50 Inspiring Typographic Artists … and me | Moonsail design | Branding, graphic design, typography and web design I put the call out on Facebook and Twitter recently to see which typographers and calligraphers were inspiring people at the moment. The results were interesting, because very few of them were “typographers” in the true sense of the word, in that, they don’t “arrange typefaces for print”. What they do, is actually use typographic forms in an artistic, or “illustrative” way. In fact, I was interested to see there are very few recognisable typefaces amongst the works of these artists at all, most of them preferring to hand draw their own letterforms from scratch. I want to thank everybody for their suggestions. I’m flattered to say I was among the suggestions, as well as a few people I love and admire, and quite a few I had never heard of, so sit back and enjoy. I’m sure lots of talented people have been missed out, so feel free to add your inspirations in the comments section down below—I’m sure there will be a part 2 to this list pretty soon. 1. 2. 3. 4. Anna Garforth rocks my world. 5.
Typography Daily Ginormous text tutorial Here is a repost of The Text Tutorial, requested by about a gazillion people. We will be going over the different methods of using text in Photoshop and in GIMP, effects you can use to make text look better or more readable, and you can download some of my favorite fonts here. :) Apologies for any mistakes - please correct me if you find them - and I hope this helps! Program(s)+version: Photoshop CS3, GIMPInvolves: Text tools, layer stylesTranslatable: Yes, mostlySteps: This tutorial doesn't show how to get from point A to point B, so there aren't really steps...Difficulty: Beginning/Intermediate Text in Photoshop This is Photoshop's Character box. First row (helpful location screencap) First is the menu where it says "Arial Black" at the top. Next to the "Arial Black" box it says "Regular." becs1024 says: "it's a bit of a faux-pas to click the "bold" button and have Photoshop artificially bold a word if a bold version of the typeface is available under that drop-down menu. Examples: Right.
LetterCult — Custom Letter Culture The Design Blog I Love Typography Typeverything Text icon guide - Icons by Curtana Various people have asked how I go about making my text-only icons. This isn't really a tutorial for any specific icon, more of a general guide. I use Photoshop CS3, so any specific directions are for that program, but the general ideas should be quite translateable. The first thing I suggest is that you go and read this excellent post by grrliz, because it says many of the same things I would! 1. So, yes, pick good textures. 100x100textures, icon_textures, neondistrict, etc. and snag a large selection. shoqolad and this tutorial by discolore are great places to start if you want to go that route. All I'd really add to grrliz's comments on textures is that sometimes, if you have a texture that's too busy, you can still make it work by masking part of it: 2. Have a wide selection of fonts. Whenever you try a new font, make sure you check which Anti-Aliasing it looks best with - sharp, crisp, smooth, or strong. Pick a quote that's a manageable length. 3. Sometimes I don't: or the colour: 4.
20 Useful Typography Tools Typography is a crucial component of a design. When used effectively, it sets the mood and solicits emotion about the design. Working with typography can be challenging, but fortunately, there is a plethora of free tools on the web that can help you work with type. In this article, you’ll find 20 tools for working with typography. 1. Typetester allows you to compare various fonts and styles on one page. 2. FontStructor is a free, web-based tool for creating your own fonts. 3. Font Tester is a free web-based tool for comparing different fonts. 4. Typechart lets you quickly evaluate an assortment of web typography. 5. OpentType Font Tester is a web-based tool that allows you to test over 20 OpenType fonts. 6. CSS-Typoset Matrix is a matrix that displays font sizes, line-heights, and margins (in pixel and em units) for various base font sizes. 7. CSS Type Set lets you experiment with different styles and attributes (such as font size, font weight, font family) of web typography. 8. 9. 10.
Beautiful Nonsense Info Graphics on Datavisualization Chad Hagen creates and shares some deliciously designed information graphics. The charts are completely senseless and unusable but gorgeous in perspective of color choice, typography and overall presentation. The worn-out look and the absurdity of the subjects brings the art of Bruce McCall (especially the Faux-Nostalgia series) to mind. Put away the analytical seriousness for a second and enjoy the visual aesthetics. Full set on FlickrHat tip to @herrstucki
Type That I like Where Photoshop & Lovers meet 30 Inspirational Chalk Lettering Designs & Wall Murals In this age of digital design I find the old analogue techniques of hand lettering and sign painting extraordinarily impressive. The use of traditional mediums such as chalk require real talent, which is why professional typographers are still being hired to create stunning murals in trendy cafes and restaurants. In today’s design showcase I present 30 inspirational examples of chalk lettering designs by admirable artists who use traditional techniques to create fantastic typography.
Frecuencia cardiaca de recuperacion. Valoracion de nuestra condición fisica. la Frecuencia cardiaca de recuperacion. Cuando en una etapa de nuestra vida decidimos practicar actividad física uno de los principales motivos por los que lo hacemos a parte de los típicos relacionados con la “barriguita” o con la “tableta de chocolate”, es para mejorar nuestra condición física general. Para el deportista corriente que en el mejor de los casos va cuatro días semanales a su centro deportivo a realizar durante más o menos una hora cualquiera de las múltiples actividades programadas, le es muy difícil el controlar la mencionada mejora de la condición física ya que a parte de la báscula propia de casa (simplemente mide la masa corporal) no cuenta ni con medios ni con conocimientos necesarios para determinar su progreso y la consiguiente mejora de su nivel. Desde hace tiempo viene utilizándose la actividad cardiaca para el estudio del estado de forma de los deportistas así como para la adecuación de los entrenamientos. 2. -Barbany, J.R.