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The Origins of Electricity, Tesla vs. Edison More Infographics on Good Famous Movie Quotes as if Spoken by a Proper Englishman &124; Slacktory &124; The only site on the internet. - StumbleUpon Salutations, internet ne’erdowells. Since I was a lad, I have enjoyed fine cinema. In those days, films were written and performed properly. With a dignified vocabulary and diligent diction. Alas, those days have gone the way of the dodo. Class and manners have been usurped by poorly constructed idioms and distasteful vulgarity. Therefore I have put my quill to parchment and rewritten some of the most famed movie quotations as a proper Englishman would have uttered them. Related: Top ten movie-themed charts from I Love Charts.

A Day To Remember Facebook Changes We’d Actually Want To See If you had a dollar for every person who posted their hatred of the new Facebook layout, you’d be able to give Mark Zuckerberg a run for his money. Okay that’s a guess, and most likely a wrong one, but you get our point. When Facebook made its most recent set of changes the Preteen Panic Meter hit “Justin Bieber Has A Girlfriend” levels, and while that demographic made the most noise (mostly high-pitched screams), we weren’t too crazy about the adjustments either. Here are the Facebook Changes We’d Actually Want To See: Atom Smashers Error Message Generator Do not link directly to the image! No Hot-Linking! Your link will not work! Feel free to copy this image and use it on your own web site, and please link back to here. No signs were harmed during the production of this web page; IANAL; void where prohibited; subject to change with or without notice; all information provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness are disclaimed; no other warranty expressed or implied; this is not an offer to sell securities; use only in well-ventilated area; keep away from fire or flame; not recommended for children; this supersedes all previous notices; no Microsoft(tm) products were used during the making of this web page or any images contained herein; all trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Be the first to find out when new generators are posted! Do you have an idea for a message generator? This is so cool!

Women! It's your job to prepare for your rape! : Pharyngula Kansas representative Pete DeGraaf is fighting for a bill that would exclude abortion coverage in cases of rape. He thinks the state should stay out of that problem, and it should just be something that women “plan ahead for”: Bollier asked him, “And so women need to plan ahead for issues that they have no control over with pregnancy?” DeGraaf drew groans of protest from some House members when he responded, “I have a spare tire on my car.” You heard the man, ladies. By the way, the compassionate Pete DeGraaf is also an associate pastor. I waste so much time Cool story bro. One of these is not like the other... Pajama day Michael Bolton face swap Star Wars Yoga. Reality. 15 reasons to not become vegetarian.

Jenny vs. Spencer JENNY vs. SPENCER: SPENCER RESPONDS! I'm sure that everyone has seen Jenny quitting via dry-erase board, but now Jenny's mysterious boss has responded the same way. Gotta Friend 'Em All!: Pokémons On Facebook This is a little gallery of make-believe Facebook updates made by Pokémon monsters. Or maybe they're real, I don't know. Just because you've never seen a Pokémon in real life doesn't mean they don't exist, amirite? No, I'm not. Otherwise we'd all believe in leprechauns despite no empirical evidence besides that time I fell asleep in the woods and woke up with a really small handful of gold coin chocolates in my ass. Hit the jump for four more.

A.S.B. • Who doesn't like a blonde joke? A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. She says she’s going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Rolls Royce. The car is parked on the street in front of the bank; she has the title, and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank’s president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blonde for using a $250,000 Rolls as collateral against a $5,000 loan. That’s Not OCD, You’re Just a Slacker Of all the random pictures floating about the internet that I’ve run into in the past few weeks, this is the one that really got me: Here’s the text: A 23-year old medical student makes lists of all the tasks that he must accomplish each day. He spends hours studying and refuses to go out with his colleagues even when there are no tests on the immediate horizon, preferring to spend his time looking at specimens in the laboratory. He keeps meticulous notes during all his classes and prefers to attend every lecture, not trusting his colleagues to take notes for him. Even I, Mr. The medical student in this essay question doesn’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder, it’s just that in the age of slackerdom and ADD, diligence and focus looks like OCD. If you’d like to read more about how effort trumps talent, take a look at Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, K. As for making lists and preferring to take your own notes, I think they’re the best way to stay organized and to learn.

15 Unintentionally Perverted Toys for Children Toys are carefully planned investments that companies spend countless hours developing in the hopes that children will use them to foster memories that they'll cherish for a lifetime. But sometimes, they just end up looking like dongs. Punisher Shape Shifters Crotch Rocket Wait, seriously? The video is also disturbing. Man, this is not a good start. To be fair, this was part of a "Shape Shifter" line of toys--basically a Punisher transformer--and we're catching him in mid-transformation (we're assuming Frank Castle's transforming capabilities aren't canon). OK, that's just...that's just horrible. So, for the second time we have to ask if the people designing products for children are just amazingly naive, or if they're a bunch of giggling stoners seeing what they can get past the marketing team. The Fr-ooze Pop was marketed to kids in Singapore using a voice that repeatedly says, "lick it, suck it." If so, then what's our excuse for... Ah, that doesn't look too bad. "I'm Mr. I'm Mr.

Immortality blows (fiction) Man, I wish I'd never found that goddamn lamp. Stupid fucking genie. I just had to blurt it out, didn't I? "I wish I were immortal!" Half the time they can't even make you immortal, but Sim Allah Bim of the Seven Winds just snapped his fingers and said "It is done." Oh, it was awesome for a while. Mankind did some really amazing shit over the next couple hundred million years. But then they started evolving. But it seemed to keep getting hotter. Then there was this galaxy that was fucking huge in the sky. Now, the sun exploding itself was an even cooler sight than all those extra stars. So I waited. But then the damnedest thing happened. Now let me tell you, I thought it was cold on solid ground with no sun, but that was nothing. I landed on planets or even in stars from time to time. But eventually I drifted out of the galaxy altogether. About the time the last galaxies were going out, I started to feel like I was going faster. This went on for a long fucking time. SciFiQuest 2107

Short but tricky management ability test The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and tells whether you are qualified to be a “manager.” The questions are not that difficult. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? According to Andersen Consulting World wide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong.
