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How To Coke Machine Jackpot Hack - a News &Politics video

How To Coke Machine Jackpot Hack - a News &Politics video

>How-To: Newsprint Manicure « A Pretty Penny I saw this newsprint manicure over on The Daily Nail and thought it was adorable (especially for bookworms and word lovers like myself). I did a little Google detective work to see how to recreate it, and was surprised at how easy it is! All of the tutorials I found called for vodka or other clear distilled spirits, but we were fresh out. I used isopropyl alcohol instead, and it seemed to get the job done. Like this: Like Loading...

How to Do the Money Trick Video – Amp Up a Laser Pointer From Wired How-To Wiki Illustration by Lab Partners Your laser pointer could be doing so much more than highlighting PowerPoint slides and blowing your cat's mind. It could be sculpting ice, sparking campfires, or searing one bad mofo on your leather jacket. Here's how to give a standard pointer a power upgrade. This article is a wiki. 1 Disassemble the unit by removing the batteries, opening the housing, and taking out the laser module. 2 Search the circuit board for a variable resistor. 3 To intensify the beam, use a small screwdriver to gently tighten the resistor. 4 Reassemble and aim your potent pointer at safe targets like ice, wood, or plastic. Contributed by Terrence Russell

Stapleless Paper by Sherwood Forlee A Little Bit of College Ruled Genius By our friend and returning Yanko champion, Sherwood Forlee. Check out the simplicity. Just punch out the corner, make a cut or two, fold back, and POW! You are green. Get out there and kick-start the economy! That Forlee, always thinking with his heart. Visit his portfolio or click below to see the other things by SF that have been featured on Yanko Design. Designer: Sherwood Forlee Pickpockets Can Steal The Lens Right Off Your Camera Living in Barcelona Spain — one of the pickpocket capitals of the world — I’m completely paranoid whenever I leave the house. I’m also well-versed in most of the popular scams. But I have never seen or heard of this until today: a street thief stealing the lens right off the mark’s camera: The video is a clip from the BBC show The Real Hustle, which is a “factual entertainment series about scams and cons” (and sounds pretty awesome). Apparently this trick is one being used for real on city streets. My usual practice is to cover my bag with my hand whenever any stranger talks to me (I don’t really care if the honest ones are insulted). Anyhow, watch out. The Real Hustle [BBC] Lens thieves ruin the day [Pixiq via PetaPixel] See Also:

The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist - 50 Best Road Trip Songs&|&... No road trip is complete without a playlist of songs that capture the spirit of traveling on the open road. So we’ve compiled a list of the 50 best road trip songs . In order to make this be-all end-all totally definitive list that all other lists look up to, the songs had to meet the following criteria: a.) encompass the excitement and freedom of road tripping b.) make the time pass faster c.) keep you awake without the assistance of questionably legal pills named “No Doze” d.) contain lyrics so singable that you’ll legitimately consider trying out for the next “American Idol” e.) keep you distracted long enough to make you forget you need to pee (which subsequently means stopping at a heinous rest stop where the bathroom stalls are tagged with death threats and truckers hit on you) f.) drown out the sound of your annoying friend who complains about a developing deep vein thrombosis from being crammed in the backseat (tough it up!) 50. Tags: Music

How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me) - Austin Kleon Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 Buy the book: Amazon | B&N | More… Here’s what a few folks have said about it: “Brilliant and real and true.”—Rosanne Cash“Filled with well-formed advice that applies to nearly any kind of work.” Read an excerpt below… Tags: steal like an artist

The Fox Is Black & Bach’s Cantata 147, 'Jesu, Joy of Man’s Des... This is probably the largest, least creative title for a post ever, but it’s also one of the most descriptive as well. The video is a commercial by DOCOMO for the Touch Wood SH-08C, a limited edition phone of which there are only 15,000 being made. But honestly I could care less about the phone, this commercial is a thousand times more cool. By combining lord knows how many pieces of wood, they were able to make a long, downhill track that was able to reproduce Bach’s Cantata 147, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. This is a pretty phenomenal achievement and a beautiful piece of art.

I do not know. Try it at your own risk. Try asking myth busters. by timepeaces Jan 17

does it work??? is this for us machines? by schenz Jan 17
