret avait été bien gardé sur l’essentiel de la répression. En 2009 Nicolas Werth en proposait une analyse historique [1]. La combinaison proposée ici entre image et texte met en avant les enjeux émotionnels de la confrontation avec cet épisode longtemps caché du stalinisme. Portraits de condamnés Pas de titre sur l’immense couverture (28 x 31,4 cm), mais comme une photo d’identité en noir et blanc incluant le haut du torse et mal centrée latéralement. La Grande Terreur en chiffres
The Anatomy of a Search Engine Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page {sergey, page} Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 Abstract In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. 1. (Note: There are two versions of this paper -- a longer full version and a shorter printed version. 1.1 Web Search Engines -- Scaling Up: 1994 - 2000 Search engine technology has had to scale dramatically to keep up with the growth of the web. 1.2. Creating a search engine which scales even to today's web presents many challenges. These tasks are becoming increasingly difficult as the Web grows. 1.3 Design Goals 1.3.1 Improved Search Quality Our main goal is to improve the quality of web search engines. 1.3.2 Academic Search Engine Research Aside from tremendous growth, the Web has also become increasingly commercial over time. 2. 2.1 PageRank: Bringing Order to the Web 2.1.1 Description of PageRank Calculation Vitae
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