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Watch the Destruction of Pompeii by Mount Vesuvius, Re-Created with Computer Animation (79 AD)

Watch the Destruction of Pompeii by Mount Vesuvius, Re-Created with Computer Animation (79 AD)
A good disaster story never fails to fascinate — and, given that it actually happened, the story of Pompeii especially so. Buried and thus frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, the ancient Roman town of 11,000 has provided an object of great historical interest ever since its rediscovery in 1599. Baths, houses, tools and other possessions (including plenty of wine bottles), frescoes, graffiti, an ampitheater, an aqueduct, the "Villa of the Mysteries": Pompeii has it all, as far as the stuff of first-century Roman life goes. The ash-preserved ruins of Pompeii, more than any other source, have provided historians with a window into just what life in that time and place was like. A Day in Pompeii, an exhibition held at the Melbourne Museum in 2009, gave its more than 330,000 visitors a chance to experience Pompeii's life even more vividly. Would you like to support the mission of Open Culture? via Metafliter Related Content: The History of Rome in 179 Podcasts Related:  Ancient RomemiscHistoire

Did You Know?: Did Ancient Greeks And Romans Explore Iceland? Iceland did not become a permanent place of settlement until the 9th century. The first inhabitants that built a long-term community on Iceland predominantly came from Norway, and later descendants of the original settlers were convinced that their ancestors’ exodus from the old homeland was a form of protest against the growing authority of King Harald Finehair (ruled approximately 860-940). It is clear that the Norsemen were the first settlers to turn Iceland into a long-term home. Yet, the question of if they were the first people to discover the island is another story. In fact, it is possible that Iceland may have been located by a Greek explorer as early as the 4th century BCE and that Romans had this information at their disposal during the time of the Roman occupation of Britain. The debate revolves around Pytheas, a 4th-century BCE citizen of the Greek settlement at Massilia (Marseilles) in ancient France, then known as Gaul. Written by C. Sources:

Can You Find The Six Words Hidden In These Pictures? If you are like most people on the Internet (and, indeed, the world), you highly enjoy solving puzzles, finding things in pictures, and then letting everyone know you are intellectually capable of doing so. Isn't that what Facebook is all about, after all? Flaunting superiority? Or maybe it's just fun. You already know where this is going...that's right! highlights 1. How'd you do? puzzlesworld 1. And now this one (six words, again): puzzlesworld 1. How do you feel? More: Can You Find All The '90s Bands Hidden In This Picture? 1,7 million d'images historiques accessibles gratuitement Livre de prières espagnol du XVIe siècle C’est là tout l’engagement de l’établissement vis-à-vis du public que revendique Alice Schreyer, vice-présidente des collections et des services de la bibliothèque. « Nous adoptons continuellement de nouvelles solutions pour rendre nos collections non seulement plus accessibles, mais surtout plus disponibles », indique-t-elle. Tout en soulignant qu’il s’agit surtout de renforcer le service public de promotion des collections, en encourageant la curiosité et l’apprentissage. Attention toutefois : sur 1,7 million d’images, tout n’est pas nécessairement dans le domaine public et il faudra faire attention à ce que l’on utilise, et comment c’est utilisé. Une responsabilisation des usagers qui convient très bien à la bibliothèque. Envie de transcrire des sortilèges magiques durant les vacances ? Pour faciliter l’exploration de ses fonds, on pourra passer par la collection Everett D. Gramhart. Visitation, Heures de Nostre Dame selonc lusaige de Rome.

Committee Meeting and Mary Beard Lecture in Rome | Holbergprisen On 8 February, the Holberg Committee met in Rome, and Committee member Mary Beard delivered a lecture at the Royal Norwegian Embassy. Dame Hazel Genn chaired the 8 February Holberg Committe meeting in Rome, where the five Committee members met to discuss this year’s shortlist of candidates for the Holberg Prize and recommend a recipient. The Committee was unanimous in its decision, and its recommendation was put forward to the Holberg Board. A total of 82 nominations for 79 candidates were received for the 2019 Prize, and of these, six were on the shortlist. What’s the Point of Ancient Rome? In connection with the Holberg Committee meeting, there was also an event at the Royal Norwegian Embassy the previous evening. Beard is Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, a fellow of Newnham College, and Royal Academy of Arts Professor of Ancient Literature. “The commonest question I get from journalist,” said Beard, “is: ‘Which Roman emperor is Donald Trump most like?”

This is what a world map looks like if you're colourblind In an average audience of eight men and eight women, there's a 50 per cent chance that at least one person has a degree of colour blindness. A reddit user, Renno Hokwerda, posted a brief series of maps to Imgur to highlight the difficulties faced by some in interpreting colour coded maps. Hokwerda told indy100 that he used Coblis, an online tool which attempts to replicate how some colour-blind people will see certain images: I am not an expert on colour-blindness at all, nor am I myself colour-blind. I posted last Sunday a map on Reddit r/mapporn showing the world's general election days, to which I added a textual key for colour-blind people who perhaps wouldn't be able to read the map. That key sparked many people's interest in colour-blindness and some colour-blind people responded gratefully, which gave me the idea to produce a map the way colour-blind people see.I wanted to convey a message, a sense rather than perfection of 'this is 100 per cent what 'they' see'. Original:

Les carnets secrets de Léonard de Vinci numérisés et disponibles en ligne Machines volantes, dessins révolutionnaires… La British Library ouvre au grand public les portes du monde de Léonard de Vinci, en numérisant ses travaux les plus secrets - et les plus incompréhensibles pour la plupart d’entre nous - avec des pistes pour les rendre plus accessibles à nos humbles esprits. Après tout, de Vinci, ce n'est pas que la Joconde ou l'Homme de Vitruve... Homme de Vitruve, Léonard de Vinci, vers 1490 Le Codex Arundel, compilation des carnets de l’inventeur, a été caché aux yeux de tous, hormis quelques chanceux collectionneurs, des centaines d’années durant. Aujourd’hui, ce n’est plus le cas, grâce au travail de numérisation de la British Library. Selon The Guardian, après sa mort, c’est l’un de ses étudiants, Francesco Melzi, qui « a ramené en Italie bon nombre de ses manuscrits et dessins. Subsistent encore plus de 5 000 pages écrites dans le style si particulier de l’ingénieur, en miroir, lisible de droite à gauche. Via The Guardian Via The Guardian

Nile shipwreck discovery proves Herodotus right – after 2,469 years | Science In the fifth century BC, the Greek historian Herodotus visited Egypt and wrote of unusual river boats on the Nile. Twenty-three lines of his Historia, the ancient world’s first great narrative history, are devoted to the intricate description of the construction of a “baris”. For centuries, scholars have argued over his account because there was no archaeological evidence that such ships ever existed. Now there is. A “fabulously preserved” wreck in the waters around the sunken port city of Thonis-Heracleion has revealed just how accurate the historian was. “It wasn’t until we discovered this wreck that we realised Herodotus was right,” said Dr Damian Robinson, director of Oxford University’s centre for maritime archaeology, which is publishing the excavation’s findings. In 450 BC Herodotus witnessed the construction of a baris. Robinson said that previous scholars had “made some mistakes” in struggling to interpret the text without archaeological evidence.

Uudet muunteluoikeudet käytännössä Opetuksen kopiointilupaan on lisätty vuoden 2016 alusta alkaen muunteluoikeus opetuksessa. Uudet lupaehdot sisältävät kaksi uutta pykälää, jotka kattavat käännös- ja muunteluoikeudet. Minkälaisia muunnelmia saa siis tehdä ja millä rajoituksilla? Muunteluoikeudet on mainittu digiluvan lupaehdoissa (peruskoulu ja lukio, ammatilliset oppilaitokset) pykälissä 8 ja 9. Oleellista on, että nämä käännös- ja muunteluoikeudet koskevat kaikkea tekijänoikeudella suojattua aineistoa poislukien sävellysteokset, kustannetut oppikirjat (ja -materiaalit) ja laulujen sanoitukset. Käännöstehtävät on katettu lupaehtojen pykälässä 8 ja niissä on laajempia oikeuksia kuin muunlaisissa muunteluissa. Muut muuntelutavat ovat lupaehtojen pykälässä 9 ja niissä on hieman enemmän rajoitteita. Muunnelmia tehdessä on, kuten tekijänoikeuden suojaamia teoksia käytettäessä yleensäkin, muistettava kunnioittaa alkuperäisten tekijöiden moraalisia oikeuksia sekä yksilön oikeutta omaan kuvaan.

Le monde des vikings Pendant trois cents ans, leur expansion dans toute l’Europe les conduit tantôt à s’installer, tantôt à repartir, mais toujours à ouvrir des routes nouvelles. Les générations successives de vikings ont tissé une imposante toile de routes fluviales et maritimes largement connectées à celles du continent. Ils se sont installés dans des zones habitées ou non, créant des « Normandies » (terres des hommes du Nord), dont celle de France n’est qu’un exemple. Cliquer pour agrandir Qu'est ce qu'un viking ? Terme rarement employé au Moyen Age, mais attesté dès le Xe siècle sous la forme víkingr, il désigne d’abord ceux qui partent outre-mer pour s’enrichir (que ce soit par le commerce ou la piraterie). Étymologiquement, le mot se rapproche du norrois vík, qui désigne la baie ou le mouillage. Chronologie VIIIe siècle : Diffusion de la voile en Scandinavie. 793 : Pillage du monastère de Lindisfarne (Northumbrie) : les premières expéditions vikings visent des établissements côtiers peu défendus.

Connecting Research: The Forum · How diverse was Roman Britain? By Dr Matthew Nicholls, Department of Classics, University of Reading A heated conversation arose on social media on Wednesday surrounding the question of the racial diversity of Roman Britain, or the Roman empire more generally. The tweet from Alt Right commentator Paul Jospeh Watson, that kicked off the debate There is plenty of evidence that the Roman empire was relatively diverse, as might be expected from an empire that encouraged trade and mobility across a territory that extended from Hadrian’s Wall to north Africa, the Rhine, and the Euphrates (and which, less positively, enslaved and moved conquered populations around by force). Rome itself was a melting pot of people from all over the Mediterranean and beyond (satirical poets moan about it, and we have the evidence of tombstones). Its legions, recruited from Roman citizens, were posted all over the empire. We know about some of these settlers from archaeological evidence and inscriptions.

Fysiktentamen på Köpenhamns Universitet SUBJECT: FYSIKTENTAMEN PÅ KÖPENHAMNS UNIVERSITET FROM: Håkan Nilsson <*> DATE: 2006-03-06 Följande handlar om en fråga på en fysiktentamen på Köpenhamns Universitet: Beskriv hur man kan bestämma en skyskrapas höjd med hjälp av en barometer. En student svarade: Man binder ett långt snöre om barometern och sänker den sedan från skyskrapans tak ner till marken. Snörets längd plus barometerns längd kommer att överensstämma med höjden på byggnaden. Detta högst originella svar retade examinatorn till den grad att han kuggade studenten som överklagade eftersom hans svar obestridligen var rätt och universitetet tillsatte en opartisk skiljedomare. I fem minuter satt studenten tyst och tänkte intensivt. När han uppmanades att skynda på svarade studenten som följer: Först och främst skulle man kunna ta med sig barometern upp på skyskrapans tak, släppa den över kanten och mäta den tid det tar för den att nå marken. Studenten var Niels Bohr, den ende dansk som vunnit Nobelpriset i fysik.
