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Creating seamless patterns in Illustrator

Creating seamless patterns in Illustrator
One of the frequest questions I get from readers is how you create seamless patterns in Illustrator. Today I’ll explain how I create such patterns and how you can scale and rotate them using different settings in the Scale tool options. Draw your pattern First we start by drawing a square. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a sqaure holding down the shift key. With the square still selected, hit command/control + 5 to make a guide from the square (View > Guides > Make Guides). Create an illustration inside the square to be used as basis for the pattern. Reflect the corner ornament You probably don't see this in the picture, but in the very top left corner I've used a quarter of a circle. First make sure Smart Guides are turned on. Reflect again and rotate the center ornament Select both corner ornaments and alt/option click in the center of the square again. Now select the central ornament and select the Rotate tool from the toolbox. Create variations Create a pattern swatches

Cómo usar la herramienta pluma en Adobe Illustrator En este tip expondré algunas características básicas sobre el manejo de la herramienta pluma en Adobe Illustrator para crear vectores. Es de nivel principiante, por lo que no hay que tener conocimientos previos sobre el manejo de las herramientas del programa.Para comenzar, abrimos el programa Adobe Illustrator, y creamos un archivo nuevo para comenzar a trabajar. Desde el menú vamos a File>New, o desde el teclado ( Ctrl + N ). Elegimos un tamaño para el espacio de trabajo, aunque en Illustrator se puede trabajar sin ningún problema fuera de este. Propiedades de la herramienta pluma. Como primer paso, debemos saber cuáles son las posibilidades que nos da la Herramienta Pluma en Illustrator. Si mantenemos apretado el botón, vemos que se despliega un menú emergente con algunas opciones para realizar distintos trabajos sobre el vector. Add anchor Point Tool: Agrega nodos o puntos a un trazado. Delete anchor Point Tool: Quita nodos o puntos a un trazado. Cómo generar líneas rectas .

Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling: Illegal Tour of Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans [75 Pics] Hurricane Katrina killed this clown. According to the photographer, “An abandoned Six Flags amusement park, someone spray painted ‘Six Flags 2012 coming soon’ on the wall above the downed head. But they were clownin.’ Six Flags will never rebuild here.” That’s sad, but much of New Orleans has not been restored to her former glory. Welcome to Zombie Land kids! Chained dreams of fun at Six Flags New Orleans, abandoned Jazzland – that’s what Six Flags opened as “Jazzland” in 2000. Some photographers can see past the lifeless amusement park’s decay and desolation, showing us that there is still a chance the place could be cheery and not cheerless. Like a Bad Dream. Just in case you don’t know the scoop on what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans and Six Flags, this photo is of New Orleans, LA, on Sept. 14, 2005. Once upon a time, Six Flags was filled with children’s laughter – but now it’s sad, silent, and surreal. No lines for dead rides. Watch out for that tree! No one wants a ride?

11 Well Written Character Illustration Tutorials | Tutorials 2110 shares Adobe Illustrator CS6 Shortcuts Cheat Sheet Illustrator is a very important tool for designers and creative professionals. And no matter how familiar you are with it, there are always some shortcuts you could learn to be more productive. Read More 591 shares 30+ Fresh Icon Illustrator Tutorials As Graphic Designers, it’s important for us to learn how to create high quality icons. 35 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Web Design Layouts Consistently, we have posted several web layout samples in the past. Today, however, we bring you a set of tutorials that you can look into to create web layouts. These tutorial will give you a thorough understanding in creating web layouts in Photoshop. Feel free to check out these 35 Innovative Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Web Design Layouts and take a look at the tips shared by the authors. Create a Slick and Minimalist Web Layout in Photoshop The tutorial will help you create a web layout with minimal designs. How to Design a Band Website Layout in Photoshop Learn to create a band-themed layout through this tutorial. Design a Minimal and Modern Portfolio Layout with Photoshop This tutorial will teach you to create a modern portfolio layout in Photoshop. Create a Very Simple Portfolio Web Layout with Photoshop In this tutorial, you will be guided in creating a simple web layout in Photoshop. Create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design Create An Orange Web Layout Using Photoshop

Articles - Vectors for the Web – Part 1 | Did you know that you can use iStock vector illustrations for Web graphics? “Well sure,” you say, “every vector comes with a hi-res raster file, and I just open that in Photoshop, resize it, and slap it on my Web page.” But using the actual vector may give you even more options and better results. In this first of two articles, we’ll show you why. And how. As you should know by now (if you’ve been reading Points & Paths faithfully), vectors are the ultimate in versatile graphics. So you want to use some iStock vectors on your site. 1. Keep in mind that everyone’s monitor, browser and computer setup is different. To see those 216 Web-safe colors, go to Window>Swatch Libraries> Web. You can also display the Color panel so that only Web-safe colors can be chosen, by using the sliders, sampling from the color ramp, or entering the hexadecimal values directly: 2. Smaller file sizes mean faster loading on the page, and less storage space on the server. 3. 4. Click for full-sized version.

THE DRUG DOES WORK At Cambridge over the summer, many students were taking pills to help their concentration. Ed Cumming was among them ... From INTELLIGENT LIFE Magazine, Autumn 2009 One evening this summer, in our final term at Cambridge, my roommate Katie threw a party. Our set was in a 17th-century attic, and its sloping ceilings framed a gorgeous view: a panorama taking in King’s College Chapel, the billiard-table lawns of the backs and the stately river. I was an ordinary student, but the drug let me feel intermittently extraordinary. Modafinil was never meant for people like me. I jumped at the chance to join them. As one of his customers, having taken modafinil on and off for six weeks leading up to exams, I can say this much: it works. It was not all positive. Although I did it more efficiently, my work didn’t get better. But some certainly did, just as others would have a cigarette or a coffee to kick-start the big day. Varsity estimates that 10% of Cambridge students have taken modafinil.

50 Useful Cartoon Character Design Tutorials Cartoon character designs is really interesting. Today, we have a lot of powerful graphic design software such as Photopsop, Illustrator and Corel Draw to help graphic designers create cartoon characters. With the advance technologies, designers now can sketch the cartoon characters on paper first, and then use software to convert and edit them on PC. If you are using Photoshop or Illustrator, then they are powerful enough to create cartoon character. But if you don’t want to pay for them, there are still a lot of Free Photoshop alternatives where you can use. Today, we are going to look into 50 cartoon character design tutorials where you can learn from basic to the advance skills to create and edit cartoon characters. Create your own monster Yet another monster character tutorial. Drawing Vector-Looking Cat Illustration Using Photoshop If you are a beginner or an amateur, the tutorials in web-graphics would certainly be of a great use for you. Create your own Leprechaun for St.

80 Best-Of Adobe Illustrator Tutorials, Brushes, .EPSs and Resources - Noupe Design Blog Jan 18 2009 For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative Adobe Illustrator tutorials and Resources, so you can now rest assured that you will have the necessary tools to get the job done. Due to this phenomenally vast amount of vector packs, brushes, patterns available, you can now add dirt, rust, floral effect, swirls, mold, oil stains in your artwork and to give it any look you want. So in today’s post, you’ll find an assortment of top-notch tutorials, brushes, patterns, vector packs, tips & tricks and .EPS downloadable files that others have freely contributed to the design community. To make your job a little bit easier, we have categorized this post into 6 section, the links below will get you to your desired section. Adobe Illustrator Tutorials - Create a Gang of Vector Ninjas - Logo Design Project Step by Step Walkthrough Follow this step by step documentation of the whole process of the logo design from conception to completion. - Master Painting in Illustrator

Illustrator - Intenta, Desarrollo Web y Recursos Ai Canvas es un plugin para Adobe Illustrator que permite exportar los trabajos realizados en este programa a un elemento canvas de HTML5. El plugin está disponible tanto para Windows como para OS X. Para instalarlo tan sólo hay que extraer el plugin en la carpeta de plugins de Adobe Illustrator. Una vez lo tenemos instalado podemos crear una figura como la siguiente y exportarla accediendo al menu "Fichero>Exportar" con la opción <canvas> (*.HTML). El fichero html contiene un elemento canvas con todo el código -similar a éste- para generar la imagen que acabamos de exportar. El plug-in también proporciona opciones para la programación de animaciones y eventos, lo que puede facilitar bastante la creación de aplicaciones interactivas basadas en el elemento canvas. Ai Canvas » »
