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Big data

Big data
Visualization of daily Wikipedia edits created by IBM. At multiple terabytes in size, the text and images of Wikipedia are an example of big data. Growth of and Digitization of Global Information Storage Capacity Source Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy. The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics or other certain advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Analysis of data sets can find new correlations, to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on Work with big data is necessarily uncommon; most analysis is of "PC size" data, on a desktop PC or notebook[11] that can handle the available data set. Definition[edit] Characteristics[edit] Big data can be described by the following characteristics:

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Big Data Is Less About Size, And More About Freedom Editor’s note: Big Data has been around for a long time between credit card transactions, phone call records and financial markets. Companies like AT&T, Visa, Bank of America, Ebay, Google, Amazon and more have massive databases they mine for competitive advantage. But lately, Big Data is finding its way to the smallest startups. Information Visualization on the Move. A Brief and Initial Overview As new symbionts, tablet devices are part of our life by now. We are researching on data visualization and interaction on these devices and focusing on actual and future perspectives for dataviz. Looking for mobile applications that convey information in a visual way, we found different tools for different purposes: Reference: applications that visualize data as tools for share knowledge about specific topics as well as encyclopedic information.Business: tools that allow users to visualize and control dynamics of data (mainly financial).Entertainment: applications created for show, group, share or collect information about music, sports, movies or social networks. We noticed that reference and entertainment applications are more experimental than business apps, trying to take advantage from the specific types of interaction allowed by the device. We present here a first selection of examples of these applications, grouped by the three main purposes.

Why data visualization matters Let’s say you need to understand thousands or even millions of rows of data, and you have a short time to do it in. The data may come from your team, in which case perhaps you’re already familiar with what it’s measuring and what the results are likely to be. Or it may come from another team, or maybe several teams at once, and be completely unfamiliar. Either way, the reason you’re looking at it is that you have a decision to make, and you want to be informed by the data before making it. Something probably hangs in the balance: a customer, a product, or a profit. Gamification By now you’ve likely heard about gamification in business, specifically how it’s meant to engage customers and boost employee productivity. Many places are treating gamification like a magic wand, able to cure all of a company’s ills while increasing revenues. This might be overstating its effect, but gamification can still have a positive impact on a business, which is why so many organizations are jumping on the bandwagon. The big question remains: is gamification the right move for your business?

IBM Big Data and Analytics - Case Studies Banking Automakers gain real-time insights from data generated through in-vehicle telematics to drive improvements in auto performance and driver experiences, improve safety on the road, and develop new revenue streams by monetizing data collected. Banks analyze all of the available data about customers and transactions to optimize offers and cross sell opportunities, identify and mitigate fraud, and manage cyber threats. IBM has helped banks: Consumer products companies apply advanced analytics to deliver a differentiated brand experience, develop the most effective promotions, and accurately predict product demand to reduce inventory costs and increase profitability.

Best Supercomputers Still Not Best for Big Data This week, China reclaimed the distinction of running the world’s fastest supercomputer; it last held that first-place ranking for eight months starting in October 2010 with its Tianhe-1A machine. Its new Tianhe-2 (“Milky Way–2”) computer is putting its competition to shame, however, performing calculations about as fast as the most recent No. 2 and No. 3 machines combined, according to Jack Dongarra, one of the curators of the list of 500 most powerful supercomputers and professor of computer science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Murphy chairs the executive committee of an alternative supercomputer benchmark called Graph 500. Paul Virilio, les revers du progrès Philosophe et urbaniste autodidacte, disciple de Deleuze et proche de Merleau-Ponty, Paul Virilio décortique depuis quarante ans la question de la vitesse et de ses effets en tous domaines. « La planète est devenue trop petite pour le progrès.» Malgré ce constat alarmiste, Paul Virilio a le regard brillant des grands curieux. Stéphane Paoli est journaliste, il a réalisé Penser la vitesse. Étudiant, il découpait et redistribuait des dépêches au sein d’une rédaction. Mais la révolution numérique a bouleversé la vitesse de traitement de l’information et imposé une nouvelle grille de lecture du monde.

7 conseils pour une campagne QR-code / Flashcode réussie Les codes 2D se répandent de plus en plus, tant dans les publicités que dans les services urbains ou culturels, et passée la période de découverte, ils prennent progressivement, dans nos habitudes, leur place de moyen d’accès simple et efficace au web mobile . Et même si la proportion de mobinautes qui les utilisent régulièrement est encore faible, il me semblerait contre-productif de ne pas en intégrer dans n’importe quel document imprimé, publicitaire, commercial ou technique. Sous réserve, évidemment, de disposer du contenu adéquat en ligne! Ceci étant dit, comment optimiser leur usage, pour maximiser leur effet? Je vous propose une short-list de 7 bonnes pratiques qui, si elles ne garantiront jamais le succès d’une opération, permettront au moins d’en limiter les risques d’échec…

Creative Digital Illustrations by Wang Ling Today we’ll start with a talented digital artist coming from Hong Kong, China, Wang Ling. His artworks are packed with visual candy and effects that indulges you further into the image. As usual, below you may see the very best from Wang’s portfolio. For more, make sure to check out his dA site. Enjoy! Visit Wang Ling Dossiers technopédagogiques - Nightly Un exerciseur est une collection automatisée d’exercices le plus souvent de forme « objective ». Application pédagogique déjà populaire avant l’avènement des TIC, l’exerciseur connaît une nouvelle vie à cause de la multiplication des logiciels de d’édition et de gestion d’exercices. Cependant, la facilité technique ne doit pas faire oublier les limites pédagogiques d’un exerciseur ni les précautions qu’il faut prendre pour en calibrer les différentes composantes (questions et réponses, rétroactions, indices et explications, etc.).
