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Alsacréations. Agence web, création de site et formations web
How Colors in Web Design Help in Making Websites Successful
You might not realize how important colours are in web design. If a website is green, it might as well be blue; it doesn’t matter. And while I thought this myself for a long time, I recently came to the conclusion that the color is actually going to make a huge difference and express something different to your audience. There are psychological effects behind each color and tone, therefore I decided to tell you more about them today. Human senses get excited about lots of stuff. One of the most effective ways to excite somebody is to project a red hue color onto the walls of their room. Colors Stimulate Senses Colors can stimulate and excite people, increase their appetite, make them feel warm or make them feel tranquil. Image Source: StockLogos There’s more to colors in web design than just the emotional factor. Mixing Colors Mixing colors is beneficial if done the right way. There is a very good trick behind using complementary colors together. Image source: Pepsi Colors and Cultures
10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips
Ross Kimbarovsky is the co-founder of crowdSPRING, a community of 43,000+ graphic designers that helps small businesses from around the world with graphic design needs. You can follow Ross on Twitter @rosskimbarovsky and @crowdSPRING. Capacity - especially to plan and execute effective marketing strategies - is a big challenge for every small business. In this post, I'll offer 10 suggestions for how small businesses can supercharge their marketing efforts by leveraging social media. For each suggestion, I will discuss a basic strategy - for those who simply want to get their toes wet, as well as an advanced strategy - for those who want to spend a bit more time and go a bit deeper in their social media marketing efforts. I suggest you begin by outlining clear goals for your social media marketing efforts and figuring out how you'll measure success. 1. Facebook offers exceptional, low cost marketing opportunities for small business. 2. Twitter has grown tremendously over the past year.
Plutchik’s wheel of emotions | elif ayiter/alpha auer/… /_________repository
Almost all of my current graduate students are working on projects which involve an examination of the nature of emotion. One thing which they have discovered and which seems to have been cropping up in a lot of class discussions is Plutchik‘s list of emotions and the related wheel which he has charted. Not that I am even remotely qualified to argue this, but for me there are a few problems with Plutchik’s list: The biggest gripe that I have is that he seems to omit power/dominion altogether, while he still includes submission for which he sets up the opposite as contempt – and that really makes me wonder. It seems to me that Plutchik’s view of emotions is rose-tinted altogether. And others too, ones that may not be as repulsive but nonetheless are as self-destructive: Such as obstinacy… Pride… Are those not emotions also? In the first version I more or less replicated Plutchik’s structure by following the placements on his lists from top to bottom. And! Click on images to download.
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7 Must-Have B2B Web Design Elements for 2012
Pay attention to these web design trends that will draw consumers in and boost your sales. January 06, 2012 Your website is like a car. Have you ever noticed that while there are many varieties of car designs, the basic interior design of a car remains the same? And that there is a dashboard and the lights and wiper switches are around the steering wheel? Human beings are creatures of habit. The primary purpose of any website is to attract and convert prospects to customers. 1. In the next few years, over 85 percent of all mobile handsets will have access to the Web. 2. Mint is a great example of both responsive design as well as the open and clean home page. 3. 4. Check out Polecat. 5. 6. 7. Updating your Web design isn’t just an image makeover—think of it as a conversion makeover. Which new design trends do you recommend?
10 of the Best Social Media Tools for Entrepreneurs
This series is supported by Grasshopper, the Virtual Phone System designed for entrepreneurs. Learn more about Grasshopper at Grasshopper.com. Whether your company is just starting out, just starting to turn a profit or already on the verge of an acquisition, as an entrepreneur you'll be constantly evaluating the tools that will help get your business to the next stage. Even if the ink on the business plan isn't dry yet, you want to be armed with the social media tools that will play an important role in company communication, product and brand promotions, and business development for your startup. Some of the tools in this list will be familiar, but it's worth taking a moment to reframe how they might become power tools in a business context. 10. As an entrepreneur, you need to know what people are saying about your company as well as your competitors. Pro Tip: By default, the Monitter interface is gray on black, which can be hard on the eyes. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Our First FREE EBook: Click it with Feeling
20inShare The concept for this book actually began late in 2009 when I began looking at the psychology behind why someone would want to naturally give someone else on the Internet a citation, or link, to their website. At that time I wrote a post on SearchEngineJournal.com entitled “The Psychology Behind Link Giving.” During my research for the piece I was introduced to the work of a psychologist named Robert Plutchik. His work on emotional response outlines all behavior, but for me really explained the core concept behind the idea why certain content goes viral online and other content goes unseen. Robert Plutchik, a psychologist and professor of psychology, focused his work on the topic of emotions. This Theory has Ten Postulates: In 1980, Plutchik created both a 3D cone and 2D wheel model for how emotions were related. Plutchik’s wheel has become a cornerstone of our training at CopyPress. “being able to properly regulate one’s emotions. The marketer’s focus is in two places:
Showcase Of Appetizing Restaurant Websites - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement They say the first bite is taken with the eye. If so, these appetizing restaurant websites succeed in whetting our appetites, inviting us to a savoury next bite. In these designs, color scheme and introductory copy show vastly different aspects of the restaurant experience. Because customers are increasingly using mobile browsers to make decisions on the spot, restaurant websites are doing a better job of communicating core information quickly. Showcase Of Restaurant Designs Geogeske This design has printerly qualities, with its eye-catching oranges and whites and oversized headings. Jam Restaurant Upscale modernist and classical elements are used consistently on this website and in the menu and restaurant interior. Benito’s Hat Named after a celebrated Mexican president, this restaurant communicates authenticity and freshness with a green cilantro backdrop and clear devotion to its culinary roots. Barley’s A cozy design rich in grainy colors and sturdy serifs. Last Click
15 Must-Know Facts on How People View Websites
Do you know what is the first thing that your eye is drawn to on a website? And in what pattern do people scan your website? There have been many eyetracking tests on this subject and I’ll give you 15 most useful facts you should know. The picture below shows 3 different websites and where people look on them. Red indicates the area, where people looked the most, yellow areas got a bit less eye-action, blue areas got the least views and the gray areas, well, people didn’t focus on them at all. As you can see, the more people scroll down, the more they lose focus and start mainly scanning your website. Here are the 15 facts you should know on how people view websites. Text attracts more attention than pictures. There you go. Sources: BBC News | directcreative | GoogleBlog