Westmont AP Human Geography - home Sverige är unikt – här är 25 världskartor som visar hur Ibland pratar vi om Sverige som landet lagom, mellanmjölkens land, där allt är lite sådär mittemellan. Varken plus eller minus, vi är lite neutrala i allmänhet. Men tittar vi på Sverige i relation till resten av världen så kan man sluta sig till att inom vissa områden så är vi världens mest extrema land. Nedan finner du 25 stycken världskartor där Sverige är rankat etta eller ligger i toppen inom olika kategorier. 1. Via Foodbeast 2. Via GlobalAgeWatch 3. Via the Atlantic 4. Via the Atlantic Cities 5. Via SPI 6. Källa 7. Källa 8. Källa 9. 10. Via the Telegraph 11. Källa 12. Via Slate.com 13. Källa 14. Källa 15. Via Washington Post 16. Källa 17. Via World Bank 18. Källa 19. Källa 20. Källa 21. Källa 22. Källa 23. Källa 24. Via World Bank 25. Via World Bank Slutligen en bonus. Via World Values Survey Fotnot: Inspriration från 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World Tips: läs även ”Svenskarna med flest följare på Instagram”
GitHub - GeoDaCenter/geoda: GeoDa: An introduction to spatial data analysis World map based on population size - Business Insider iconoclasistas | Mapeo colectivo, cartografías, investigación e imágenes de libre circulación untitled Expectant mothers in the U.S. remain at a high risk for pregnancy-related death. (iStock) Around the globe, statistics show that as education levels for women rise, fertility levels drop. Sociologist Philip Cohen puts it this way: “Women with more education have more opportunities for productive lives doing work other than childbearing.” But a new report by the Pew Research Center has found something surprising: more highly educated women in the United States are becoming mothers than ever before. Childlessness among women age 40 to 44 is at its lowest point in a decade. “That’s a stunning turnaround,” said report author Gretchen Livingston, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center, who analyzed fertility over a woman’s lifetime in the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey data. Not only are a greater share of educated women becoming mothers, they’re also having larger families than before. Overall, the average family size is smaller now than in the 1970s. Continue reading
40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] Click to enlarge. GeoDa on Github Maps Comparing Bay Area Housing Prices to the World's Most Gorgeous Places For what it costs to live in San Francisco, you might as well relocate to an unbelievably stunning Mediterranean island. Mapping the Nation's Failing Voting Machines A new report shows that thousands of U.S. voting systems are old and malfunctioning, which could spell disaster for the upcoming presidential elections. Where America's Poverty Has Shifted Rural-to-urban population moves have changed the landscape of the poor in the last 50 years. Mapping the 'Urban Fingerprints' of Cities Each city’s unique layout pattern has an effect on its successes and failures. Mapping the Difference Between Minimum Wage and Cost of Living There’s no county in America where a minimum wage earner can support a family. Mapping the Average Hottest Day in America With scorching temperatures on both coasts, parts of America are suffering through a late-season heat wave. A Map That Counts All the Trees in the World
'American Panorama' Is a Historical Atlas for the 21st Century When Charles Paullin’s Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States first appeared in 1932, it was hailed as a “monument to historical scholarship.” Its 700 maps traced nearly every dimension of American life across the country’s geographical bounds—its natural history, its settlement by Europeans, the spread of railroads, state boundaries, suffrage, and much else. Paullin, a naval historian, hoped his meticulous research and beautiful renderings would inspire new research into history’s old narratives. Inspired by the scope and intellectual ambition of its predecessor, a new project promises an American historical atlas for the online era. “We don’t want it to be faithfully following the look of a historical atlas,” says Jon Christensen, a partner at Stamen and scholar of history at UCLA. To be clear, these are not the simple animated maps or hover-over statistical visualizations to which Internet trawlers are by now so accustomed. Like Paullin, Robert K.
TerraClues TerraClues is the ultimate Google Maps scavenger hunt game! Follow clues to find hidden locations on the map Create your own hunts for others to play A fun game that makes you think! Add your own unique clues. Take people on a hunt around the world. Test your friends knowledge with world trivia. Order your own t-shirts, coffee mugs, and other TerraCritter items to show off to your friends or get a unique fun gift for the TerraClues fan. CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data Base R includes many functions that can be used for reading, visualising, and analysing spatial data. The focus in this view is on "geographical" spatial data, where observations can be identified with geographical locations, and where additional information about these locations may be retrieved if the location is recorded with care. Base R functions are complemented by contributed packages, some of which are on CRAN, and others are still in development. The contributed packages address two broad areas: moving spatial data into and out of R, and analysing spatial data in R. The R-SIG-Geo mailing-list is a good place to begin for obtaining help and discussing questions about both accessing data, and analysing it. by Robin Lovelace and James Cheshire. The packages in this view can be roughly structured into the following topics.
Map Men: teaching geography through comedy Mark Cooper-Jones and Jay Foreman tap into a rich vein of geographical quirks to teach through comedy ‘Maps are probably the best gateway into geography,’ argues comedian Mark Cooper-Jones. ‘They have become trendy, and cool. People are even putting them up on their walls.’ For any geography teacher looking for ways to make the world’s many maps, and the various strange geographical oddities they portray, funny and yet still educational, they should definitely watch Map Men. ‘Comedy is the thing that makes them clickable,’ observes Cooper-Jones. The YouTube series covers a wide range of subjects, such as the UK’s north-south divide, the India-Bangladesh enclave situation, and the famous Hereford Mappa Mundi. ‘We’re not always actually talking about the map itself, it’s really all about what the story behind the map is,’ says Cooper-Jones. ‘A lot of geography is depressing,’ he argues.
15 enkla exempel på GIS i undervisningen | Gränslöst digitalt lärande Geografiska informationssystem, så kallade GIS, är digitala kartor där information ligger i olika lager. I mitt förra inlägg beskrev jag lite mer ingående vad Lgr 11 säger om GIS i skolan. I det här inlägget tänkte jag gå in på några konkreta sätt att använda GIS i skolan på och vad de olika sätten kan tillföra lärandet. GIS för geografiska analyser GIS är mycket användbart när vi vill göra geografiska analyser. Eftersom det är möjligt att hämta information från GIS, så kan man se att vissa saker är vanligare på vissa platser än på andra platser. Hämta information från GIS inför fältstudier Jag tycker att GIS är perfekt att koppla ihop med fältstudier. Ändra transparensen i olika lager Det finns appar och webbsidor som använder data från Världsbanken eller CIA och visar informationen visualiserad på en karta. En av de stora fördelarna med ett ”riktigt” GIS är att det går att bestämma hur olika lager av data ska se ut. GIS för lärarens presentationer Story Maps eller kartberättelser