Uncovering Toy Cameras and Polaroid Vintage Effects (With Photoshop Tutorials) - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement Since its emergence, the digital photography market has gradually supplanted the traditional one. Digital compact and SLR cameras entered our lives, and some people announced the death of silver-based images. This is not all lie, and yet old-fashioned images have been particularly popular in the past few years. All we do seem to do now is try to recreate the atmosphere of those bygone times anyway. And this is where toy cameras play a role. Photo credit: Pirouetting, by helenannsia How does this apply to modern design? What you can do, though, is use the magic of Photoshop to make your ultra-sharp, high-definition images look like they were taken with one of these cameras. Famous Toy Cameras Toy cameras are cheap, low quality and yet functional. Diana Let’s start where it all began. But the plastic body wasn’t the most interesting part: it was the lens, also made out of plastic. Photo credit: elZekah Photo credit: chomdee Lomo LC-A Photo credit: maaku Photo credit: citronnade
Top 13 “Milk Splash” images from the best photographers | Mastering Splash
By Alex Koloskov posted on December 16th, 2011 | This is a list of the best milk splash images from different photographers around the world for your inspiration. December, 2011. Not safe for American workers:-). Be careful when scrolling, there is some beautiful nudity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. About The Author: Alex Koloskov The lighting magician, owner of AKELstudio, Inc. You may also like to read:
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Cette série de clichés en noir et blanc est signée du directeur artistique et photographe allemand Nick Frank.
Digital Cameras & Digital Photography | PhotoRadar
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F-Stop Magazine ~ An online photography magazine featuring contemporary photography from established and emerging photographers
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Digital Cameras