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Dr Vino's wine blog » wine talk that goes down easy Dr Vino's wine blog

Homesick Texan French Wine Guide Chez Pim Rutas del Vino en Castilla y Leon De la vid a la copa. / REUTERS Historia y tradición, oficio y arte, auténtico placer gastronómico. La milenaria cultura del vino en su máxima expresión, a través de un proceso casi mágico que se inicia entre viñedos de cepas centenarias y culmina con una exquisita y placentera degustación, sentados a la mesa, cumplidos los años de crianza. Recorrer las denominadas rutas del vino permite adentrarse con detalle en este proceso de elaboración que conserva todavía mucho de artesanal. Conocerlo desde dentro, y comprender por qué en Castilla León ha condicionado tan profundamente, a lo largo de los siglos, la vida, cultura y gentes de las cinco regiones que hoy cuentan con denominación de origen reconocida: Ribera de Duero, Cigales, Rueda, Toro y El Bierzo. El enoturismo, y sus rutas enológicas, van más allá de una emergente propuesta turística.

Orangette Semantic Sommelier In the restaurant of the future, you will always enjoy the perfect meal with that full-bodied 2006 cabernet sauvignon, you will always know your dinner companions’ favorite merlot, and you will be able to check if the sommelier’s cellar contains your favorite pinot grigio before you even check your coat. These feats of classic cuisine will come to the modern dinner through the power of Semantic Web technology. The semantic sommelier is set to provide even the most novice of foodies some exciting new tools to expand their wine knowledge and food-pairing abilities on everything from their home PC to their smart phone. Web scientist and Tetherless World Research Constellation Senior Professor Deborah McGuinness has been developing a family of applications for the most tech-savvy wine connoisseurs since her days as a graduate student in the 1980s — before what we now know as the World Wide Web had even been envisioned.

The Amateur Gourmet - A Funny Food Blog with Recipes, Restaurant Reviews and More The 99 Cent Chef Vegan Food Skip to Main Content PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Animals are not oursto eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Vegan Food White Castle’s Veggie Sliders Are Now Vegan The times they are a-changin’, as burger chains such as White Castle offer vegan options. Read More Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream | Elana's Pantry | CC by 2.0 21 Reasons That New England Is the Place to Be for Vegan Ice Cream All of these shops carry vegan sorbet or ice cream options. Read More Want to Live Longer? These “Vegiterranean” recipes can help you get that healthy Mediterranean glow. Read More Celebs and Supporters Love PETA’s 35th Anniversary Menu PETA celebrated 35 years of victories for animals with a unique plant-based menu. Read More © Sweet Earth Foods Sweet Earth’s Newest Sammie Just Made Breakfast More Fun Spice up your morning with Sweet Earth’s new breakfast sandwich. Read More 31 Vegan Recipes for Every Day in October Read More © The Cheesecake Factory Read More Read More f

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