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100+ Great Google Classroom Resources for Educators

100+ Great Google Classroom Resources for Educators
Google Classroom allows teachers to easily manage student work and teaching with Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Spreadsheets and anything Google. This handy tool has opened up the doors of blended learning and collaborative classrooms like never before. Teachers wanting to implement Google Classroom can use these resources to get started, level up their learning, or become a pro at all things Google. But there are so many sites! I’ve spent several weeks combing through resources and have picked some of my favorites. What are yours? I’ll keep updating this page as I add resources. Updated: March 17, 2017 Google Classroom Resources Tip: Use the #gafe hashtag for Google Certified innovators and educators (like me). Blog Posts TIP: The Google for Education Blog has the breaking announcements and information on Google Classroom. Interviews with Experts Tools to Help You Work with Google Classroom Websites A Google Classroom Symbaloo – Share this one with teachers who are getting started. Math Apps

A Short Overview of Workflow in Google Classroom This week I wrapped up a series of workshops that I facilitated for a local school district that is transitioning to Google Apps for Education. To synthesize how everything in Google Apps for Education, particularly Google Classroom, can work together I created a short workflow list. The Google Classroom workflow list has three sections covering the workflows for homework/ long-term assignments, polls and quizzes, and posting announcements. Grab the Google Docs version of this workflow and you can print it has a handy reference guide. Workflow for homework/ long-term assignments: 1. Create your assignment descriptor/ template in Google Docs or Slides. 2. 3. 4. 5. Workflow for polls/ quizzes: 1. 1. 2. 3. Workflow for distributing announcements/ assignment reminders: 1. 2. Try Remind to send text message reminders Remind tutorials

10 tips to use Google Classroom effectively and efficiently Google Classroom can be even more powerful with a few tips and strategies to make it efficient and effective. Google Classroom streamlines the management of student work — announcing, assigning, collecting, grading, giving feedback and returning. It has certainly saved many teachers hours of work. Without a solid workflow and some strategy, grading digital work can be cumbersome. Sometimes, a few quick tips can make all the difference. Here are 10 tips to help you use Google Classroom more effectively and efficiently: 1. 2. 3. Adding class comments: Do this by adding a comment in your class stream on the “outside” of an assignment or announcement. 4. 5. 6. When you reuse a post, you can even choose to create new copies of all the attachments you used before. 7. 8. 9. 10. Looking for more? Click for full-sized infographic! For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Interested in having Matt present at your event or school? Related

Coding Related keywords: , Code , Kingdoms , Girls , Who , Code , Code , Plex , Codecademy , Tynker , Flappy , Bird 20 ways Google MyMaps can enhance lessons in any class Maps cross all content areas and grade levels. By creating custom MyMaps, students can see the content they’ve studied in a new light. (Public domain image via Pixabay) Maps are a fundamental part of everyday life. Without maps, we’re lost. With maps, we can clearly see how widespread or concentrated our data and content is. Maps touch practically every content area and grade level. MyMaps, a somewhat unnoticed app in the Google Apps suite, lets students create their own highly customized maps to share with others and display. Below is an example — a MyMaps map I created with everywhere I’ve presented this year (as of the publication of this post) … The connections to curriculum are innumerable. Want to see it in action? Wondering how you might use this in your class? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. More Google Maps lessons and projects from Google Certified Innovator Kurt WismerMaps are printable. Related

3 Major Classroom Updates Teachers Should Know about April 11, 2016 Over the last few weeks, Google Classroom has added a number of interesting features geared towards enhancing its overall functionality across different devices and platforms. For those of you who have missed any of these new releases below is a quick run-down of some of the main features that were recently added to Classroom. Click on the title of each feature to access more information on how to use it. 1- Create polls in Classroom This is an excellent feature we have covered in a previous post. Teachers are now able to ‘create polls for a wide variety of educational purposes including comprehension check in class and feedback gathering. 3- Personalized upcoming work Students are now able to see their work in the class stream, on the class card and on the Work page. 'Click and click Work.Click the title of the work to see any instructions or feedback.

Everything You Need To Know In Google Classroom (Part 1) I get lots of emails asking about Google Classroom. Oftentimes I can’t provide adequate answers to these inquiries given my limited experience with the platform. Although I educate my newsletter subscribers and the readers of this site on all things Google Apps, I have never had the task of actually managing a classroom full of students. Luckily, a reader of the site and real-life teacher was kind enough to help me put a lot of these Classroom dilemmas to rest by putting together a massive guide on everything you need to know in Google Classroom. 1. Here is some information to keep in mind before starting in Google Classroom. 2. This step is not lengthy, but it is very important. Go to: You will see this screen: When the teacher or the student logs into Google Classroom for the first time make sure you login with the appropriate role of student or teacher. 3. Once you are signed in as a teacher you can now create your class. 4. 1. 2. a. 3. 4. a. 5. a. b. c. d. etc 6. 7.

GAETC Google Chrome Extensions Session Everything You Need To Know In Google Classroom (Part 3) This is part three of a three part guide. View part one. View part two. Google Classroom has gained a lot of depth in the time since it was first released last year. Today, I present the conclusion to Everything You Need to Know in Google Classroom. 14. The procedures are all the same for this as in #10 with one exception. This allows you to make the student’s answer as private or as public as you want. 15. This is used for any information you want shared with students. 16. This is the last option you see when clicking the + button in the stream tab of your Google Classroom. 17. There is currently no way to pin a post to keep it at the top. 18. There are a couple of different ways you can communicate with students from within Google Classroom. 1. 2. 19. This is a new feature and it is great! You as the teacher can manually add items such as field trips, picture days and so on that they need to be aware of. The other way I make use of this is to include parents.

New Polling Feature Added to Google Classroom Google Classroom has offered options for asking questions for quite a while. Today, Google released a new way to ask questions. You can now post multiple choice poll questions in your Google Classroom classrooms. To post a poll in Google Classroom simply select the "add question" option in the lower-right corner of your Classroom screen, then select "multiple choice," and write your poll question. Applications for Education In their blog post announcing the new polling feature the Google for Education team suggested four ideas for using the polling feature in your classroom. Learn more about Google Classroom and Google Apps for Education at the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp this summer in Portland, Maine.

Everything You Need To Know In Google Classroom (Part 2) This is part 2 of a three part guide. View part one and part three. Google Classroom is one of Google’s newest, most useful, and least understood products. My inbox is constantly filled with questions on how to best use all of the features Classroom offers and often times I don’t know the answers. Last week I posted part one of this guide, covering logging in to inviting your students. 6. If you just invited students to your class you should still be in this student screen. When you click on that it will give you three options. 1. 2. 3. 7. I always make sure the students know that you as the teacher see all in Google Classroom. 8. On a student post click on the action button at the right side of the post (3 dots). 1. 2. 3. 9. The stream tab is where everything happens once you get your classroom up and running. The stream is where all comments show up from students as well. The above screenshot is from an active class. 10. This is where the everyday use really gets going. 1. 1a. 2. 2a.

Calling Bullshit — FAQ Who are you guys? We are both college professors at the University of Washington in Seattle. Carl Bergstrom is a member of the Department of Biology, and Jevin West is a member of the Information School. Is this your idea of a joke? No. This is the website that accompanies a college course entitled "Calling Bullshit". We taught the course as a one-credit, once-a-week lecture at the University of Washington during Spring Quarter 2017. Why are you doing this? As we explain on our home page, we feel that the world has become over-saturated with bullshit and we're sick of it. We have a civic motivation as well. "Instead of trying to combat each leak directly, the United States government should teach the public to tell when they are being manipulated. We could not agree more. So is this some sort of swipe at the Trump administration? No. What exactly is bullshit anyway? Surprising as it may seem, there has been considerable scholarly discussion about this exact question. I'm a UW student.
