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Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin
"Nibiru (hypothetical planet)" redirects here. For the "Nibiru" doomsday theory, see Nibiru cataclysm. Zecharia Sitchin (Russian: Заха́рия Си́тчин; Azerbaijani: Zaxariya Sitçin) (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010)[1] was an Azerbaijani-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view. Sitchin's ideas have been rejected by scientists and academics, who dismiss his work as pseudoscience and pseudohistory. Early life[edit] Sitchin was born in the Azerbaijan SSR, but was raised in Mandatory Palestine. Ideas and works[edit] Influence[edit] Criticisms[edit] Translations and interpretations[edit] Related:  Knowledge of the Ancient

The Allies of Humanity | The Allies of Humanity is being presented to prepare people for a whole new reality that is largely hidden and unrecognized in the world today. It provides a new perspective that empowers people to face the greatest challenge and opportunity that we, as a race, have ever encountered. The Allies Briefings contain a number of critical if not alarming statements about the growing extraterrestrial intervention and integration into the human race and about the extraterrestrial activities and hidden agenda. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is not to provide hard evidence about the reality of the ET visitation to our world, which is already well documented in many other fine books and research journals on the subject. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is to address the dramatic and far-reaching implications of this phenomenon, to challenge our human tendencies and assumptions regarding it and to alert the human family to the great threshold we now face. —The Society for the New Message

William Schnoebelen Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. William (Bill) Schnoebelen né en 1949 est un écrivain évangéliste chrétien. Il est connu pour ses opinions anti-satanistes, anti-mormons, anti-wiccans et antimaçonniques, ayant lui-même, selon ses dires, fait partie de tous ces mouvements durant une partie de sa vie. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Il aurait ainsi collectionné les grades initiatiques et les titres maçonniques[2] : 32e degré du Rite écossais ancien et accepté, 90e degré du rite de Memphis-Misraïm, 10e degré du rite d'York, 2e degré de l'Église de Satan (Ordre du Trapèze), Shriner, Sorcier Wiccan et membre des Illuminati (1er degré). Il dénonce principalement dans la haute maçonnerie illuministe (très mal connue des basses loges rationalistes), un culte du phallus luciférien farouchement opposé aux valeurs du christianisme ainsi qu'une résurgence des cultes à mystères de l'Antiquité. Œuvres[modifier | modifier le code] Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code]

Shroud of Turin: Could Ancient Earthquake Explain Face of Jesus? The authenticity of the Shroud of Turin has been in question for centuries and scientific investigations over the last few decades have only seemed to muddle the debate. Is the revered cloth a miracle or an elaborate hoax? Now, a study claims neutron emissions from an ancient earthquake that rocked Jerusalem could have created the iconic image, as well as messed up the radiocarbon levels that later suggested the shroud was a medieval forgery. But other scientists say this newly proposed premise leaves some major questions unanswered. The Shroud of Turin, which bears a faint image of a man's face and torso, is said to be the fabric that covered Jesus' body after his crucifixion in A.D. 33. Though the Catholic Church doesn't have an official position on the cloth, the relic is visited by tens of thousands of worshippers at the Turin Cathedral in Italy each year. Carbon and quakes Shaky science? "If you want to believe in the Shroud of Turin, you believe in it," Cook said.

Ge Hong Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ge Hong 葛洪, géhóng (283 – 343), nom public Zhichuan[1], surnom Baopu Zi[2], est un lettré chinois et auteur prolifique dont beaucoup de textes ne nous sont pas parvenus. Il est essentiellement connu pour l’intérêt qu’il porta à la poursuite de l’immortalité taoïste et ses recherches sur les techniques censées y mener, exposées dans le Baopuzi. Ce livre a eu une grande influence sur le développement de l’alchimie chinoise, de la pratique et de la pensée taoïste, et reste de nos jours un ouvrage de référence pour leur étude, malgré son abord ardu et l’aspect difficilement interprétable d’une partie de son contenu. Il offre également un intérêt philosophique et documentaire sur la société de l’époque. Parmi les autres écrits qui restent de lui, on peut mentionner Biographies des divins immortels[3]ainsi que des textes sur la médecine et la pharmacopée, intégrés dans des traités de médecine chinoise. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code]

Controversial Ancient Book Of Veles Remains An Unexplained Mystery – The Book of Veles is so controversial that it has been banned in Russia. This old document contains evidence of Genesis, evolution and migration of Slavs. Scientists who studied the book are perplexed and its validity has been questioned many times. Yet, no conclusive evidence has been presented that could shed more light on the controversy surrounding this mysterious book. Book of Veles The Book of Veles was discovered in the beginning of the 20th century in Ukraine, by Russian colonel Isenbeck, in an old, devastated castle. After deciphering the 45 42 planks made of birch wood it turned out that the book comprised history of Slavs since 7th century BC until 9th century AD. According to Meet the Slavs “surface of the planks were scrubbed before carving the letters and afterward painted with some dark matter, which faded over time. The Book of Veles describes how pre-Slavic tribes lived in the “land of seven rivers beyond the sea”. Veles statue in Ukraine References:

Dietrich Eckart Dietrich Eckart Dietrich Eckart (23 March 1868 – 26 December 1923) was a German journalist and politician and, with Adolf Hitler, was one of the early key members of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) and a participant in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Biography[edit] Eckart was born Johann Dietrich Eckart in 1868 in Neumarkt, Upper Palatinate (about twenty miles southeast of Nuremberg) in the Kingdom of Bavaria, the son of royal notary and lawyer Christian Eckart and his wife Anna, a devout Catholic. Eckart initially studied law at Erlangen, later medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and was an eager member of the fencing and drinking Korps. After World War I, Eckart edited the antisemitic periodical Auf gut Deutsch ("In good German"), working with Alfred Rosenberg and Gottfried Feder. Eckart met Adolf Hitler when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP members in 1919. It was Eckart who introduced Alfred Rosenberg to Adolf Hitler. Dietrich-Eckart-Bühne, 1939 References[edit] Works[edit]

Celtic Bibliography (Annotated, by Eryn Darkstar) Sacred Texts Index Previous Next Sponsored Links: Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at Charles Hoy Fort Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Charles Fort Charles Fort, 1920 « Une procession de damnés. — Trois premières phrases du Livre des damnés, de Charles Fort Son œuvre s'est attachée à recenser et documenter des phénomènes non expliqués ou extraordinaires (pluies de grenouilles, apparitions de crocodiles sur les côtes anglaises, chute lente de météorites ultra-légères, vestiges archéologiques lilliputiens, observations d'engins volants non-identifiés, etc.) et à proposer des hypothèses souvent farfelues ou pour le moins originales en explication. C'est le premier chercheur « sérieux » sur les phénomènes paranormaux, sur les ovnis, etc. « Peut-être suis-je le pionnier d'une littérature à venir dont les traîtres et les héros seront des raz-de-marée et des étoiles, des scarabées et des tremblements de terre. » — C.H. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Les hypothèses de Charles Fort paraissent à la fois totalement farfelues et pertinentes. En 1934, son troisième livre, Lo!

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