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How to Get Your Stuff into Evernote

How to Get Your Stuff into Evernote
It is no secret that I am a big fan of Evernote. It is one of those amazing tools that can radically boost your productivity. I use it probably more than any other program other than Mac Mail. But Evernote can also be initially intimidating. If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, Second Edition. Now, after several months of really exploring the program, I have discovered ten different tools for getting my content into Evernote: Type It. Record it. You don’t have to use all of these techniques, of course. Question: Which of these tools do you find yourself using the most? Want to launch your own blog or upgrade to self-hosted WordPress?

How To Encrypt Evernote On Mac OSX In yesterday’s post, we discussed how to encrypt your Evernote database on Windows. Today, we will be going through how to do the same thing using Mac OSX. Unfortunately it is slightly more cumbersome, but it is certainly do-able. Encrypting Text Inside A Note The “official” way to do encryption in Evernote is to simply encrypt any sensitive text in a note. Step 1: Select the text you want to Encrypt. Step 2: Right-click (or Command-Click) and choose Encrypt Selected Text. Step 3: Make up a passphrase that you will later use to decrypt this text. Step 4: Your text will now show as encrypted in Evernote. Encrypting Your Evernote Database Here is where things get fun. What is an encrypted sparsebundle? When you read this it might look kinda technical, but its not that bad. Note: You are going to be be moving around your Evernote files. Step 1: Click on Applications, then Utilities and choose Disk Utility Step 2: Go to File, then New then Blank Disk Image Here is what it looks like so far.

Using a Traditional Paper Notebook with Evernote I live in Evernote. It has quickly become one of my most important software tools. I especially liked using it with my iPad. So for now, I have returned to a traditional paper-based notepad for taking meeting notes. If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, Second Edition. But how do you get these notes into Evernote, so they are accessible later? Recently, I created a new workflow that I am really liking. I replaced my Moleskine notebook with an EcoSystems notebook. The value of this system for me is that it is the perfect blend of old-world and new-world technology. Question: How do you process meeting notes? Want to launch your own blog or upgrade to self-hosted WordPress?

How to Organize Evernote for Maximum Efficiency Please note: The way I organize Evernote today is completely different than what I wrote here. You can find my updated methodology here. I have been using Evernote for months. However, I have not really taken time to explore the depth of this incredible program until just recently. I have mainly just used it for a place to store meeting notes and an occasional web clipping. Photo courtesy of © However, thanks to Brett Kelly’s very helpful e-book, Evernote Essentials, the Evernote user forum, and a little experimentation, I have begun to see the incredible power of this digital repository. It all begins by establishing a solid organizational structure. If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, 4.0. First, let’s define some terms: Notebooks: These are collections of individual notes. Perhaps my current structure—which is still a work in process—will serve as an example.

10 Great Ways to Use Evernote Advertisement Evernote is a free tool for your computer, cell phone, iPhone and online that allows you to collect and store information from just about anywhere and access it from just about everywhere. Your information is synced across platforms, too. It is easy to look at Evernote and wonder, “What am I going to do with all of this white space!” Let’s find out the best ways to use Evernote to get the most out of it. Use Evernote as a Getting Things Done tool by creating notebooks and sorting incoming information into different notebooks within Evernote. Take a photo of driving or transit directions for reference later. How do you use Evernote? (By) Ellie loves anything that makes life easier and gives her more time to explore New York City and read. evernote, gtd, list, tip

Scanning documents and notes directly to Evernote with a Canon MP Series printer | Tech and life You don’t have to scan documents to your PC then save them into Evernote organizer in two stages, you can set up your printer/scanner to scan directly into Evernote. I’ve already posted about scanning directly to Evernote with an Epson Perfection 4180 scanner. I recently got a Canon MP series multifunction printer with built in scanner (MP280) and had no trouble setting it up to scan directly to Evernote. Here’s what you do. When you installed your Canon printer drivers and utilities on the CD which came with the printer, you would have installed MP Navigator, the application which, among other things, allows you to scan directly to an application, in our case Evernote. For me it was actually called MP Navigator EX 4.0 but you may have a different version. Click on Custom and that should open a box like below. This is the part where we select Evernote as the program we want to open the scan with. Select that file and click Open.

Exporting your stuff from Evernote | Ben Stewart 5 FlaresTwitter3TweetFacebook2Pin It Share0 Google+05 Flares× I really like Evernote. I suggest it to a lot of people, especially anyone who owns an iPhone. Evernote makes it so easy to take a picture, write a note, or record some audio on your iPhone and retreive it later on your Mac, PC, or even online. This has so many potential uses from comparison shopping to simple reminders. Right now Shaun is in song-writing mode preparing for a new album and a new round of completely free songs. When we returned home I opened up Evernote on my Mac to snag the audio file and e-mail it over to Shaun. So, I popped open Finder and went to my home folder (the one named for your user name). Inside that data folder were sub-folders for each “notebook” I have in Evernote. Each content folder contains sub-folders for each item within that notebook. Once I found the audio file I simply copied (not moved but copied… hold down ALT while you drag) the file from this location to my Desktop.

The Issue From the time we are small, we are given tasks to perform, starting with “make your bed,” “clean your room,” “take out the trash,” and “be nice to your sister.” Once we attend school, those requests begin to increase as we are assigned homework and projects to complete. During high school and college we have further demands thrust upon us as we gain specific interests, hobbies and passions, and as our social calendar begins to fill. So we each kludge together a system to track all that we juggle in life, from those little things we need to accomplish today, to appointments, to items we need to remember to pick up downtown, to those larger projects in the coming months and then those larger, grander dreams we want to fulfill someday. To add to the complexity of this, everyone manages multiple roles. Mismanaged Time From what we’ve seen, using one’s Inbox for storing hundreds — if not thousands — of emails as unfinished to-dos is a recipe for confusion, stress, and mismanaged time.

How to Scan Documents Directly into Evernote Thanks to Evernote, I have been able to go completely paperless in my new home office. For years this was a dream of mine; now it is a reality. Photo courtesy of © In this post, I want to explain how to use a scanner with Evernote. This has been the single biggest clutter-buster for me. No more stacks of paper sitting on my desk or credenza. Ever dreamed of launching your own self-hosted WordPress blog? Instead, I scan all loose papers—receipts, invitations, business cards, bills, warranties, letters, and even entire seminar notebooks—directly into Evernote. Here’s how you can do the same thing in seven steps: Buy an Evernote-compatible scanner. Throw the paper away. Buying a scanner will set you back a few hundred dollars. Question: How would scanning into Evernote fit into your workflow? or upgrade to a self-hosted WordPress blog?

Going Paperless Below is a condensed index of my weekly Going Paperless tips that I do in my capacity as Evernote’s Paperless Lifestyle Ambassador. These weekly tips are also available via RSS. Below the index are some supplementary posts I’ve done that may be of interest to folks. Looking to get started going paperless with Evernote? Category Index Here are links to lists of the Going Paperless articles by category. Going Paperless 2.0 Articles Full List of Original Going Paperless Articles Supplementary Posts My Shared Template Notebook For Evernote

Seven Deadly Sins: Evernote Tips You Should Avoid Evernote provides a cloud-based note taking and clipping service that lets you store information for access from any Web-connected device. Tips for using Evernote are routinely shared on Twitter (just search #evernotetip). Unfortunately, amidst all the clever suggestions for using Evernote are several very risky tips. The problem: the only thing separating your Evernote collection from prying eyes is a username and password. If you're the victim of a phishing scam or password-stealing malware, that Evernote collection could provide a one-stop-shop for all your sensitive data. Some premium (paid) users of Evernote mistakenly assume their Evernote data will somehow be safe from external attacks. Bottom line: storing unencrypted data on an Internet-facing server is not a great idea. I'm a teacher. Cloud-based storage services like Evernote are not really "in-the-cloud".

How to Email Your Documents Directly to Evernote Since making the decision to go paperless, I have gained a lot of experience with Evernote. It has become my digital filing cabinet for literally everything. As a result, I am now working in a clutter-free environment. Photo courtesy of © Once you have organized Evernote for maximum efficiency, it is time to start filing your documents into Evernote’s digital repository. If you are just getting started with Evernote, I suggest that you buy Brett Kelly’s remarkably practical e-book, Evernote Essentials, 4.0. Yet, surprisingly, I have met many Evernote users who don’t even know this capability exists. Here are five steps you need to take to use this feature: Find your unique Evernote email address. Start using it! Evernote is one of those applications that becomes more valuable the more you use it. Questions: Have you tried this feature with Evernote? or upgrade to a self-hosted WordPress blog?

10 Tips On How to Use Evernote To Its Fullest « The Solopreneur Life® This is a guest post written by Claudine Motto, who is a business coach, productivity consultant, and owner of Business in Blossom. She works with women entrepreneurs who want better control of their time, their work, and themselves so they can create more success, flow and joy in their business and in their lives. When she’s not working, much of her joy comes from good coffee, good food, good wine, her husband and two cats. Connect with her at style="display:inline-block;width:180px;height:150px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-0437204743335598" data-ad-slot="8766772704"> It seems everyone’s using Evernote these days, but you may not be aware of some of its most handy features. Claudine Motto 1. When you send your notes to Evernote via e-mail you can tag them and designate the notebook they end up in. To designate the notebook: in the e-mail subject line, type “@” followed by the name of an existing notebook. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You can create searches for anything you want.
