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7 Reasons To Leverage Social Networking Tools in the Classroom

Instructional uses of social networking software can provide opportunities for learning, connecting, and engagement. This year, I’ve written frequently about popular social media tools, and education-specific social networking apps, and social enterprise solutions. I’ve also noticed increasing coverage of this topic in the media recently. Maybe it’s just me paying more attention to it … or maybe it signals an increasing acceptance of these types of tools as legitimate and effective resources for the classroom. Social networking tools aren’t going away any time soon, they appear to be here for the long term. 7 ways in which “social learning applications” can play an impactful role in education: Engagement: Using social media and networking tools obviously has a social aspect to it, and it requires proactive effort on the part of the user. Social Learning: Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that “people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling”. Print This Post

Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes Updated 01/2014 As mobile learning becomes more and more prevalent, we must find effective ways to leverage mobile tools in the classroom. As always, the tool must fit the need. Mobile learning can create both the tool and the need. With safe and specific structures, mobile learning tools can harness the excitement of technology with the purpose of effective instruction. Using QR codes for instruction is one example of this. A Quick Tutorial QR stands for Quick Response. 1. Have students use QR to create resumes that link to other content such as their professional website or portfolio. 2. You can create QR for linking students to examples of quality work, whether it's PowerPoint or slideshare for a class presentation, or people speaking a foreign language specific to your current lesson. 3. Integrate QR with a PBL or Service Learning project where students can create the codes that will link to the content they create. 4. Save a few trees! 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

What the Research Says About Increasing Facebook Engagement This post summarizes some findings from a recent research report about increasing engagement on Facebook and a couple of conversations about applying the research over on my blog Facebook page. I also tested some of the tips suggested by the research. Here’s what I learned: After Hours Posting I have been looking at different research studies, like this one “Posting Strategies That Encourage Engagement on Facebook” to see if there were more tactics to try. For giggles, I posted after business hours and noticed an uptick in comments. Don’t Automate All Your Facebook Posts If you’re thinking about using one of those helper apps that lets you pre-schedule posts to Facebook, don’t do it. I very occasionally use HootSuite to schedule posts on Facebook. Zane Mccolloch-Lussier suggested this post if you want to read more about EdgeRank score. Ask Questions Click for Larger Image The research also suggests that asking questions works best for increasing engagement. Always Be Commenting

The English Blog China's President ends a three day visit to France. Trade and business deals have been on the agenda. David Pollard looks at just how much China can offer a struggling France in terms of help and investment. TRANSCRIPTREPORTER: Politicians call it pressing the flesh. There was plenty of it as France offered handshake after handshake to the visiting Chinese delegation. IDIOMS1. Marc L*** Mis en ligne le mercredi 7 janvier 2009 ; mis à jour le mardi 28 avril 2009. Bon annniversaire, Marc. Le 5 décembre 2008, tu fêteras tes vingt-neuf ans. Tu permets qu’on se tutoie, Marc ? J’ai eu un peu peur, au début, d’avoir un problème de source. Alors, Marc. Revenons à toi. On n’a pas parlé de musique. J’ai triché, une fois : pour avoir accès à ton profil Facebook (ce qui m’a bien aidé pour la suite), j’ai créé un faux profil et je t’ai proposé de devenir mon « ami ». Je pense à l’année 1998, il y a dix ans, quand tout le monde fantasmait déjà sur la puissance d’Internet. À la demande de l’intéressé, ce texte a été entièrement anonymisé et modifié (villes, prénoms, lieux, etc.) à la différence de la version parue dans Le Tigre en papier, dont seuls les noms propres des personnes citées étaient anonymisés.

14 social media stats for your next presentation | 10 internet technologies that educators should be informed about There are so many different tools and technologies available on the internet today, and so many associated terms and concepts. As I think about topics to focus on here in the coming months, I want to make sure we’re touching on the most important ones. What are the most important internet technologies for educators to be aware of, and informed about? I’m sure many people would probably come up with a slightly different list, but based on my observations and experiences, and feedback from faculty at my institution, I have selected the following technologies. I do not mean to imply that every educator should be expected to use all of these technologies in the classroom, but rather that every educator should understand what these are, the potential they have in the classroom, and how their students may already be using them. 1. 2. Have you considered outsourcing your call center? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use of brain dumps can provide you real success in exam. About Kelly Walsh

L’illusion de la pédagogie numérique | Le blog de Christine Vaufrey Je lis avec quelques semaines de retard le texte de J.M. Fourgous publié dans Le Monde, intitulé « Oser la pédagogie numérique !« . Pour résumer, M. Ce raccourci me semble dangereux et trompeur. D’une part, parce que je me demande bien ce qu’est « la pédagogie numérique ». D’autre part, M. Ce n’est évidemment pas « le numérique » (les tablettes, les téléphones intelligents…) qui rend possible la construction des connaissances. Et là, on sait déjà ce qui marche : le travail de groupe, l’approche par résolution de problème, l’autonomie des apprenants dans leur organisation. Le grand danger de la promotion de la « pédagogie numérique », c’est de laisser croire qu’il suffit de mettre un ordinateur devant les gamins et qu’on n’aura pas besoin de changer quoi que ce soit d’autre dans sa façon de faire.

50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online Once you’ve designed your personal brand and have a personal brand name, use this handy list of suggestions to implement your personal branding strategy. General purpose Show your expertise as much as possible.Publicize your brand-related successes and achievements.Make yourself easy to contact for thoughts and questions via email, Twitter, Skype, internet messaging, etc.Help other people in your industry such as bloggers, Twitterers, colleagues, advice seekers, etc.Give people a reason to talk about you in a positive way that also matches your brand.Follow other people in your industry and anyone else who can teach you how to spread your message.Create and apply personal design guidelines that will share the values of your brand and are reusable online and offline.Keep in mind that where you interact online also conveys messages about you, and then stick to the websites and communities that will help most in reaching your goals. Tactics Kinds of websites you could create Blogging Author:
