Bringing Ruby to the Enterprise | Open Source Magazine The Ruby language is generating a great deal of buzz in the software community these days. Developers are becoming interested in Ruby for a various reasons such as its promise of increased productivity, the power of the language itself, or simply its ease of use. At the same time, many who are new to Ruby wonder if it's capable enough to be used in enterprise software development. This article is written for developers and IT staff who are considering using Ruby in an enterprise environment. Introduction to Ruby Ruby is a modern object-oriented language that shares many of the features of Smalltalk, Perl, and Python, while being incredibly flexible. While interest in Ruby has only taken off recently, it's a very mature language that's been around for over 10 years. The Case for Enterprise Ruby Enterprise software can be defined as software that processes large amounts of business-critical data. Productivity also tends to be higher with Ruby than traditional enterprise platforms.
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Best Android Apps, iPhone Apps Ideas, Mobile App Ideas | Best App Ideas 20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using So you've been playing with jQuery for a while now, you're starting to get the hang of it, and you're really liking it! Are you ready to take your jQuery knowledge to level two? Today, I'll demonstrate twenty functions and features you probably haven't seen before! 1 after() / before() Sometimes you want to insert something into the DOM, but you don't have any good hooks to do it with; append() or prepend() aren't going to cut it and you don't want to add an extra element or id. You can also do this if you're working primarily with the element you want to insert; just use the insertAfter() or insertBefore functions. 2 change() The change() method is an event handler, just like click() or hover(). The change() event is perfect for client-side validation; it's much better than blur(), because you won't be re-validating fields if the user doesn't change the value. 3 Context Context is both a parameter and a property in jQuery. So where would this be useful? 4 data() / removeData() JavaScript Download git clone Instantiation jQuery( '.parallax-layer' ).parallax( options ); What does jquery.parallax do? jParallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the mouse. With a bit of CSS you can either set up windows to see these layers through, or leave them free to roam about. The diagram on the right illustrates what jParallax does to the html: and here's a demonstration with some images: More demos demos/index.html demos/stalkbuttons.html - multiple parallax. demos/remotecontrol.html - parallax by remote control. demos/thumbnails.html - beautiful interactive thumbnails. demos/target.html - demonstrates how smoothly jParallax handles window resizing. Using jParallax The default behaviour of jParallax is to show the whole width of a layer in response to the mouse travelling the whole width of the mouseport. There are various ways to style jParallax effectively. Options Layer Options Events
Spacegallery - jQuery plugin About Again another image gallery. Click on the images bellow to see it in action. Download (205 kb): jQuery, Javscript files, CSS files, images, examples and instructions. Changelog The first release release. Implement Attach the Javascript and CSS files to your document. Invocation code Prepare a block level element with some images inside. Options A hash of parameters.
Documentation | Spritely Spritely is a simple plugin with only two key methods, sprite() and pan() both of which simply animate the background-image css property of an element. The difference between the two is that a 'sprite' image contains two or more 'frames' of animation, whereas a 'pan' image contains a continuous image which pans left or right and then repeats. Typically, in either case, you would use a png file (with or without transparency) for this. For documentation in languages other than English, please see Unoffical Documentation. Please note: there is a problem with the current version of Mobile Safari on the iPad On the iPad, using the pan() method may cause crashes in Mobile Safari. Quick start If you're impatient to try out Spritely and want to see some self-contained working examples, you can download some sample 0.4 code as a zip file. What's new in version 0.6? Click here to see what's new in version 0.6 Animating an image with the 'sprite()' method Here's a quick example to get you started...
Unwrongest jQuery vs MooTools: Choosing Between Two Great JavaScript Frameworks 大部分最近才剛接觸JavaScript的人會面臨到的困難是該選擇哪個套件(library)或是該先學哪個套件。如果你在一間公司裡上班,那麼可能公司已經有一套固定使用的套件,若是在這種情況下,問題就沒那麼重要。如果你的公司選擇使用MooTools而你自己已經習慣使用jQuery,那麼這篇文章也許對你還是有些幫助的。 每天在 Twitter上 我看到 一堆人討論著MooTools好還是jQuery的話題。 聲明 我是個MooTools的開發人員。 目的 透過我的說明,讓大家明白這兩個frameworks之間的差異進而能幫助大家做出一個選擇。 內容 統計 標題說明一切 如果你去jQuery的網站看,它最上面的標語就寫著: jQuery是個簡潔快速的JavaScript函式庫,能透過簡化HTML的操作、事件的處理、動畫效果以及Ajax互動來加速網頁開發。 ...然後如果你到了MooTools的網站,你也可以找到這段話: MooTools是個精簡、模組化同時也物件導向的JavaScript框架,設計給中等與進階的JavaScript開發員使用。 我想這就說明了全部了。 jQuery的那段敘述講的是關於HTML、事件、動畫、Ajax與網頁開發,MooTools那段說的是有關物件導向、強大且彈性的程式架構。 這其中值得思考的是關於框架與工具包(framework vs. toolkit)的概念差異。 大部分你用MooTools所寫的程式還是跟JavaScript很像,如果你對JavaScript這個程式並不是很感興趣,那麼學MooTools對你來說就會是很討厭的事情。 學習曲線與社群 首先,jQuery是非常非常容易學會的。 如果你比較看看jQUery(jQuery的討論版)跟MooTools的社群(irc, mailing list),你馬上就會發現:一) jQuery的社群資源與數量遠大於MooTools(我認為是因為之前說的那個原因易學以及...)。 為了要完整說明為何你可以考慮用MooTools的原因,我必須先說一下這兩個frameworks在做什麼事情。 JavaScript過人之處 抉擇的過程裡,你得先問自己想要用JavaScript來做什麼。 不只是DOM 如果你認為JavaScript做的事情就是"指定頁面中的某個東西,然後對它做一些動作",那jQuery可能就是最好的選擇了。 JavaScript的繼承 以及
HeatColor, a jQuery plugin What is it? HeatColor is a plugin that allows you to assign colors to elements, based on a value derived from that element. The derived value is compared to a range of values, either determined automatically or passed in, and the element is assigned a "heat" color based on its derived value's position within the range. You bind a collection of elements such as table rows, divs or list members to heatcolor and let it do the work. It can find the min and max values of the desired elements, or you can pass them in manually. Examples Each example is followed by the code used in the example. Example 1: Passing in table rows, used in conjunction with the tablesorter plugin. Example 2: 10-point rating system Example 3: Using list elements - using value attribute of list elements, green to red color style How much do you love cotton candy? Not at all: 60%A little: 30%Some: 8%A lot: 2% Download Download jquery.heatcolor.0.0.1.js (6K) Download jquery.heatcolor.0.0.1.pack.js (2K) Usage History Contact
jQuery Easing Plugin Description A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. Please note, the easing function names changed in version 1.2. Please also note, you shouldn't really be hotlinking the script from this site, if you're after a CDN version you could do worse than try Download Download the following: Example Click on any of the yellow headers to see the default easing method in action (I've set as easeOutBounce for the demo, just because it's obviously different). Select easing types for the demo first one for down, second one for up. The Clicker Updates 12/11/07 1.3 jQuery easing now supports a default easing mode. 04/10/07 1.2 Updated to include all methods from Robert Penners easing equations. 28/06/07 1.1.1 Updated the method to not overwrite the newly renamed 'swing', or the new 'linear' style coming in 1.1.3. 22/06/07 Rewritten the above to include callback syntax, nothing else has changed. Advertisements Need reliable hosting for your blog? Credits Donate Usage Default Custom
jQuery Quicksand plugin Quicksand Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. Activity Monitor 348 KB Address Book1904 KB Finder 1337 KB Front Row 401 KB Google Pokémon 12875 KB iCal 5273 KB iChat 5437 KB Interface Builder 2764 KB iTuna 17612 KB Keychain Access 972 KB Network Utility 245 KB Sync 3788 KB TextEdit 1669 KB Demo seems sluggish? Disable CSS3 scaling and try again. Isn’t it cool? Download Version 1.4 Demos & Docs Fork on GitHub Powered by jQuery – Made by @razorjack from agilope, icons design by Artua Design by @riddle GWT | Ganesh In my current project we use GWT extensively. I also develop prototypes and POCs for clients using GWT when I am in presales mode. During one such prototype, when I was using GWT RPC to perform an AJAX call from the client to the server, I hit a road block. GWT was throwing me an error I couldn’t comprehend. java.lang.AssertionError: Not enough methods, expecting 3 saw 2 After a bit of fiddling and googling around, I realized that this was happening because I recently upgraded from version 2.0.3 to version 2.2. Anyways, I found out that for some odd reason the gwt-servlet.jar that was stuck to my lib folder was the older 2.0.3 version. Meanwhile, I am working on a list of pros and cons for using GWT.