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English to go - English lessons, Learn English, Teach English, Lesson plans, ESL resources, ESL reading

English to go - English lessons, Learn English, Teach English, Lesson plans, ESL resources, ESL reading

Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests Online Orell Digital Language Lab (ODLL) :: Communication Skills Lab Software Teaching Ideas Teaching Ideas Johannes C. Razenberg TESOL teacher Introduction If your learners, regardless of their TOEIC proficiency level(s), are having trouble understanding the context, purpose, sociocultural usage, and so on of the texts which appear in Part VII of the TOEIC test, then you may be interested in utilizing this text-based syllabus. Aim To improve learners' TOEIC scores in Part VII of the TOEIC test Outcome Learners will have acquired seven reading strategies for improving their reading comprehension skills. Objectives Learners will: Use authentic texts to learn and practice the reading strategies. Units of Work Each unit of work follows the same genre-approach methodology and addresses each of the seven reading strategies. Sequencing It is highly suggested that learners first learn the strategies with very straightforward text-types such as forms and tables and gradually work up to the more difficult text-types categories such as letters and miscellaneous reading passages. (Fig.1) Opening

Split Infinitives : Grammar Girl You may have heard a rule that you shouldn't split infinitives, but I'm here to tell you it's not a real rule, and the idea itself is based on a shaky foundation. What Are Infinitives? To understand split infinitives, we first have to clearly define the word “infinitive.” Wikipedia defines “infinitive” as the unmarked form of a verb (1), but you really need examples to understand what that means. In English, there are two kinds of infinitives: bare infinitives and full infinitives. go sprinkle run split Full infinitives are made up of two words, usually putting the word “to” in front of the bare verb: to go to sprinkle to run to split What Is a Split Infinitive? The safest choice is to avoid splitting infinitives. A split infinitive puts an adverb between the two parts of the full infinitive. If you want to remember what a split infinitive is, just remember what might be the most famous example: Star Trek's “to boldly go where no one has gone before.” Should You Split Infinitives?

Primary Source Materials & Document Based Questions Primary Source Materials & Document Based QuestionsAn Internet Hotlist on Document Based Questions created by Paula GoldsteinNassau BOCES Introduction | Primary Source Materials | Document Based Questions | Assessments | General Resources | Constructed Response Questions Introduction Don't depend on someone else's interpretation of a document. Read it yourself and draw your own conclusions. Document based questions (DBQs) are a major focus in schools today.

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Digital Rain Factory: Creating a Storytelling Culture for Organizations Guía para aprender inglés Gratis, Aprender o mejorar nuestro nivel de inglés es uno de los objetivos a cumplir por muchos de nosotros ya sea por trabajo (qué oferta hay ya que no lo pidan), por viajes (un idioma internacional para comunicarnos en otros países) o simplemente porque hay que estar a la orden del día. Aquí hemos querido reunir los mejores cursos de ingles gratuitos que encontramos en la red; desde tutoriales, vídeos, teoría, práctica, chats, películas con las que aprender el idioma… un gran número de posibilidades y recursos para que cumplamos este objetivo, aprender inglés. No sólo vamos a encontrar los típicos cursos como viene siendo habitual, sino que hemos querido ir más allá y preparar una guía para aprender inglés de forma gratuita donde hemos hablado de otros métodos para aprender inglés como pueden ser las páginas web, canales de youtube, blogs, apps, y demás contenido que encontramos en la red y que nos ayudan con nuestro aprendizaje de inglés de forma sencilla. Aplicaciones para aprender inglés
