Probably the Best Free Security List in the World Security List Index Select a Security Category: All Items Keys Discontinued or not updated recently (for at least three years). Item links to a Gizmo's Freeware 'Best Free' page. Item or this icon links to a Gizmo's Freeware page. Web application. Browsers: FF = Firefox; Ch = Chrome; IE = Internet Explorer; OB = Other browsers; AB = All browsers. About This list (earlier "Probably the Best Free Security List in the World") contains thousands of links to free security-related Windows desktop applications and web applications, with the goal of listing everything available that's not malicious or of low usefulness. Use the Windows desktop applications or web applications on this list at your discretion. We periodically check all links on this list with Web of Trust. Use the comments section below, or this (or this) forum thread, to let us know about issues, or suggestions for items that could be added to the list. Related Links Editor This list is maintained by volunteer editor ako (Antti Koponen)
WAPT - Un outil de déploiement de logiciels sous Windows Si vous gérez un parc de machines sous Windows, voici un soft qui devrait vous intéresser. Il s'agit de WAPT (j’imagine que ça se prononce Wapity), qui s'inspire du gestionnaire de paquets APT et qui permet d'installer, de désinstaller et de mettre à jour tous les softs présents sur les machines de votre parc. Le client local WAPT peut aller piocher les logiciels dans le dépôt public wapt tranquil mais vous pouvez créer aussi vos propres paquets et les déployer via votre propre serveur WAPT. Actuellement, WAPT est surtout utilisé dans l'enseignement et le milieu hospitalier, mais aussi dans certaines entreprises. Et le plus beau là-dedans c'est que tout le code est libre, sous licence GPLv3. Pour découvrir WAPT, je vous invite à consulter ce site qui vous expliquera tout ce qu'il y a à savoir pour mettre en place cette solution et créer vos propres paquets. Merci à Simon pour le partage. Rejoignez les 59298 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous
Remettre l'ordinateur comme neuf Remettre l'ordinateur comme neuf Cette procédure est destinée à remettre les paramètres du système le plus près possible de quand il venait d'être installé (après l'installation de Windows et des pilotes). Le but est de résoudre des problèmes de performance, services, fichiers ou options du système manquants, démarrage du système et installation de logiciels, mais elle peut aussi résoudre d'autres problèmes (virus, écrans bleus de mort, conflits entre les logiciels, etc.). Cette procédure résoud aussi la plupart des problèmes liés à l'Explorateur Windows. Etape 1: Configurer les fichiers chargés au démarrage et les services. Téléchargez et installez UVK avec les paramètres par défaut. Cliquez sur Autorun manager. Cliquez sur List settings, et assurez vous que Hide system protected files (default) est selectioné, et que Verify file signatures (slow but more secure) est décoché. Assurez vous que Also delete file, en haut da la fenêtre principale est décoché. Réparation avec UVK (recommandé):
H-inventory Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. H-inventory est un logiciel sous licence GNU GPL permettant d'inventorier les machines (quelles soient sous windows, linux ou FreeBSD) d'un parc informatique. Il possède divers modules qui permettent de gérer les incidents (HelpDesk), de faire un audit réseau (scan nmap), de déployer automatiquement des applications windows et linux (Hideploy). Le logiciel semble avoir un développement arrêté depuis 2007 et le site Internet n'existe plus. Fonctionnement[modifier | modifier le code] Un script est exécuté sur les machines clientes et génère un fichier XML qui est automatiquement uploadé sur le serveur via diverses méthodes (http, ftp, sftp, smb, soap etc..) Le serveur[modifier | modifier le code] Le serveur fonctionne avec Apache/MySQL/PHP5/PEAR. Les clients[modifier | modifier le code] Afin de collecter le maximum d'information, les scripts sont installés sur les machines à inventorier. Interface web[modifier | modifier le code] My Advice for Starting Your IT Business In my article, “So you want to start you own IT business?” I played devil’s advocate, giving fair warning over the various demands and pitfalls that starting your own business can generate. I would like to expand on this issue by sharing with you, what I feel is the best way to go about actually starting. So without further ado here’s my advice in no particular order… Work part time while building up your own client base As I showed in my article “So you want to start your own IT business? If you do have the skills and the environment for performing additional IT services while at your current work I would recommend that you formally approach your employer. Work in a technical / specialized position for a period of time (Experience) If you get the opportunity, try and get some work for a company which sells a specific I.T. product or service, even if it is totally unrelated to your business ideas. Make sure you have considered Government and Legal obligations (Safety) The other system
A Computer Repair Utility Kit You Can Run From a Thumb Drive Technibble, the Australian site for aspiring computer techies, recently released the second version of its popular Computer Repair Utility Kit, a collection of 57 hand picked tools to help you diagnose and repair your Windows machine. While all of the utilities are freely available online, this all-in-one kit saves you the trouble of searching for and downloading them individually. Most of the applications don't require installation and the kit can be run directly from your thumb drive. Although the kit is extremely useful as it offers all of the tools in one neat package, we thought it might be useful to describe each application and rate it based on the level of experience required for use. We've used the following rating system: Beginner: Basic computer skillsIntermediate: Need to be familiar with some computer jargonExpert: Must be comfortable changing system settings File Management CCleaner Installation required: No - Level: Beginner JkDefragGUI DriveimageXML Explore2fs Double Killer TrID
Downloadable Computer Repair CDs One of our Technibble forum members, PcTek9, and a handful of other Technibble members have compiled a large list of CDs for various computer repair tasks. In this list, the following types of CD are available for download: Antivirus Boot CDs, Recovery Disks, Hardware Diagnostic Boot CDs, Network Testing/Monitoring, Data Recovery Boot CDs and Special Purpose CDs. Some of these are free to download, some are not. Be sure to read the EULA for the CD’s you download and the applications you use to make sure you are allowed to use them in the manner you plan to use them in. Many of the CDs contain a variety of different programs and some of the applications are free to use as you please, but some of them disallow commercial use. So be sure to read and abide by the EULA for whatever you use. Also, some of these CD’s may set off an antivirus false positive due to their virus removal, password cracking, system file changing nature. Creating Multiboot CDs
Vistalizator - change display language in Windows Vista and Windows 7 Download Vistalizator v2.75, MD5 checksum: ae423f631ce0d0167109af2416e3e69f freeware, 1.15 MB portable application, last updated on March 25, 2016 Vistalizator is certified by Softpedia to be 100% clean: no viruses, no adware, no spyware Download additional languages for Vistalizator and extract the ZIP into program's working folder. Download Windows MUI language pack(s): for 32-bit Windows Vista RTM (without a SP) for 32-bit Windows Vista SP1 for 32-bit Windows Vista SP2 for 64-bit Windows Vista RTM (without a SP) for 64-bit Windows Vista SP1 for 64-bit Windows Vista SP2 for 32-bit Windows 7 RTM (without a SP) for 32-bit Windows 7 SP1 for 64-bit Windows 7 RTM (without a SP) for 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 Download Windows LIP language pack(s): they require a parent MUI language to be installed first for 32-bit Windows Vista (either RTM or SP1 or SP2) for 32-bit Windows 7 (either RTM or SP1) for 64-bit Windows 7 (either RTM or SP1)