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Department of Commerce

Department of Commerce
Editor's note: This has been cross-posted from the White House's Blog. Guest Blog Post by Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Jeff Zients, Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Today, Lufthansa Technik announced a significant new investment in Puerto Rico that demonstrates how efforts to deploy the full resources of the federal government to win job-creating investments in U.S. states and territories pay off. Through the advocacy of several high-level U.S. officials, including the Vice President and the Secretary of Commerce, as well as the work of SelectUSA, the government of Puerto Rico was able to secure this new investment, which will create up to 400 permanent jobs and strengthen Puerto Rico’s burgeoning civil aviation sector. Lufthansa Technik, a wholly owned subsidiary of Germany-based Lufthansa AG, is making a significant new investment in Puerto Rico to build a maintenance, repair, and operations facility.

Department of Justice April 17th, 2014 April 16th, 2014 March 14th, 2014 March 11th, 2014 the Official U.S. Government Site for Medicare // Tim Josling is a Professor, Emeritus, at the (former) Food Research Institute at Stanford University; a Senior Fellow by courtesy at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies; and a faculty member at FSI's Europe Center. His research focuses on agricultural policy and food policy in industrialized nations; international trade in agricultural and food products; and the development of the multilateral trade regime. His recent research topics include the reform of the agricultural trading system in the World Trade Organization; the treatment of agriculture in bilateral trade agreements; the use of geographical indications in food markets; the role of health and safety regulations in trade; the impact of climate change legislation on agricultural trade policies; and the treatment of biofuel subsidies in the WTO. At Stanford, Josling teaches a course in the Economics and Political Economy of the Multilateral Trade System, in the International Relations program.

Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas Presentación En esta versión del Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas (DENUE) se ofrecen los datos de identificación, ubicación, actividad económica y tamaño de los negocios activos en el territorio nacional, totalmente actualizados al año 2014. Como resultado de la actualización total del DENUE, se presentan los datos de 4 millones 926 mil 061 negocios; de ellos, 2 millones 825 mil 272 ya estaban registrados en la versión anterior del DENUE y los 2 millones 100 mil 789 restantes fueron incorporados en esta versión. Por otro lado, de los 4 millones 410 mil 199 negocios que estaban registrados en la versión anterior, DENUE Interactivo 10/2013, fueron dados de baja un total de 1 millón 584 mil 927 negocios, mismos que cerraron o suspendieron actividades. is the federal government’s open data site, and aims to make government more open and accountable. Opening government data increases citizen participation in government, creates opportunities for economic development, and informs decision making in both the private and public sectors. implements the Executive Order on making government data open and machine readable as well as the federal Open Data Policy. Open Source

U.S. Department of Agriculture Agencies and Offices A list of all Agencies and Offices within USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Commodity, credit, conservation, disaster, emergency assistance programs... Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744 Prohibits an employer from: (1) hiring, recruiting, or referring for a fee an alien who is not authorized to work in the United States or failing to comply with E-Verify or document requirements; or (2) continuing to employ an unauthorized alien. Authorizes an employer to rely on a state employment agency's referral of an employee if the agency has certified that it has complied with document requirements. Provides a good faith defense for an employer who has complied with document and E-Verify requirements. Requires an employer to: (1) examine specified documents to verify an individual's identity and employment status and use an identity authentication mechanism once it becomes available, and (2) retain verification records for the later of three years after hiring or one year after termination. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at Penn State International Trade Administration World Trade Online - Worldwide coverage of the latest trade news and developments
