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7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows

7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows
We've already told you about some of the most mind-blowing Easter eggs hidden in music albums, classic works of art and video games, so it was just a matter of time before we explored our favorite Easter Eggs from the world of television and film. Captain, unleash the list. Hidden Faces and Naked Women in Movie Posters Most of us don't look twice at movie posters, short of muttering under our breath and saying, "Oh fuck, they're doing a sequel/remaking/rebooting that shit?" So it's easy to miss some of the awesome things artists are hiding in the posters, presumably for the hell of it. For example, check out the poster for the fourth Indiana Jones movie: Now take a really close look between the eyes of the skull and you can see this distinctly alien-looking figure: It's either an alien, or a pumpkin. Well ain't that something? If you look at the smoke in the lower right, you can kind of see half of a face. Either it's the film's monster, or it's the devil or some shit. Guess what?

Another 20 games that make you think about life First we gave you five. Then we gave you ten. Now we are giving you 20 games that make you think about life. As with our previous lists, we have focused mainly on free games that you can play in your browser. 1 Elude Developed by Singapore-MIT Gambit Game Lab, Elude is a dark, atmospheric game that aims to shed light on the nature of depression. The forest that you start the game in represents a normal mood. This is a gloomy underground cavern, with a sticky muddy base that sucks you down. 2 Air Pressure You will have to play through Air Pressure - a Flash port of an interactive novel by Bentosmile - more than once to truly understand the characters and themes in this game. 3 Symon Another impressive production by Singapore-MIT Gambit Game Lab, Symon is a point-and-click adventure game with a difference. You also get to solve a lot of puzzles. 4 Ulitsa Dimitrova The Russians have never been the most cheery people. 5 Ute I am not quite sure what to make of this game. 6 Aether 8 Yet One Word

Your Morning Adorable - L.A. Unleashed At the Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, Sweden, the birth of a rare pygmy hippopotamus is a big deal. The baby, a male named Oliver, was born Feb. 15 to mother Krakunia. As a newborn, Oliver had a bit of a close call because Krakunia, a first-time mother, didn't allow him to nurse. Parken Zoo staff found an interesting way around this problem, as the Telegraph explains: So desperate were the zookeepers to keep Oliver alive that eventually one of them managed to milk Krakunia, thus allowing them to feed the youngster by hand. Now that's a dedicated zookeeper. Pygmy hippos, which were classified as endangered in 2006, are native to parts of western Africa, including Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and the Ivory Coast. See more photos and video of Oliver after the jump!

6 Absurd Movie Plots You Won't Believe Are Based on Reality We spend so much time here debunking silly things we see in fiction that it's easy to forget how truly ridiculous real life is in comparison. Even the silliest, most implausible characters or plots from action movies have come true. Not often, mind you, but they do happen. #6. Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy movies, The Da Vinci Code movies, those Nicholas Cage movies that basically rip off The Da Vinci Code -- they all feature ridiculous but popular characters: university professors who throw away their mortarboards and "research" history by punching it right in the goddamn face. "Before you start killing everyone, would you mind fact-checking my thesis on Ancient Egyptian religion?" Nobody believes it's really like this, or at least we hope not. But It Has Happened ... Meet Roy Chapman Andrews, the rumored real-life inspiration for Indiana Jones, who divided his time between searching for fossils and gun-fighting with Mongolian bandits. thedispersalofdarwin"You're my next hat." #5. #4.

Heckling Hitler: 15-plus attempts to make the Führer funny | Film | Inventory 1. The Producers (1968)Adolf Hitler was a madman, a bigot, a dictator, and a cautionary example of how one man can induce a genocidal mass hysteria. So what, we can’t laugh at the guy? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [pagebreak] 9. 10. 11. “8 Simple Rules For Buying My Teenage Daughter,” Family Guy (2005)When Meg becomes fed up with babysitting, Lois hires a lovely young thing named Liddane to serve as Stewie’s occasional caretaker. 12. 13. 14. 15-plus.

5 Celebrities Who Got Famous by Being Obsessed Fan Boys Right now there are kids all over the world wearing their favorite band's T-shirt and strumming an oddly sized air guitar in front of their mirror, nursing implausible dreams of some day getting to take the stage. Real life never works out that way, of course -- liking something a lot in no way guarantees you'll grow up to be any good at it. The closest we'll ever get to our idols is when their bodyguards rough us up for trying to get an autograph. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes you get stories like ... #5. Via Started Out As: Seth Killian, an ordinary, nerdy kid who just happened to really, really freaking love Street Fighter. Official GDC But Became: A freaking character in Street Fighter IV, the main boss "Seth" ... It's a damn good thing his name wasn't Mortimer. ... and also a Capcom employee. Admit it: When you were 10 years old, a lot of you thought that if you got really good at Mario, some day they'd let you work at Nintendo. But then we have Seth Killian. #4.

The 7 Greatest (True) Johnny Depp Stories Ever Told Somehow Johnny Depp always seems to commits the weirdest crimes. Even when the guy is doing something "wrong", he does it with style. He's never been arrested for doing anything outside of the realm of what you'd expect from him, even with all his money. In 1994, Depp was staying at a fancy New York hotel and completely wrecked his room. When police arrived at the scene, there was a smashed glass coffee-table and other destroyed, mangled furniture in the $1200-a-night suite. The alleged creature was never found. Johnny Depp's cavalier attitude about his brushes with the law and incarceration make him even more awesome. The other crime Depp was caught committing is just as unexpected, and pretty damn awesome (not including that paparazzi brawl he had, because really, who could stand those people). The billboard featured Depp holding a gun with the slogan, "Other Kids Pack Lunch," underneath it. Source

6 Fictional Places You Won't Believe Actually Exist (Part 2) We've written once before about make-believe fantasylands we thought existed solely in the minds of comic book writers and dead English professors, but that actually turned out to be real. Well, it looks like most of those "wondrously imaginative" settings were all just real places that the creators thought were neat, and subsequently, that most "wondrously imaginative" storytellers were just boring old tourists this whole time. Here are six more places you thought were fictional, when in fact you could totally roll up to them on a moped and take some obnoxious pictures in front of ... #6. The Fictional Setting: Via Located in the Happy Grove section of the Forest Moon of Endor, Chief Chirpa's Bright Tree Village is the enormous toy commercial from the original Star Wars trilogy that gave us our first dark hint of Lucas' future works. The Real Thing: Via ABC News"We're adults! "If you fall, aim for the large pile of past tourists." #5. Via Absolut-china.comThese trees.

'Coalgate' scandal a hard blow to Indian government | Asia | DW.DE | 23.08 Proceedings of India's lower and upper houses of parliament were adjourned for the third consecutive day on Thursday after opposition parties insisted that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh resign over a coal mining scandal involving the allocation of coal blocks to private companies. India's state auditor, the Comptroller Auditor General (CAG), last week said that the lack of transparency in the distribution of coal blocks to private companies had cost billions of dollars to the exchequer since March last year. However, the CAG report did not directly blame Prime Minister Manmohan Singh but said that the allocations had been made between 2005 to 2009, when Manmohan Singh was in charge of the energy ministry. The scandal is a new development in a string of corruption scandals to hit Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government in the past two years. The 'Coalgate' scandal No major party in parliament is ready for early elections, say observers "It is not a usual scandal. Storm in a teacup?

7 Celebrities Who Invented Amazing Things on the Side Most of us are lucky if we can make it through life with even one outstanding talent. But some just aren't content with that. Sometimes, celebrities lead second lives as inventors, either because being rich and famous is just too boring, or because inventing stuff doesn't get you laid. #7. Regarded as one of the greatest singers and songwriters of all time (or a high-pitched grandpa who looks like a homeless man, depending on your tastes), Neil Young is up there with Led Zeppelin in terms of influence and prominence in your parents' record collection. GettyHe nurtures tiny baby birds under that hat. The Invention: Young is a model train fanatic, and when he wasn't giving your mother un-Christian thoughts, he was also part owner of Lionel, LLC, a model train development company that sold all of his innovations. What may be his most prominent invention came about while he was trying to come up with a way for his son Ben to enjoy trains as much as he does. amsvansGreat dad, or best dad? #6.

Indian mining 'out of control' | Asia | DW.DE | 26.06 Mining is a very lucrative business in India. When it comes to iron core and coal production, India is number three worldwide. But a recent Human Rights Watch (HRW) report has linked mining in India to human rights abuses and environmental issues. It says, "because of a dangerous mix of bad policies, weak institutions, and corruption, government oversight and regulation of India's mining industry is largely ineffectual. The result is chaos." Currently in India there are many controversial mineral mining projects, especially in central India. An increasing number of protests have been taking place in India, for example in Kalinganagar, a small town in the Jajpur district of coastal Orissa - where locals are protesting for not being compensated adequately for land taken away from them for the construction of steel plants. "It has been observed that cases of mining of natural resources are directly related to violations of Human Rights. Poverty, violence and human rights abuses

5 Famous Movies That Shamelessly Ripped-Off Obscure Ones So, Hollywood likes remakes, apparently. As much as we, the citizens of the Internet, like to complain about that, there's nothing wrong with the idea of a remake by itself. Some remakes are so good that they seem to completely erase all evidence of the original from our collective memories, as we've pointed out before. Nope, sometimes the only problem with a remake is that they don't actually credit the obscure movie they are remaking (or, you know, pay them for the rights). Like ... #5. In 1995, Toy Story changed the world of animation by introducing kids to a little thing called CGI and launching Pixar's illustrious career. The Original: The Christmas Toy (1986) Nine years before Toy Story, ABC aired a one-hour TV special called The Christmas Toy. Replace "Rugb" with "Wood" and prepare to have your mind blown. But that could easily be a coincidence, right? Or Post-Op Buzz Lightyear. Another character is a Barbie doll who at one point wears a Little Bo Peep outfit. How They Improved It:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom[1] Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.[2] Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Maslow used the terms "physiological", "safety", "belongingness" and "love", "esteem", "self-actualization", and "self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. Maslow's theory was fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality.[5] The hierarchy remains a very popular framework in sociology research, management training[6] and secondary and higher psychology instruction. Hierarchy Physiological needs Safety needs Safety and Security needs include:
