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How to Be Photogenic Edit Article Focusing on Your FacePosing Your BodyConsidering the Photos Edited by Alan J, Jack Herrick, Taxciter, Zack and 125 others Having your photo taken can seem like a frightening endeavor, especially when it seems that you never look quite as good in portraits as you do in reality. Ad Steps Method 1 of 3: Focusing on Your Face 1Clarify your skin. 5Adjust the angle of your face. Method 2 of 3: Posing Your Body 1Work your assets. 5Do what’s comfortable. Method 3 of 3: Considering the Photos 1Dress to impress. 5Act confident. Tips Take more than one picture before setting the camera down. Article Info

Words of Wisdom: 101 Tips from the World's Most Famous Authors » Online College Search If you've ever wanted to sit down with your favorite writer and ask advice, then you should take a look at these tips from some of the most famous authors in the world. These valuable bits of information provide guidance on strengthening your writing skills, becoming a better fiction writer or poet, learning to tap into your creativity, advice on education and school, and even a few suggestions on success and living a meaningful life. Of course, another excellent way of improving your writing is through traditional or online master’s degrees in creative writing. General Writing Tips Improve any type of writing you do with these solid tips from successful writers themselves. Ernest Hemingway. Tips for Beginning Writers If you are thinking about a career in writing, whether you have a bachelor degree or a master’s degree, or are just starting to write seriously, then use these tips for great suggestions. Stephen King. Fiction Tips Kurt Vonnegut. Poetry Robert Frost. Tips for Creativity Success

50 Amazing Lifehacks for Productivity At Beatrix we love productivity. Perhaps even more than we love chocolate. Wait, that's just silly - chocolate rules all. That said, here's 50 tips you can use to enhance your productivity. 1. Deciding what is and isn't important is one skill. 2. Ditch the fancy car - take the bus or the train. 3. Or use that time to enhance your mind! 4. If you find yourself hanging out in a particular part of town often, try to live somewhere equidistant between there and work. 5. Figure out what tasks can be done at home and convince your boss it can be done. 6. Website blockers like StayFocusd can give you a virtual slap on the wrist every time you try to access Facebook or Reddit while working. 7. Decide what is the most important thing you need to do that day and do it first. 8. Todo lists are useful but they can either become unwieldy or you can forget to update them with new tasks. 9. Know you need 30 mins in the morning to get ready? 10. Only Handle It Once. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia Mnemonics and memory improvement / Build Your Memory 20 Amazing Eye Makeup Tutorials Eye makeup is very important. Eyes represent the entire character of anybody. Because eyes are the most substantial segment of our face. Eyes are classified as an entrance towards the heart and soul that demonstrate your internal natural beauty. Women of all ages wish for gorgeous eyes. Eyes are additionally regarded as the device that will enable anyone become attractive.

The Army's new drone looks like a bird, flies like a bot The military has been making increasing use of drone aircraft in recent years on reconnaissance missions, even the most advanced drones have one fatal flaw — they look like drones. Whether they’ve got spinning propellers or swept-back wings, anyone looking up will know something’s not right. That’s why the Army is working on a new type of bird-shaped drone, Maveric. Engineers have designed Maveric with rounded, flexible wings that will give the appearance of a bird of prey in flight. Maveric is designed to reach altitudes of 25,000 feet, but can fly much lower when needed thanks to its camouflage design. The Army signed a contract with Florida-based Prioria Robotics several months ago to produce 36 Maverics with delivery expected in December. Now read: Lockheed Martin begins work on successor to the SR-71 Blackbird

12 sided calendar Download a 12 sided calendar Download a dodecahedral calendar. You may choose between PostScript and PDF format. Choose PostScript format if you want to mark holidays and birthdays. The PostScript file explains how to do it. *) Week numbering follows ISO 8601 **) PostScript software is available from Calendar on a regular dodecahedron Once upon a time I made a PostScript program to print templates for generic polyhedra called I've made a few changes to Andrew Rogers' deskcal, and wrapped it into a script to make it more available for people without knowledge in PostScript. Hints for calendar on a regular dodecahedron Regular printer paper (80 g/m²) will be fine, but heavier paper (100-120 g/m²) will result in a more robust calendar. Calendar on a rhombic dodecahedron I have reused Andrew Rogers' calendar generator, so you can get calendars on Nick Robinson's rhombic A4 units, and make a rhombic dodecahedron calendar.

Judith Ann Braun's Fingers Are Magical With an art career spanning more than three decades, Judith Ann Braun has tested the limits of her artistic musculature. She began as a self-described “realistic figure painter,” and worked through the struggles common to anyone who endeavors upon an artistic pursuit, that of searching for one’s own voice in the chosen medium. Fast forward to the 21st century where the evolution of Braun’s work has brought us to the Fingerings series, a collection of charcoal dust landscapes and abstracts “painted” using not brushes but her fingertips. Braun has a specific interest in symmetry, as evidenced by the patterns she follows in a number of the Fingerings pieces as well as work in the Symmetrical Procedures collection. Her fingerprints are obvious up close in some of the paintings, though a step back and the grandeur of Braun’s imagination sprawls into a landscape of soft hills, overhanging trees, delicate florals, and a reflective waterway. Share With Your Friends
