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CSS3 @media Rule
CSS/Eigenschaften/box-sizing – SELFHTML-Wiki
Mit der Eigenschaft box-sizing können Sie bestimmen, worauf sich Angaben zu den Abmessungen eines Elementes beziehen. Details: caniuse.com Erlaubt sind dabei eine der folgenden Angaben. content-box, Standardwert, Angabe gilt nur für den Inhalt border-box, Angabe gilt für Inhalt, Innenabstand und Rahmen, Standard für IE im Quirksmodus inherit, box-sizing des Elternelements Empfehlung: Zum besseren Verständnis wird das Studium des Artikels zum Box-Modell empfohlen. <! </style></head><body><h1>Verwendung von <code>box-sizing</code></h1><main><section id="content-box"><code>width: 20em;<br>box-sizing: content-box;</code></section><aside><code>← 20em →</code></aside><section id="border-box"><code>width: 20em;<br>box-sizing: border-box;</code></section><aside><code>← 20em →</code></aside></main></body></html> Vererbung auf alle Elemente[Bearbeiten] Empfehlung: Sie sollten im Sinne einer guten Wartbarkeit des CSS-Codes auf verschiedene Werte von box-sizing innerhalb eines Dokuments verzichten.
FAQs to our Personal Coaches! – NewMoove Help Center
FAQ’s to our Personal Coaches Q: How often should I work-out per week? A: The amount of exercise you need depends on the type of lifestyle you want to maintain. For beginners, most experts recommend at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week. Remember, 20 minutes is considered the minimum prescribed amount of exercise for one day. Q: How much rest time do I need between my work-outs? A: Although easily accomplished, rest can be an often overlooked variable for muscle growth. Q: Why do I gain weight while working out? A:Muscle gain is the most common reason for weight gain caused by exercising. But this is nothing to complain about, since with this weight gain comes a smaller waistline, more definition, and a positive change in your physical appearance! Q: I have a question concerning my training, to whom can I write my message to? Antwort: Please write a message to our NewMoove Customer Service. Frage: What am I allowed to eat? Q: What should I eat? Antwort: Antwort:
Foobar - Wikipedia
History and etymology[edit] The first known use of the terms in print in a programming context appears in a 1965 edition of MIT's Tech Engineering News.[4] Foobar may have come about as a result of the pre-existing "Foo" being conjoined with "bar" an addition borrowed from the military's FUBAR. The use of foo in a programming context is generally credited to the Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) of MIT from circa 1960.[1] In the complex model system, there were scram switches located at numerous places around the room that could be thrown if something undesirable was about to occur, such as a train going full-bore at an obstruction. Another feature of the system was a digital clock on the dispatch board. Multiflush: stop-all-trains-button. The term foobar was propagated through computer science circles in the 1960s and early 1970s by system manuals from Digital Equipment Corporation. Example use in code[edit] Examples in language[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
CSS ::before Selector
Create a new branch with git and manage branches · Kunena/Kunena-Forum Wiki
In your github fork, you need to keep your master branch clean, by clean I mean without any changes, like that you can create at any time a branch from your master. Each time that you want to commit a bug or a feature, you need to create a branch for it, which will be a copy of your master branch. When you do a pull request on a branch, you can continue to work on another branch and make another pull request on this other branch. Before creating a new branch, pull the changes from upstream. Create the branch on your local machine and switch in this branch : $ git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch] Change working branch : $ git checkout [name_of_your_new_branch] Push the branch on github : $ git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch] When you want to commit something in your branch, be sure to be in your branch. You can see all branches created by using : $ git branch Which will show : * approval_messages master master_clean Add a new remote for your branch : $ git remote add [name_of_your_remote]
Coding a Responsive Resume in HTML5/CSS3
Almost everybody in the business section has created a resume at some point. When working as a freelancer you are always vying to land new projects. Because of this transitory work cycle it helps to offer potential clients a brief peek into your past experience. In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a responsive single-page resume layout. Building the Document I’m starting the webpage with an HTML5 doctype and standard meta elements. The meta viewport tag is crucial for getting the responsive technique to work on smartphones. I have also setup a small IE conditional which includes some open source scripts for legacy browsers. Main Content Blocks The whole document is wrapped in a div with many various block sections inside. As you resize the page these block elements fall beneath each other gracefully. Before we jump into detailed CSS I want to explain more about the use of microdata. Formatting Useful Microdata All of the major search engines including Google, Yahoo!
Fubar (auch foobar) ist ein Wort aus dem anglo-amerikanischen Sprachraum, mit dem zum Beispiel schlimme Situationen, verheerende Unfälle, schreckliche Verletzungen oder auch weniger schlimme, negative Entwicklungen beschrieben werden. Seine Herkunft kann nicht genau bestimmt werden; das Wort ist vermutlich ein Akronym für fucked up beyond all recognition (engl., wörtlich etwa „Beschissen jenseits alles Erdenklichen“, im Sinne von „ein unvorstellbarer Schlamassel“). Wortherkunft[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Eine häufige Erklärung des Wortes ist die Herleitung aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Ebenso zutreffend ist mit der Übersetzung recognition = Anerkennung die Bedeutung, eine für Frontsoldaten aussichtslos erscheinende Kampfhandlung oder erlittene Katastrophe ohne Hilfe oder Anerkennung höherer Militärinstanzen überstanden zu haben. Da fuck(ed) ein vulgärerer Ausdruck ist, wird das Wort manchmal gegen fouled ausgetauscht, sowie all gegen any. “Mr. Hochspringen ↑ FUBAR.