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Build a Website — Squarespace

Build a Website — Squarespace
Related:  mizzkozaSpring 2018

Golden Bee Global Biennale Of Graphic Design 2016 Organised by the Golden Bee Fund and endorsed by Alliance Graphigue Internationale, International Biennales Coordinating Committee and International Council of Design, the Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design has opened its call for entries for posters and projects created in 2014-2016. There are eight categories: • Posters • Digital Design • Handmade Design • Pioneers Of Russian Design • Chernobyl, Fukushima • Crime And Punishment • Inferno, Purgatory, Paradise • Mercy There is also the additional category 'All Gold Of The World 2014-2016. Works in all categories (except for special cases) should be first submitted as digital files. There is no entry fee. Eligibility Open to anyone worldwide. Prize Selected works will become part of the Golden Bee 12 exhibition, scheduled for 4–9 October, 2016 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow, Russia.

Triggering Navigation with Scrolling in JQuery Home > CSS, Front End Development, How to, HTML, Javascript > Triggering Navigation with Scrolling in JQuery Scrolling as your sites main source of navigation is all the rage. With the amount of one page sites out there I thought it would be helpful to show how to trigger your navigation to changed based on how far you’ve scrolled down. What we’re building We’ll be creating a simple 1 page site. Actually we’ll just be stealing the code from the previous post on Smooth Scrolling in Jquery, and adding in the navigation triggering bits. Steal the Previous Code We’re just going to steal the HTML and CSS from the previous post Smooth Scrolling in Jquery. Here is what we’re starting off with: The New CSS In new found code aquired by a five finger discount needs some styling. The JQuery The first thing we need to know is how far each section is from the top. Now that we can pull where each section is, we can now setup our navigation to scroll to a section when clicked. That’s it!

Create a website for free with Top 5 Free Website Builders If this is your first foray into the world of website building, you should know that things have improved dramatically in the past few years – especially if you lack experience, time, or money. Once upon a time you needed finely-honed design and development skills, or the budget to hire expensive skilled experts. No longer. Now website builder platforms are so user-friendly that anyone can build a professional website in a matter of hours. Better yet, many of the top site builders allow you to create a website for free. Reasons to Choose a Free Website Builder There are plenty of good reasons to choose a free website builder. Experience Free site builders are a great way to test the waters. Speed Whether you opt for the website builder free of charge or the paid plan, website builders make building an attractive site much less time-consuming than the traditional developer and designer route. Cost What you get with Free Site Builders There are lots of great website builders out there. Templates

QUON on Behance About Система QUON предоставляет 3 инструмента для бизнеса — управление контекстной рекламой, статистика обращений (звонки & заявки), запись звонков. … Read More Система QUON предоставляет 3 инструмента для бизнеса — управление контекстной рекламой, статистика обращений (звонки & заявки), запись звонков. На этапе прототипирования было внесено много важной и недостающей информации, были переосмысленны некоторые блоки, а некоторые были созданы заново. (Прототип предоставлял заказчик). Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions - Higher School of Economics Economics, psychology, and neuroscience are converging today into a unified discipline of Neuroeconomics with the ultimate aim of creating a single, general theory of human decision-making. Neuroeconomics provides biologists, economists, psychologists and social scientists with a deeper understanding of how they make their own decisions and how others decide. Neuroscience, when allied with psychology and economics, creates powerful new models to explain why we make decisions. Neurobiological mechanisms of decision-making, decisions under risk, trust and cooperation will be central issues in this course. You will be provided with the most recent evidence from brain-imaging techniques (fMRI, TMS, etc.) and introduced to the explanatory models behind them. The course does not require any prior study of economics and neuroscience; however, it might require you to study novel interdisciplinary materials.

25 Best Examples of Free jQuery Content Sliders 25 Best Examples of Free jQuery Content Sliders Details Category: Webdev Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 12:23 Hits: 139673 What are revolutionary changes in the way for displays featured content and products and services with beautifully visual impression? jQuery developers and designers widely use content slider scripts to create various and flexible effects on the images. The usual, people like to use jQuery content slider in man page of the web containing a translucent caption and thumbnails in a very simple way and easy to use them. for order kind of demand, we re-edit this article based on the new elements techniques are new designers developing new concepts. Pretty Simple Content Slider create an auto-playing content slider with jQuery and CSS3. 3D Gallery with CSS3 and jQuery With 3D transforms, we can make simple elements more interesting by setting them into three dimensional space. {ads1} Awkward Showcase Awkward Showcase is a plugin for the JavaScript Framework jQuery.

How To Start a Blog Reviews - Information on the Best free Website Builders Ux4Conversion - Brand design on Behance [Fr] Designer et alchimiste de la conversion Il est aujourd’hui naïf de penser que le rôle de l’UX a seulement pour but d’améliorer l’expérience de l’utilisateur. Le savoir-faire d'Ux4conversion est principalement d'augmenter le taux de conversion et la rentabilité d’un service grâce à la science de l'Ux. De par sa forme carrée, et sa référence explicite au tableau périodique, le logo présente «UX4conversion» comme une science dure avec la précision d’une horloge atomique et la puissance d’un microprocesseur au silicium. [En] Designer and alchemist conversion Today it is naive to think that the role of UX only to improve the user experience.

Международный конкурс дизайнеров Young Package 2016 | Стипендии, конкурсы и гранты 2016 - 2017 Описание Не стоит выкидывать коробки и пакеты в мусор, им можно найти применение. Packaging design имеет большое значение не только в сфере дизайна, маркетинга, и транспортировки, а также имеет влияние и на окружающую среду. Жюри конкурса будет оценивать конкурсантов по таким критериям: Инновационность и творчество;Эргономика упаковки;Функциональность;Легкость в использовании (упаковка должна быть такой, чтоб пожилые люди и дети могли ее с легкостью открыть);Форма и оригинальность идеи;Экологические аспекты;Качество презентации. Участникам необходимо придумать упаковку, которая может использоваться после того, как ее открыли (это может быть коробка, в которой и в дальнейшем можно сберегать продукт, например карандаши). Призы. Для студентов и молодых дизайнеров (которым еще не исполнилось 30 лет): Первое место — 1100€;Второе место — 370€;Третье место — 250€. Для учеников старшей школы: Первое место — 800€;Второе место — 180€;Третье место — 110€. Требования к кандидатам

Minimal setup for overlay Below you can see two images that launch overlays. There are two terms being used: the trigger is the element that launches the overlay and the overlay is the element that is being positioned on top of the page. The Barcelona Pavilion Barcelona, Spain The Barcelona Pavilion, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, was the German Pavilion for the 1929 International Exposition in Barcelona, Spain. It was an important building in the history of modern architecture. Several critics, historians and modernists have declared it "the most beautiful building of the century" Another unique feature of this building is the exotic materials Mies chose to use. Plates of high-grade stone materials like veneers of Tinos verde antico marble and golden onyx as well as tinted glass of grey, green, white, in addition to translucent glass, perform exclusively as spatial dividers. standalone demo HTML code for the triggers First we define the triggers as follows: HTML code for overlays Now we need the overlays: <!

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Use Your Interface BP&O - Branding, Packaging and Opinion
