33 Firefox Addons Made Popular by Users | DesignBeep You know Firefox is the most popular browser of all time and there are a lot reasons for this kind of popularity.I think one of the most important thing is the Firefox Addons.We can find hundreds of addons for our needs and of course it is impossible to use all of them.Once a week i check Firefox Addon web site and i look for interesting and useful addons for myself to use. Today i wanna share 33 Firefox Addons which you know most of them but it may be good to try some of them. 1.Aviary Screen Capture & Quick Launch It will perform a screen capture and then open the image INSTANTLY in a basic image editor where you can do markup (draw arrows and rectangles), edit (crop, rotate and resize) and get the exact pixel colors of the image. 2.TinEye Reverse Image Search TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. 3.ImageHost Grabber 1.6.3 4.Click YouTube Video Download Supports YouTube’s new layout!
Buchveröffentlichung: In 5 Schritten erfolgreich starten Ein Buch zu schreiben ist herrlich und der Moment, in welchem aus Ideen und Gedanken endlich ein fertiges Buch wird, ist unbeschreiblich. Das war bei jedem einzelnen meiner insgesamt 9 Bücher so und wird auch bei meinem neuen Buch so sein. Denn Buch Nummer 10 ist bereits in Arbeit. Neben dem eigentlichen Schreibprozess und der Recherchearbeit, zumindest für Fach- und Sachbücher, ist es jedoch wichtig, Struktur in sein Buchprojekt zu bringen. 1. Ich habe bereits mit zahlreichen Selfpublishingautorinnen- und Autoren gesprochen. Was ist dein Ziel? • Ich möchte meinen Lebensunterhalt mit dem Bucherlös bestreiten. • Ich möchte etwas nebenher verdienen. • Ich möchte mit dem Buch aufklären. • Ich möchte Bestätigung als Autorin erfahren. • Ich möchte damit bekannt(er) werden und mir einen Namen machen. 2. Dieser Punkt hat mit der „romantischen Vorstellung“ vom Schreiben nicht viel zu tun. 3.
Top 4 Web Operating Systems Huh? Web Operating Systems? Yeah that’s right! It’s been years before the industry has somewhat finally arrived at a much mature from of Virtualization with several virtualization products released being used at the enterprise level. Web OS is defined as a virtual desktop somewhere on the internet which is not bound to one physical location and in effect you carry your desktop anywhere you go. Here are some of the top web Operating Systems that are making headlines especially after all the craze for Netbooks for which OS which are located on the net are ideally suited. 1) iCloud iCLoud comes loaded with anything you find on a normal desktop: most common apps like email client and browser chat client and of course online storage of up to 50GB with a sleek file browser and other utilities. Features: Online Storage: Familiar interface, Files can be managed through Windows Explorer as well which is really handy. Entertainment: iPlay which is a great Audio player. Here a video that explains more:
Sankey Diagrams | A Sankey diagram says more than 1000 pie charts Social Marketing Blog / @flowtown This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck!
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