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Old Software Downloads for Windows, Mac, Linux and Abandonware Games ¿Qué hacemos con los residuos de las impresoras 3D? Vivimos una auténtica revolución tecnológica en la que las impresoras 3D, que hasta hace dos días parecían cosa de ciencia ficción, empiezan a ser una realidad cotidiana que nos ofrece un mundo de posibilidades: imprimir comida y figuras decorativas a medida, hacer prótesis para personas con parálisis e incluso edificar casas en la Luna. A nivel medioambiental, algunos expertos se muestran optimistas, pues la impresión 3D podría combatir, por ejemplo, la obsolescencia programada: ya no hará falta tirar un aparato en estado perfecto si se nos rompe una pieza clave para su funcionamiento: la podremos imprimir. Además, las impresoras 3D también podrían contribuir a generar circuitos de fabricación más locales, por lo que el impacto ambiental del transporte mundial se reduciría considerablemente. Pero también hay desventajas. El problema, no olvidemos, radica en que la impresión 3D se alimenta, fundamentalmente, de plástico.
Software: Do IT in 3D! Interactive Realtime 3D software based on standards VRML, X3D, MPEG4 and Java The page you requested was not found. Download Center Software from Bitmanagement can be downloaded for your testing (please click the arrow key to get the pull down menu to choose your version). For testing of “BS Contact iOS” (for Apple iPhone, iPad etc.) and for testing of “BS Contact ... Page - Anonymous - 11/07/2011 - 11:55 - 0 comments Interactive Demos ... Page - Anonymous - 11/04/2011 - 11:40 - 0 comments Interaktive Demos ... Page - wildpeaks - 11/04/2011 - 11:55 - 0 comments Profile – 09/2011 Bitmanagement Software GmbH is located in Berg near Munich, Germany. Page - Admin - 09/20/2011 - 15:53 - 0 comments Bitmanagement exhibits BS Contact Mac 7.2 at Siggraph 2010 ... our OEM customers a new sales channel for their software products and applications on the high rising Apple market. Page - wildpeaks - 06/16/2011 - 13:29 - 0 comments BS Cave ... the suppression of the BS logo – in case of licensing will be done by license keys for BS Collaborate and BS Contact Stereo ... Services
Dont Pay for Technology: 25 Freebies for Students Jun 29, 2009 In today's economic climate, paying for technology isn't prudent, and for some students, it isn't even an option. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies on the web that can help with document creation, research, writing, storage, collaboration, studying and more. Document Creation Zoho Office - Zoho Office is an amazing suite of web-based productivity and collaboration tools. Research and Writing Schoolr - This meta search engine combines other academic search engines to make research faster and more efficient for students. Online Storage and Collaboration ADrive - Offering more than 50 GB of free storage, ADrive is one of the best places to upload and store files online. Study Help and Web-Based Learning Mindpicnic - Mindpicnic is helping to revolutionize the way students learn by providing free courses and study materials online. Miscellaneous Tech Tools
Get the Free Version - Free, open-source software to help you save money. The first printer to automatically correct its geometry in all axes (UPDATE: NEW VIDEO) - Prusa Printers The Original Prusa I3 MK2 model introduced a handful of improvements over the I3 printer, most notably the full mesh bed auto leveling, zone heated print bed with a PEI print surface, and the integrated leadscrew Z axis. The full mesh bed auto leveling relies on an induction sensor mounted onto the print head, sensing its distance towards nine circular induction targets arranged on the new zone-heated print bed in a 3×3 regular grid pattern. While the automatic bed calibration makes the first layer print hassle free, it requires the new MK2 printer to be assembled with a higher accuracy than the previous I3 model. Even a sloppily built Original Prusa I3 MK1 printer prints the ubiquitous tree frogs wonderfully. However, as many builders have experienced, the Original Prusa I3 MK2 is less forgiving. An imprecisely built MK2 printer will not hit the nine induction sensor points of the heated print bed close to their centers, leading to an uneven first layer thickness if one is lucky.
Digital Collections of Real World Objects - Appendix 1: BRDF Fitting Principle of BRDF Fitting A lumitexel can be seen as a very sparsely sampled BRDF in a tabulated representation, typically with only four to ten entries. But instead of using the radiance samples captured in the lumitexel directly, we will represent the surface appearance by a mathematical BRDF model whose parameters have to be estimated with respect to the error between a lumitexel and the BRDF. This representation mainly has two advantages: Only the parameters of the BRDF model have to be stored instead of a list of radiance samples; and secondly, a BRDF model is defined even for incident and outgoing directions that have not been acquired, providing smooth data extrapolation. Many different parameterized BRDF models have been proposed (e.g. [Torrance and Sparrow, Larson]). This model uses only a handful of parameters: u and v are the local light and viewing directions. . and As in the original work by Lafortune et al. Clustering and BRDF Generation Projection References [Lafortune et al.]