Cipher Codes generally substitute different length strings of characters in the output, whilst ciphers generally substitute the same number of characters as are input. There are exceptions and some cipher systems may use slightly more, or fewer, characters when output versus the number that were input. Codes operated by substituting according to a large codebook which linked a random string of characters or numbers to a word or phrase. Most modern ciphers can be categorized in several ways By whether they work on blocks of symbols usually of a fixed size (block ciphers), or on a continuous stream of symbols (stream ciphers).By whether the same key is used for both encryption and decryption (symmetric key algorithms), or if a different key is used for each (asymmetric key algorithms). Etymology[edit] "Cipher" is alternatively spelled "cypher"; similarly "ciphertext" and "cyphertext", and so forth. "The concept of zero, called sifr in Arabic, came to medieval Europe from the Arabs. Types[edit]
Orientacinės varžybos Gamifica tu Aula con TIC. v 3.0-2019 Esta presentación se utilizó en el desarrollo de la sesión “Gamifica tu aula con TIC” en las III Jornadas “Arucas Educa” celebradas el pasado día 4 de abril 2019 en el Nuevo Teatro Viejo de Arucas-Las Palmas. El propósito de la charla es familiarizar al profesorado con esta línea de innovación metodológica que utiliza el juego como recurso para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje del alumnado. Se propuso una pequeña experiencia gamificada por equipos y se repasaron las herramientas tecnológicas en línea más populares para el diseño de este tipo de actividades. Índice de contenidos Concepto de gamificaciónLa magia de los videojuegos.Aclaración de términos.Beneficios e inconvenientes.Juego: ¿A qué generación perteneces? Pict-O-Caches | Trip's GeoAdventures If there was ever a cache that everyone should try once, pict-o-caches would likely be near the top of the list. They take aspects of several different types of caches and join them together to make a cache that everyone can participate in and enjoy. But how do they work? First, we need to establish what they are… Pict-o-caches are a class on their own. Let’s look a bit closer. Obviously, this image shows a brick wall, so you would want to scan for brick buildings. Examining the photo, you at least now that it is near a window. Now, you can be certain that this is the corner of a building, and along the roof. This is the overall idea of this type of pict-o-cache. But I said that this the above method is just one type of this style of puzzle cache. I have not actually gone after one of this method. Either method provides an interesting caching experience. First, decide which method you want to us. However, for the first option, there’s a bit more that goes into preparing this. Like this:
Street King | Orientacines Los mejores recursos para gamificar tu aula Comparto con vosotros una lista de recursos útiles para gamificar el aula. No es una lista cerrada y podéis aportar otros recursos que creáis que deberían estar en ella. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. UK | England | Carvings riddle stumps villagers Puzzled residents across Yorkshire are turning detective after mysterious stone heads were left outside their properties in the dead of night. The sculptures feature the same carved symbol and come with a riddle attached. Despite CCTV film showing a man leaving three heads outside a post office, their origin remains unknown. So far, 12 have appeared in Goathland and Kilburn, North Yorkshire; four in Arthington, West Yorkshire and three in Braithwell in South Yorkshire. Each of the heads, which are up to a foot tall, looks different but all feature the same carving - which appears to spell out the word "paradox" - and a note bearing the riddle: "Twinkle twinkle like a star does love blaze less from afar?" The villages they have been found in are up to 50 miles from each other. Mike and Valerie Hoyes, who run a post office in Braithwell, found three heads outside their business on the morning of 23 August. Mrs Hoyes said: "It's very weird. Stonemasons quizzed // Encounter - international network of active urban games Mergecube y cómo crear enigmas de Realidad Aumentada en tu Escape Room Educativo Hoy quiero hablarte de una herramienta que descubrí hace poco para crear experiencias de realidad aumentada muy muy potente. Se llama Mergecube y en este artículo espero animarte a problarla en tu próximo Escape Room Educativo. Si te gusta más leer, adelante con el artículo. En el él encontrarás toda la información detallada. Si en cambio, te gustan más los vídeos, aquí tienes un videotutorial detallado sobre cómo utilizar Mergecube y sus aplicaciones de realidad aumentada en tu juego de escape. Espero que en cualquier caso el contenido te sea útil. ¿Qué es Mergecube? Mergecube es una herramienta para la visualización e interacción con modelos 3D mediante realidad aumentada (RA). Los desarrolladores de Mergecube lo definen como “hologramas en la palma de tu mano”. Esta herramienta holográfica se compone de dos elementos esenciales: el cubo Mergecube (hardware) y las aplicaciones (software). El cubo Mergecube El corazón de esta herramienta es el propio cubo Mergecube. Mergecube original vs.
Home - “For me the magic moment came on page 2 where the green picture could mean any of three things. I identified the picture almost at once but could not see in which of the three directions it might go. And I knew that I had to find out!” “This should come with a warning label on it. ...It's highly additive. “I took it to Rome with me and sought inspiration in the Forum.... ................. aaaagh, there's no escaping the clutches of the Runes!” “It took three pages before I was fully sold on this. “What I have enjoyed is the step-by-step developments of the first few pages leading into the greater challenges as you realise that there is more to each puzzle than you were first led to think - and the buzz of discovery when you realise how it actually works.” ”This is one of the most complex puzzles I have ever encountered. “I am proud to say that I have had my first Eureka moment when everything just slotted into place. “I’m totally intrigued with this puzzle. // Encounter - international network of active urban games El Sistema Solar en Realidad Aumentada con Arloon Solar System Hace unos meses publiqué El cuerpo humano en Realidad Aumentada con Arloon Anatomy, una entrada que presentaba las posibilidades didácticas de esa completa app. Hoy os traigo otra app recién estrenada que es, en mi opinión, una nueva muestra de Arloon como referente nacional en el campo de las apps educativas. Arloon Solar System nos permite adentrarnos en el fascinante mundo de la astronomía y descubrir los cuerpos celestes que forman parte de nuestro sistema planetario como si los tuviéramos al alcance de la mano. Esto último no sorprenderá a aquellos que somos conocedores de las apps de Arloon, ya que todas sus apps incluyen Realidad Aumentada, y es gracias a esta tecnología que podemos experimentar e interaccionar con unas logradas representaciones celestes tridimensionales que aparecerán sobre el marcador. Desde el menú principal podremos seleccionar los siguientes contenidos:
Keyed Caesar One variation to the standard Caesar cipher is when the alphabet is "keyed" by using a word. In the traditional variety, one could write the alphabet on two strips and just match up the strips after sliding the bottom strip to the left or right. To encode, you would find a letter in the top row and substitute it for the letter in the bottom row. For a keyed version, one would not use a standard alphabet, but would first write a word (omitting duplicated letters) and then write the remaining letters of the alphabet. This encoder will let you specify the key word that is used at the beginning of the alphabet and will also let you shift the keyed alphabet around, just like a normal Caesar cipher. This is your encoded or decoded text: