Mind Blowing Examples Of LandScape Photography Mind Blowing Examples Of LandScape Photography Discover the Real Beauty of Planet Earth with the Professional Photographers of National Geographic Team, Delivering you the Best to let you Discover the Earth in it’s Finest way with their Professional Shots of Beautiful Places. View the Brilliance of Landscape Photography as follows. Source: National Geographic Be Sociable, Share!
Otomata 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples:
17 Original Batman Dark Knight Trilogy Posters From The Web Leave a comment comments Tags: batman, batman posters, dark knight, dark knight fan posters, dark knight original poster My top 30 favorite horror movies list "Groovy""I'll swallow your soul!" ... "Swallow this!" ranna's rating: "So, um, we think we should discuss the bonus situation..." "One-stop shopping; everything you need, right at your fingertips."
Top 100 Best Acoustic Songs Ever -The Greatest of All Time Here is a list of the best acoustic songs ever written. Acoustic music has come a long way over the years, so many are “oldies” and many are “newies.” We are basing this list off of historical album sales, the ever so objective factor of acoustic-ness, but mostly how easily they make us cry. They are mostly arranged in alphabetical order, by song – so make sure you check out the whole list!
Michigan: Photos » porcupine mountains Lake of the Clouds. Presque Isle Falls. Along the Escarpment Trail. Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline Fortunately, it isn’t required to go to design school in order to be a graphic designer. A good foundation in graphic design history, theory, and practical application will help you hit the ground running. There are plenty of resources available in which you can learn graphic design on your own. Don’t set your expectations to high at first, as it will take enthusiastic study for years to become great.
make music together let's get started making music... 1draw on the grid with your mouse to make a beatshow me2 save your track and share it with friends. show me3 out of ideas? roll the dice and start remixing. show me4 explore the beatlab community show me
Beautiful Places - Magazine for... Today I decided to add some more beautiful pictures to the “Beautiful Places” category. And this time it’s going to be amazing photos of roads. Yes, I really mean it, because even roads can be beautiful. These are absolutely different roads: roads in forests, asphalt roads, railroads. Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness I completed this killer 550 reps workout in just 32 minutes and 46 seconds. I am getting really competitive lately and it is totally thanks to you guys. You are always posting your times to let me know how you did and that’s great motivation for me. If you don’t find it challenging enough to beat my personal record, you can try to beat Frederick’s.
10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict Where would you be the safest if World War 3 broke out tomorrow? Perhaps it’s a grim subject, but safety and distance from world conflict can be a motivating factor in your choice to expatriate. At the very least, conflict around the world can weigh heavy on the soul, and it’s nice to know there are some places still left in the world where you might be left in peace. 21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 8) This is the latest edition of our most popular feature, in which we demonstrate that the truth is stranger than Photoshop. Here are more photos that will make every poster in the comment section scream "FAKE!" but are absolutely real.
iPhone camera lens dial case - StumbleUpon the 'iPhone lens dial' contains three lenses to add objective power to the iPhone's built-in camera the ' iPhone lens dial ' by US-based photography aficionados and camera accessory suppliers photojojo is a phone case featuring three optical-quality lenses to improve the shooting capacity of an iPhone 4 or 4s. the device features a 0.7x wide angle lens, 1.5x telephoto zoom, and 0.33x fisheye accessory. users can switch across lenses by simply rotating the dial. the case itself is composed of aluminum, with two standard horseshoe tripod mounts to facilitate both portrait and landscape photography.
Casey Key Guest House TOTeMS Architecture studio have designed this guest residence in Casey Key, Florida. The house is built on a barrier island where it is surrounded by oak trees. The owner asked lead architect Jerry Sparkman to built "a house in the trees", which resulted in an impressive piece of organic architecture made out of laminated pine beams. Large windows offer a broad view of the site and the fact that the house is supporting by a steel piling foundation system protects it from floods. Take a look at the pictures below.