W3Schools Online Web Tutorials Introduction à Haxe Haxe (prononcé hax) est un langage de programmation open source. Alors que la plupart des autres langages sont reliés à leur propre plate-forme (Java avec la JVM, C# avec le .NET, ActionScript avec le Flash Player), Haxe est un langage multiplateforme. Cela signifie que vous pouvez utiliser Haxe en ciblant les plates-formes suivantes: Javascript : vous pouvez compiler un programme Haxe en un unique fichier .js. Vous pouvez accéder aux APIs DOM de chaque navigateur avec un support d'auto-complétion, et toutes les dépendances sont résolues au moment de la compilation.Flash : vous pouvez compiler un programme Haxe en un fichier .swf. Haxe peut compiler pour les Flash Players 6 à 10, avec les les anciennes API Flash<8 ou les nouvelles API AS3/Flash9-10. L'idée derrière Haxe est de laisser le développeur choisir la meilleure plate-forme pour effectuer un travail donné. Envie d'en apprendre plus sur Haxe?
Modeling Interactions between User and Producer Innovation: User-Contested and User-Complemented Markets by Christina Raasch, Eric Von Hippel Alfonso Gambardella Bocconi University - Department of Management and Technology Christina Raasch Technische Universität München, TUM School of Management Eric A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of ManagementMarch 24, 2014 Abstract: Innovation has traditionally been seen as the province of producers. Number of Pages in PDF File: 34 Keywords: innovation, user innovation working papers series
Tampa Bay Innovation Center | Florida | Accelerate Entrepreneurial Success Innovation: Think big, start small, scale fast! A key innovation message that I spend time with my clients focusing upon involves the concept of “thinking big, starting small, and scaling fast.” (With all due respect, the thought process comes from a customer-service oriented strategy at McDonald’s many years ago, but it is easily extended to encompass innovation in general.) What does the message imply: think big: identify the long term transformative trends that will impact you. These could include significant industry change, business model disruption, the emergence of new competitors, product or service transformation; anything. It sounds simple, but its’ extraordinarily complex. How might a company use such thinking? Leave a comment : let me know what you think, suggest or ideas where you’ve seen the concept work!
From School to Startup: Bain’s StartUp Academy Matches College Students With Portfolio Companies Mitt Romney is growing his own. Well, sort of. His old firm, Bain Capital, is taking on the problem of hiring talented tech workers by training them itself. Bain’s StartUp Academy, launched by the company’s VC arm Bain Capital Ventures, recruits students from top universities and plants them in positions at the tech companies it funds. StartUp Academy’s current class consists of 21 students culled from 779 applicants from schools like Duke, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and USC. They’ll spend nine months in full-time or intern-level jobs at companies in the Bain Capital Ventures portfolio, taking time out to attend events and meet startup founders. StartUp Academy is the brainchild of Ajay Agarwal, managing director at Bain Capital Ventures. Missionary Zeal While the strategy worked for Trilogy, Agarwal notes that for most startups, serious college recruiting is cost-prohibitive. “So we said, why don’t we run the program? A Window Into Smaller Schools
What is UX? - About UX - User Experience - UX Design The origins and meaning of “User Experience / UX Design” may seem a bit murky at first glance, to many not already familiar with it. One early use of it, without “user” prefixed, appeared in the nascent “Advance for Design” meetings organized by Clement Mok et al, under AIGA sponsorship, between 1998 and 2000. Mention is made, too, in the first post to uxmatters.com, of Don Norman using the term at Apple as early as 1993. Though implying a Gestalt approach to interactive media design, that is, using a collection of elements to form a pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts, UX Design also puts special emphasis on the human side of human-computer interaction, and its affective results, rather than on the mere usability—the human performance aspect—of computer interface design, which traditionally relates to the field of ergonomics. Another dimension of UX Design, as it related to the field of web design, is the historical one. share
Migration vers les logiciels libres : est ce raisonnable pour une entreprise? Game Programming | Game Institute Accelerator - an Entrepreneurs' Organization program | Home OverviewIn a series of quarterly, high-impact learning events, Accelerator gives you tools, knowledge, and skills to grow your business to more than $1 million (US) in annual revenue. This comprehensive program also connects you to the most influential network of entrepreneurs on the planet. Through the multiple learning and networking opportunities Accelerator provides, you sharpen your skills both as an entrepreneur and as a leader. Participant Criteria Sounds good — right? But the actual results are even better. To qualify for the Accelerator Program you must be the owner or founder of an operating business with gross annual revenues between US$250,000 and US$1 million. Learn more about applying to the Accelerator Program What is the Accelerator Program? As a participant in the Accelerator Program, you will: Explore this website to find out all of the details on the Accelerator Program - and apply to become a participant in the Accelerator Program near you!
Entrepreneurial Revolution Lean Startup et Customer Development résumé par Sébastien Sacard L’Open Coffee Club autour du Lean Startup présenté par Sébastien Sacard J’ai participé à l’Open Coffee Club de Paris organisé par Eric Dubois sur le thème du Lean Startup. A cette occasion, Sébastien Sacard (@ssacard), concepteur agile de services Web innovants, est intervenu pour partager son expérience sur l’atelier Lean Startup Machine. Je me propose donc de vous faire part d’un article qui approfondit ce qui a été dit au cours de la présentation brillamment menée par Sébastien Sacard. La Lean Startup Machine est une société américaine qui organise des ateliers afin d’appliquer des méthodes plus « scientifique » à la création d’entreprise. Leur credo « Fail Fast, Succeed Faster » met en évidence des notions comme : - le Minimum Viable Product (MVP) qui consiste à produire la solution à un problème sous son aspect le plus simple afin de valider une ou plusieurs hypothèses rapidement et à moindre coût. Le résumé de la méthode Lean Startup Pour cela, l’entrepreneur est amené à :