Basecamp 3: Manage projects, groups, and client work. Web Starter Kit | Web Tools - Google Developers Download Web Starter Kit (beta) What is Web Starter Kit? Web Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices and performance oriented. Features Quickstart Download the kit or clone the repository and build on what is included in the app directory. There are two HTML starting points, from which you can choose: index.html - the default starting point, containing Material Design layout.basic.html - no layout, but still includes our minimal mobile best-practices Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run WSK. Web Performance Web Starter Kit strives to give you a high performance starting point out of the box. Browser Support At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers: ChromeEdgeFirefoxSafariOperaInternet Explorer 9+ Troubleshooting A Boilerplate-only Option Docs and Recipes File Appendix - What do the different files here do? Inspiration
User Centered Design Canvas — First UX tool combining user needs with business goals How to build a living style guide in Webflow | Webflow Blog Behind every powerful, consistently expressed brand, there is a document: a style guide. And while most of them live in the form of hard-to-find and even-harder-to-update PDF formats, the best of the best live on the web, in the form of living style guides. In this post, we’ll show you how to build one, and perhaps even more importantly, why. Why build a living style guide? Because (most) style guides suck Instead of giving you a step-by-step description of the average experience of working with a style guide, here’s a quick story that sums it up: Before Webflow, I was at an advertising agency. I was constantly asking which button blue was correct that day, versus the day before, versus the icon blue. On top of all that, there’s the issue of actually finding the files for the most current, style-guide-approved logo/icon/font because the style guide was just a static PDF. And this was an everyday problem: never an ultimate source of truth, but instead, a constant guessing game. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Build a Style Guide Straight from Sass Easily manage projects with Last fall, our dev team wanted to get started with style guides. We had added a new member to the team, and as he was getting up to speed, we realized how lacking our project documentation was. If you've ever been a new developer on a team with weak documentation, you know how confusing it can be to try to familiarize yourself with a dozen projects without documentation. In deciding on a style guide method, we came up with two main requirements: Low FrictionThe style guide should be easy to find, easy to read, and easy to maintain. #The Basics of Node-KSS To achieve our goals of a platform agnostic, low-friction style guide, we landed on kss-node, which is itself a Node.js implementation of Knyle Style Sheets (KSS), a Ruby library that: ... provides a methodology for writing maintainable, documented CSS within a team. The basic principle is that your style guide is generated via comments you create in your CSS, SCSS, Sass, LESS, etc. Let's get started!
Un développeur efficace est un développeur en bonne santé Le métier de développeur a le vent en poupe ces dernières années. En effet, la demande pour ce type de poste évolue de manière exponentielle, ce qui engendre par la même occasion une augmentation du nombre de développeurs. Pourtant, bien que ce métier soit reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs métiers, il n’est pas exempt de “risques” sur la santé (aussi bien sur le plan physique que psychologique) si l’on ne prend pas quelques mesures. Cet article propose quelques pistes permettant à la fois de préserver votre santé (voir de l’améliorer pour certains) et d’être plus efficace dans votre travail. Bien choisir sa boîte Ce conseil peut paraître évident, mais beaucoup de jeunes diplômés choisissent leur première entreprise en ayant comme critère principal la rémunération. Un bon salaire permet un certain confort de vie, mais ce n’est pas ce qui va le plus peser dans votre confort mental à terme. Permettez-vous d’être exigeant, ce ne sont pas les offres qui manquent. Savoir s’équiper Voir celle là :
How to properly set up Nuxt with ESLint and Prettier in VSCode With JavaScript being a dynamic and loosely-typed programming language problems and errors can potentially stay undetected for a very long time. To analyze code and to find errors, JavaScript applications are typically executed. This however, is a complete waste of processing power and hinders a fast development process. As an alternative, static analysis tools can be used. Setting up linting and formatting requires 3 steps: Installing the needed development dependenciesInstalling VSCode extensions (needed for error highlighting etc.)Actually configuring ESLint to make it support .vue files and to integrate code formatting To install the development dependencies we issue the following command inside the root directory of our project: npm install eslint babel-eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue eslint-loader prettier -D The next step is to install some extensions, to enable error highlighting and automatic fixes. That’s it! Happy Coding!
EditorConfig, Prettier et ESLint sur VS Code Lors du développement d’un projet, il arrive souvent de partir sur de mauvaises bases en termes d’indentation et de normes de code. Pour y remédier, il existe des outils qui permettent de palier à ce genre de désagrément. Avant de commencer, vérifiez que vous avez Node et NPM installés sur votre machine à l’aide de la commande node –v && npm –v ainsi que VS Code code –version. Puis instanciez un nouveau projet avec la commande npm init –y. EditorConfig EditorConfig permet d’avoir des styles de codes uniformes dans des projets où plusieurs développeurs interviennent sur les mêmes fichiers. VS Code Pour prendre en compte ce fichier dans VS Code, il faut installer le plugin officiel “EditorConfig for VS Code” (CTRL + SHIFT + X). Configuration A la racine de votre projet, modifiez le fichier “.editorconfig” avec le contenu ci-dessous. root = true [*] indent_style = tab indent_size = 2 end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true Prettier Installation
How to integrate Prettier with ESLint and stylelint by Abhishek Jain or How to never worry about code styling again ESLint and stylelint are really amazing tools that allow you to enforce coding patterns among your teams. This has many benefits, like outputting better and more consistent code, getting rid of useless diffs in commits (newline, indentation, et al.) among many others. But over time, this can prove to be a bit of a hassle among the developers of a team, who find it an extra mental burden to manually add semicolons, newlines, indentations, etc just to conform to the lint rules. Prettier can be set up to automatically format your code according to some specified rules. However, you don’t want to create a new Prettier config file, since you already have all the formatting related rules specified in your ESLint and stylelint config files. Let’s now dive into a step by step of how to set this all this up, and also how to format all of your existing code according to the lint rules. PART 1: Formatting the existing codebase Step 1