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Virtual Sports Injury Clinic - Sports Injuries, Treatment, Exercises, Massage

Virtual Sports Injury Clinic - Sports Injuries, Treatment, Exercises, Massage

L'oeil et la vison Logiciel interactif et en 3D sur le thème de "L'oeil et la vision" destiné au programme SVT de 1ère L. Anatomie de l'oeil humain, œil entier et coupé en 3D. Imprime un document élève. Ranking Sports from Least to Most Dangerous: Includes NFL, NBA, NHL and Soccer I felt like I had to include these sports, because it is well documented how dangerous they are, but I am not making a slideshow featuring every sport in existence so I decided to group these together. Skateboarding, trick bicycle riding and pretty much any other sport involving standing on a set of wheels is included here. These sports may not have had as many notable deaths as some of the bigger sports, but that does not mean it is not dangerous. Skateboarders in particular break many bones in the course of a professional career, and it is something they understand and accept. These athletes get very little credit in terms of being held in the same regard as guys like Walter Payton and Michael Jordan, but their skills are no less impressive. I am of the belief that anyone with some coordination could shoot a basketball, but that does not mean they will be a professional, but with skateboarding you may have great balance and still never get the hang of it. Don't agree with me?

Hockey Injuries | Hockey Injury Prevention & Treatment Concussion Athletes may suffer a concussion without getting "knocked out" (loss of consciousness). Players, coaches, and parents should be aware of the typical symptoms and signs, including "not feeling right" and headache. Any player experiencing symptoms or displaying signs of a concussion should not return to play and should be medically evaluated. Shoulder Injuries The most common shoulder injuries in hockey are a shoulder separation and a broken collarbone. Elbow Injuries The point of the elbow is a frequent area of contact, which can result in the development of bursitis. Wrist Injuries A fall on the outstretched arm or contact with the boards that forces the wrist up or down may cause a fracture. Back Injuries Hockey players are at risk for low-back injuries due to the flexed (forward) posture of skating and the frequent hyperextension (backward) stress. Hip Injuries The hip joint and groin muscles are susceptible to injury due to the mechanics of the skating stride. Knee Injuries

L'anatomie du corps humain en 3D Pourquoi ne pas vous offrir, là, maintenant, un voyage des plus inusités ? Un voyage intérieur au sens propre, un ticket pour une contrée d’ordinaire inaccessible et pourtant si proche… Le portail vous invite à parcourir les coulisses de la machine humaine avec son nouvel atlas anatomique en ligne : le Corps humain virtuel. Ainsi, explorez les profondeurs du corps humain comme on explore une caverne d’Ali Baba. Examinez votre anatomie à la loupe et sans la moindre gêne, de la tête aux pieds, de la peau aux os, observez les organes sous toutes leurs coutures. Sans plus tarder, connectez-vous au système nerveux, sortez le squelette de son placard, développez les muscles, naviguez dans la circulation sanguine (mettez-y du cœur !) L’anatomie du corps humain comme vous ne l’avez jamais vue ! Allez-y, c’est gratuit. Le Corps humain virtuel

Quadriceps femoris muscle Structure[edit] It is subdivided into four separate portions or 'heads', which have received distinctive names: All four parts of the quadriceps muscle ultimately insert into the tibial tuberosity of the tibia. This is via the patella, where the quadriceps tendon becomes the patellar ligament, which then attaches to the tibia. There is a fifth muscle of the quadriceps complex that is often forgotten and rarely taught called articularis genu. Innervation[edit] Femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4). Function[edit] Society and culture[edit] Training[edit] History[edit] Etymology[edit] The proper Latin plural form of the adjective quadriceps would be quadricipites. Additional images[edit] Capsule of right knee-joint (distended). See also[edit] This article uses anatomical terminology; for an overview, see anatomical terminology. References[edit]

Concussions in sport Incidence[edit] It is estimated that as many as 3.8 million concussions occur in the US per year in competitive sports and recreational activities; however, as many as 50% of concussions go unreported. Concussions occur in all sports with the highest incidence in football, hockey, rugby, soccer, and basketball.[5] Policies[edit] Major League Baseball[edit] Major League Baseball's policy was first started in 2007, and injured players are examined by a team athletic trainer on the field.[8] On March 29, 2011, MLB and the Major League Baseball Players Association announced that they have created various protocols for the league's concussion policy. National Basketball Association[edit] The National Basketball Association does not have a policy, and team procedures after concussions vary by team.[8] [edit] National Hockey League[edit] Table[edit] Concussions in other sports[edit] [edit] A growing topic recently is concussions in girls soccer, predominantly in high-school girls. [edit] Basketball[edit]

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