Celebrating Wildflowers - Just For Kids - Coloring Wildflowers Get out your crayons and get ready to color! Celebrating Wildflowers has pages and coloring books you can color while learning more about wildflowers. We also have some noxious weeds to color. You can learn how they can threaten public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife, property, and our native plants. Color Wildflowers Color Wildflowers are wildflowers you can color! Color of Flowers Color of Flowers are color-by-number pages. Coloring Books Coloring Books are entire wildflower coloring books you can color! Color Noxious Weeds Color Noxious Weeds are weeds you can color!
Raisin - CRDP de l'académie de Dijon Aller au menu Aller au contenu Accès alphabétique Accès par thèmes Activités Animaux Corps humain Drapeaux École fournitures Famille Fêtes Jouets Lieux Maison outils Métiers Musique Nature Nombres Nourriture Oppositions Personnages Pictogrammes Salutations Sentiments Sports Transports voyages Vêtements Recherche Nouveautés Haut de page Raisin Version imprimable Canopé académie de Dijon - 3, avenue Alain Savary - CS 21390 - 21013 Dijon Cedex Tél. : 03 80 73 85 00 - Fax : 03 80 73 85 18 - Courriel : crdp@ac-dijon.fr Canopé académie de Dijon Interface privée Wikimedia Commons -Bilder från Wikipedia Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem). Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version. See our terms of use for more details. Add a note Draw a rectangle onto the image above (press the left mouse button, then drag and release). Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1
- Teach Students About Creative Commons: 15+ Resources 0 Comments March 9, 2014 By: Shelly Terrell Mar 9 Written by: 3/9/2014 3:03 PM ShareThis Included in the Digital Tips Advent Calendar and part of the Effective Technology Integration category “Nothing is original. Your students will often use images, music, and content created by other individuals. Students can learn about Creative Commons licenses by watching this slideshow explaining Creative Commons. Sites for Creative Common Images Flickr- Go to the Flickr Advanced Search page. Sites for Creative Common Sound Files & Music Challenge: Teach your students about Creative Commons. cross posted at teacherrebootcamp.com Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Alert to All Users of the Disqus commenting system: Because of a recent global security issue, the Disqus website recommends that all users change their Disqus passwords.
The Best Copyright-Free Photo Libraries: - DotGovWatch Exposing the good, the bad, and the buggy - A Blog Monitoring U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government Websites Thousands of photos taken by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duty are free of copyright and free to use. Based on my extensive review of government photo libraries, the best collections below. Or just use the search I made. Search Public Domain Photos: #1 — HiveStock.com Awesome, high-resolution photos of landscapes, sunsets, mountains, flowers, animals, science, and much more. Image Quality: Excellent! #2 — Agricultural Research Service Beautiful, high-resolution photos of plants, animals, agriculture, and agricultural research. Image Quality: Excellent! #3 — U.S. Photos of scenery, wildlife, people in the outdoors, and miscellany. Image Quality: Average – Excellent! #4 — Department of Defense Photos of soldiers, vehicles, and operations in Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Image Quality: Good – Excellent! #5 — Yellowstone National Park Photos of everything in the park including scenery, plants, animals, wildfires, geo-thermal activity, park visitors, etc.
Banque d'Images - Photos libres de droits - Photos par abonnement Free Music Archive Sök resurser med Creative Commons-licens På den här sidan presenteras ett litet urval av söktjänster och samlingar med Creative Commons-märkta resurser. Det kan till exempel handla om bilder, filmer och musik som genom sin Creative Commons-licens tillåter att verket sprids också på internet. Via CC Search får du möjlighet att söka samtidigt i en rad tjänster/sökmotorer som samlar Creative Commons-licensierat material, till exempel Europeana och Flickr. Du väljer själv, innan sökning, om du vill söka i en, flera eller samtliga tjänster. Det går också att pricka för om du vill ha träffar på material du får bearbeta och/eller använda i kommersiella syften och sammanhang. CC Search Tips: Tänk på att du får fler träffar om du söker på engelska eftersom flera av arkiven är engelskspråkiga och märkta på engelska. Om du är osäker på hur licenserna fungerar kan du läsa mer här: Creative Commons i skolan Sök i Historiska museets samlingar Den här tjänsten ger tillgång till digitaliserade föremål ur Historiska museets samlingar.
Tree of Life Web Project Home The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. ToL pages are linked one to another hierarchically, in the form of the evolutionary tree of life.