Ptolemy Background[edit] Engraving of a crowned Ptolemy being guided by the muse Astronomy, from Margarita Philosophica by Gregor Reisch, 1508. Although Abu Ma'shar believed Ptolemy to be one of the Ptolemies who ruled Egypt after the conquest of Alexander the title ‘King Ptolemy’ is generally viewed as a mark of respect for Ptolemy's elevated standing in science. Perhaps for no other reason than the association of name, the 9th-century Persian astronomer Abu Ma'shar assumed Ptolemy to be a member of Egypt's royal lineage, stating that the ten kings of Egypt who followed Alexander were wise "and included Ptolemy the Wise, who composed the book of the Almagest". Astronomy[edit] The Almagest is the only surviving comprehensive ancient treatise on astronomy. Ptolemy presented a useful tool for astronomical calculations in his Handy Tables, which tabulated all the data needed to compute the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets, the rising and setting of the stars, and eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
L’Or du Rhin en direct du MET : halte au progrès ? | Forum Opéra On n’arrête pas le progrès. Depuis 2006, les mélomanes du monde entier – ou presque – peuvent assister en direct aux représentations du Metropolitan Opera de New York dans l’une des 1500 salles de cinéma qui participent à l’opération. L’Or du Rhin ouvrait samedi dernier la saison 2010-2011. Caméras haute définition, son labellisé « 5.1 » se plaçaient cette fois au service d’une mise en scène signée Robert Lepage qui, elle aussi, ne lésine pas sur les nouvelles technologies. Et si justement il fallait arrêter le progrès ? Samedi 9 octobre, dix-huit heures trente, Gaumont Opéra, boulevard des Italiens, Paris. Déroutant : nous sommes à la fois au cinéma et à l’opéra et nous n’y sommes pas. Dix-neuf heures. Dix-neuf heures vingt : James Levine entre en fosse. La descente au Nibelung © Ken Howard/AP Pas plus que nous saurons quelle mine faisait Wotan pendant que Fafner assommait Fasolt. D’autant que ce qu’on nous donne à voir n’est pas à la hauteur de nos attentes.
Map Projections Heart of Darkness The story is a complex exploration of the beliefs people hold on what constitutes a barbarian versus a civilized society and the stance on colonialism and racism that was part and parcel of European imperialism. Originally published as a three-part serial story, in Blackwood's Magazine, the novella Heart of Darkness has been variously published and translated into many languages. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness as the sixty-seventh of the hundred best novels in English of the twentieth century.[1] Composition and publication[edit] Joseph Conrad based Heart of Darkness on his own experiences in the Congo. Joseph Conrad acknowledged that Heart of Darkness was in part based on his own experiences during his travels in Africa. There have been many proposed sources for the character of the antagonist, Kurtz. On May 31, 1902, in a letter to William Blackwood, Conrad remarked; Plot summary[edit] Old Belgian river station on the Congo River, 1889 Reception[edit]
L’impression 3D par la pensée, pour bientôt ? Une entreprise Chillienne développe à l’aide d’un neurocasque une technologie permettant de modéliser un objet par la pensée, avant de transférer le résultat à une imprimante 3D pour matérialiser l’objet. Le procédé, qui n’est pour l’instant pas encore à un stade de développement très avancé, s’adresse pour l’instant aux enfants et aux écoles. Si Elon Musk est le premier à crâner en présentant au monde son labo façon Iron Man, une petite entreprise Chilienne, Thinker Thing, envisage de pousser encore plus loin en proposant un moyen de contrôler la modélisation d’un objet directement par l’esprit. Cette technologie repose sur un casque Emotiv Epoc, un outil de plus en plus utilisé dans les expériences d’interfaces entre humain et machine. Le principe est simple : le programme fait évoluer un modèle 3D en fonction de différents patterns, en se basant sur les réactions captées par le neurocasque pour déterminer si la forme modélisée se rapproche ou non de celle voulue par l’utilisateur.
Map: Vaccine-Preventable Outbreaks | Introduction This interactive map visually plots global outbreaks of measles, mumps, whooping cough, polio, rubella, and other diseases that are easily preventable by inexpensive and effective vaccines. Red triangles indicate attacks on vaccinators and healthcare workers, as well as announcements from both governments and non-state actors that have had an impact—either positive or negative—on the successful implementation of vaccination programs. The Global Health Program at the Council on Foreign Relations has been tracking reports by news media, governments, and the global health community on these outbreaks since the fall of 2008. On to the Vaccine-Preventable Outbreaks map The power of maps Mapping Projection vidéo by battleROYAL created a major production in celebration of the 125th anniversary of MADSACK Mediengruppe. MADSACK invited the city of Hannover to join them in celebrating their anniversary with an open-air festival and spectacular show event. 50,000 visitors gathered in the heart of the city for an evening of live performance, music, and entertainment. Hosted by Barbara Schöneberger, the stage program featured musical performances by Mousse T & Band, Lukas Rieger, Spax, Michael Schulte, Sarah Lombardi, Lions Head, and Sasha. For the grand finale of the night, battleROYAL developed an innovative show experience combining live performance with advanced mapping and video design. The team turned the facade of MADSACK’s Anzeiger Hochhaus into both a vertical stage and multimedia installation, rising 50 metres over the crowd. Stunning imagery and powerful music combined with historical facts from MADSACK Mediengruppe wow’d the audience.
Liste des films en 3D - Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre This is a list of 3D films from 2005 onwards. The tables can be sorted by clicking the arrow icons in the column headers. Feature films[edit] Note: films listed as "Filmed in 2D" or "Rendered in 2D" in the Camera System column were converted to 3D during post-production. Short films[edit] See also[edit] External links[edit] References[edit] Gemma Frisius Gemma Frisius (born Jemme Reinerszoon)[1] (December 9, 1508 – May 25, 1555), was a physician, mathematician, cartographer, philosopher, and instrument maker. He created important globes, improved the mathematical instruments of his day and applied mathematics in new ways to surveying and navigation. Biography[edit] Frisius died in Leuven at the age of 46. Works[edit] Gemma Frisius's 1533 diagram introducing the idea of triangulation into the science of surveying. Cosmographia (1529) von Petrus Apianus, annotated by Gemma FrisiusDe principiis astronomiae et cosmographiae (1530)De usu globi (1530)Libellus de locorum describendorum ratione (1533)Arithmeticae practicae methodus facilis (1540)De annuli astronomici usu[4] (1540)De radio astronomico et geometrico (1545)De astrolabio catholico (1556)Frontispiece of Arithmeticae practicae methodus facilis Notes[edit] Further reading[edit] N. External links[edit]
Marlboro car projection mapping Les technologies de prototypage rapide Ce procédé développé en 1986 fut la première réelle technologie de prototypage rapide. Aujourd'hui la stéréolithographie est utilisée dans le monde entier. Sous l'action d'un laser, une résine liquide photosensitive est solidifiée par une transformation chimique. Le faisceau de lumière émis par le laser est projeté à la surface de la résine par un jeu de miroirs dynamiques. Le mouvement de ces miroirs, pilotés par un ordinateur interprétant les données fournies par le logiciel de CAO fait parcourir au faisceau une trajectoire correspondant à une section de pièce considérée. Sur son passage, le laser polymérise la résine et seule la région balayée reste solidifiée.
Jodocus Hondius Jodocus Hondius on an engraving of the year 1619 Jodocus Hondius (Latinized version of his Dutch name: Joost de Hondt) (14 October 1563 – 12 February 1612), sometimes called Jodocus Hondius the Elder to distinguish him from his son Jodocus Hondius II, was a Flemish / Dutch engraver, and cartographer. He is best known for his early maps of the New World and Europe, for re-establishing the reputation of the work of Gerard Mercator, and for his portraits of Francis Drake. He helped establish Amsterdam as the center of cartography in Europe in the 17th century. Biography[edit] Hondius was born in Wakken and grew up in Ghent. Hondius map of bay of New Albion While in England, Hondius was instrumental in publicizing the work of Francis Drake, who had made a circumnavigation of the world in the late 1570s. In 1593 he moved to Amsterdam, where he remained until the end of his life. In the French edition of the Atlas Minor we find one of the first instances of a thematic map using map symbols.