Geomagnetic storm severity info (K-Index) NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center The K-index is a code that is related to the maximum fluctuations of horizontal components observed on a magnetometer relative to a quiet day, during a three-hour interval. The conversion table from maximum fluctuation (nT) to K-index, varies from observatory to observatory in such a way that the historical rate of occurrence of certain levels of K are about the same at all observatories. At SWPC, we monitor the preliminary values of the K-index, minute by minute, from a network of observatories that relay data in near-real time. The relationship between K, Kp, and estimated Kp The official planetary Kp index is derived by calculating a weighted average of K-indices from a network of geomagnetic observatories. Using minute-by-minute station K-indices, SWPC monitors the estimated Kp index in near real-time and issues alerts when thresholds are crossed. The relationship between K and A The relationship between the NOAA G-scale and Kp Limitations
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Zen Cart(R) Tutorials and FAQs - How do I rename my Admin folder to prevent... While access to your admin area is protected by the requirement of your admin password, it is recommended for additional security that you rename your admin directory after installation. This way, it will be significantly harder for hackers to find your admin area or attempt any attack on breaking into it. (Before making the following changes, make sure to have a current backup of your files and your database.) You're going to do three steps: A) edit the configure.php settings and upload them, B) rename the admin folder, C) test login to the new folder. A - configure.php - If you are using v1.5, go to step B. There is no need to alter the admin configure.php in v1.5.x when renaming your admin folder. B - Rename the Admin folder Using your FTP software or your webhost's File Manager , find your Zen Cart /admin/ directory . NOTE: DO NOT advertise this new foldername, else you defeat the entire purpose of renaming it. C - Login to your admin using the new URL Change this section: And:
STEREO Coffee, latte art Latte art, 2 drops of milk and enjoy your coffee. ;) ESM, de nieuwe Europese dictator - Geheimen achter wereldgebeurtenissen - Onderzoek en analyse ESM, de nieuwe Europese dictator artikel: Rudo de Ruijtervideo: Jozeph Muntenbergh Link naar YouTube Als je de tekst nog een keer wilt lezen, klik dan hier Zitten de EU en de euro in een crisis? Wat moeten of kùnnen we doen? De EU is bezig met een nieuwe fundamentele wet, het verdrag voor de oprichting van het zogeheten Europees Stabiliteit Mechanisme (ESM), de Schulden Unie. Link naar de fotosessie:
Your Birthday, Your Tree and their meanings ( WOW Poetry, lyrics, music, stories, classics, Wish OnlyWell - StumbleUpon Find your birthday and its corresponding tree. Then, see the meaning behind it below. Do you recognize yourself? APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination. ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously. BEECH TREE (the Creative) - has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)
Het ESM-verdrag 11.125 ondertekeningen In Duitsland is veel ophef ontstaan over het ESM verdrag, dat op 11 juli 2011 door 17 ministers van financiën van de Europese lidstaten, die de euro als valuta hebben, werd ondertekend. Het verdrag volgt op een resolutie, aangenomen door het Europees Parlement op 25 maart 2011. De parlementen van de Euro lidstaten moeten het verdrag nog ratificeren. Dit houdt in, dat onder andere de Tweede Kamer in Nederland haar goedkeuring nog moet geven aan het verdrag. Op basis van voortschrijdend inzicht werd het ESM verdrag gewijzigd ( en opnieuw getekend door vertegenwoordigers (niet de Ministers van Financiën) van de zeventien Eurolanden op 2 februari 2012. Op 10 april 2012 werd de petitie aangeboden aan de voorzitter van de commissie voor financiën van de Tweede Kamer. Het aanbieden van de petitie betekent geenszins, dat de actie tegen het ESM beëindigd is. Wij verontruste burgers van Nederland constateren
Motorhead Messiah - Fuel Efficient Cars - Biodiesel - Hybrids “Check it out. It's actually a jet engine," says Johnathan Goodwin, with a low whistle. "This thing is gonna be even cooler than I thought." We're hunched on the floor of Goodwin's gleaming workshop in Wichita, Kansas, surrounded by the shards of a wooden packing crate. Inside the wreckage sits his latest toy--a 1985-issue turbine engine originally designed for the military. Goodwin, a 37-year-old who looks like Kevin Costner with better hair, is a professional car hacker. Goodwin leads me over to a red 2005 H3 Hummer that's up on jacks, its mechanicals removed. "Conservatively," Goodwin muses, scratching his chin, "it'll get 60 miles to the gallon. He laughs. This is the sort of work that's making Goodwin famous in the world of underground car modders. His target for Young's car? This is more than a mere American Chopper--style makeover. Nobody--particularly not Detroit. Goodwin's work proves that a counterattack is possible, and maybe easier than many of us imagined. "Yeah," he said.